Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Love your sweetie in a spiritual way? Show it by forking over simply a $40, and make both she and The Moose happy

This is Valentine’s Day, before and during and after the date itself, by the numbers: 40, then two-fer, then 100 for 20

— Why is The Moose Smilin? It might be because of really getting into its special menu for Valentine’s Day, which not to get into Biblical numerology, but is $40 a couple — a valued number for people who are very spiritual, and aren’t those the ones who are whole hog, so to speak, into V-day anyway? And for people who are watching their pennies, wouldn’t that price be the way to go to? And to carry the spiritual theme one step further, there is an area contact online who offers cool, Bible-based jewelry as a gift for a song, and that could be a love song.
— Also, we have to invoke Dick’s Bar and Grill, as they have a legitimate two-fer going, as far as days. On the Thursday itself, it is a snow crab and filet minyon special offering — because isn’t your significant other special anyway? — but then that special is revisited on Saturday after 4 p.m., in the form of that same meaty offering, which may be what she secretly craves anyhow. Oh, and also, The Extension Of That V-Day is marked as happening earlier on, at Dick’s, in the early afternoon on that Saturday, with a sweetheart’s dart tournament where you have to be a team, and isn’t that what being a couple is all about?
— And another extension. This is the Super Bowl special at The Village Inn in North Hudson, which still goes on, at least for a time, of a 100 ounce Beer Tower for $20. If you do the bar math, that’s a pretty good per-ounce price. (Your Frugal German who is doing this writing loves that). And what’s the only thing that could be better? How about the fact that The Village had a good run on their marquee of listing the exact temperature of the moment, complete with a decimal point — that if you haven’t imbibed to the point where you are comatose would be 98.6. (With an emphasis on the six). And in this Deep Freeze, we wonder how that sign’s listed would deal with negative numbers as far as temps.

— And a last minute update, as far as the Green Mill and its special V-Day offerings. You can share with your sweetie a large, heart-shaped pizza with multiple toppings at a special price (and isn’t that special, and take it to heart, especially since the heart is the shape?)  And its not too late to order online and collect an additional 100 points, half-way to a $10 redemption, if you are a member of their e-club and the “special,” sorry to use that word again, deals that it offers. And if you are not, why not join?

— And there is life after Valentine’s Day, and I will suggest a two-fer — although not having been mentioned for a while, it may be a Smokescreen. Oh, I’m sorry, that’s the name of the band playing at the Smilin’ Moose on Friday night. And talking about timing, its the Biermas, Nancy (piano) and John (bass) taking over the stage, after playing together for literally decades, and they may indeed need every inch when its for all that jazz, as they play Urban Olive and Vine on that same night, with a much earlier start, about 6-ish compared to 9:30-ish. So hey, why don’t you make it up to your sweetie, if you dropped the ball on V-Day, and take in both with her, as they are only a block apart?

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