Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

More primer for the next few days and weeks of my web coverage on how to contain the corona, and now in almost real time, the 15-or-so categories of local info that I will hit on and when you can expect to see them, and now pronto … drum roll please … the long awaited meaty coverage, that like meat loaf just won’t go away, now that all my ground rules have been laid and relaid. That has served to prime the pump, and this headline moreso, and we hope that it turns out to be shorter than the previous one. —– (Then breaking news: Who was to hit those drum rolls on my behalf but Ringo, but the record company would have taken away his recording rights and on a writer’s budget, I don’t have a studio. Short headline from HudsonWiNightlife? Get real).

Hey I know, all this is overwhelming, whether vanquishing the virus or other types of related content, so if you are getting overtaken with data, may I suggest skipping over the next three long paragraphs telling you how you can best use my tips and observations to beat the Super Bug, and hunt around the various departments of his web site that take the data farther. Give this wordsmith an inch and he will take a mile as far as a license to tell it all, even if its pages worth, and that might be fine for right now, as I’m learning fast that that every detail will be found useful by at least someone or two. If it trips your trigger, return to this site later., if its too much volume for the moment, as I’ll bet you have learned as a music lover, and I’m sure you are or you wouldn’t be reading these pages; playing your speakers at full throttle at 11 while cranking The Who at concert-decibel-level on your stereo, hey I know as a child of the ’70s, can be fantastic but at some juncture you and your ears and mind have to take a set break — and if you make it all the way to an encore, these times might offer an opportunity for you while holed up in your room. (Along those lines, later during what I am afraid will be weeks of such coverage, of all musical measures of everything including Copperdale, crooning and keyboard, by HudsonWiNightlife coverage, “all will be revealed.” To wit: I think this extra detail, its various forms, adds to the fullness of understanding, and I have what seems to be a very literate audience that will gather it all in. Do you agree? Chime in …
Thus, the following is only a brief summary of what you can expect to see, broken into catagories by exact content, from HudsonWiNightlife in the next few days and weeks. We at this website will bring to you the updates on the many virus related subjects locally, as they compare to around the two-state area and country, which are changing by the hour and having a major impact on what’s being done and what is left to do, but are working double shifts, seven days to do provide needed information and still can’t quite keep up. But we will give it our best, because every bit of info we can give you may make or break not just staying in your comfort zone, but indeed your ability to stay alive as this crisis plays out. Each day brings additional facets of life affected, and I’ll get those things to you as soon as I become aware of them, that are make or break for people on the margin As we have noted before to the point of repetition, you’ll only find it here, tips by the dozens and dozens that only come about through scouting out the details, and maybe I’m the only one with that curiousity, but it makes for an fantastic job. In J school that was called a “plum.”
We thought this background was important to readers because many of them have found themselves fascinated by this journalistic process that has needed to be tweaked on the fly more today then ever before. It first now is rolling out data that’s getting more and more out there each day, but hey, I get my info by sometimes odd-ball sources, which I will convey to you when at all possible, and sometimes just the process used can make for the best of comic fodder, and at the least a very good read. It makes a difference in getting that data only I seem to be able to ferret out — and to which people in the trenches can relate, as if they are actually part of the editorial process, not just sources, and this means that via them, more data comes my way, and the process builds on itself. Isn’t that what journalism is all about? Hey, we are throrough about unearthing new topics to the point of being OCD and at the same time being loving and passionate in serving our readers, (don’t read to much into that statement), although it means for reams of story column inches, (yet another old school J term). What’s coming now by reading down, is that promised breakdown by topic, going roughly from most important to least important so you know when to look for the topic that resonates most with you, and if you don’t see it right anyway, chime in and I’ll see if it can be moved up the pecking order a bit, or I can at least address your topic with a concise blog message under a new heading, because we know you might need data fast, and I can followup with “the rest of the story soon.”
The interesting takes I have uncovered may mean that routine coverage, such as that of holiday happenings, even though timely, will just have to wait a bit with a second day angle as I (hopefully) can indulge on your patience and more things green continue to surface — unless a particular day’s specially festive nature means they have a tie-in with all things virus, and boy I am good at finding these things, to something like St. Patrick’s Day. I have waiting in the vault plenty of cool stuff with detail going way beyond who has the best corned beef and cabbage, although we have advice that is on-going through the time, soon, for Easter to take over and that will provide yet another layer of fodder. Yet the offerings may be much alike, as everyone is competing for a smaller and still shrinking dollar.

— Two other reasons to hang in there: (1) All the details about my immediate home base of Hudson and many of its readers, and how it becoming Bigfoot Central, with multiple sightings that include intimate interactions that go way beyond a blurry picture … Why here? (2) Then the wrap-up of that signature killer karaoke contest at the Bungalow Inn, one that was the last man standing among those that died off, earlier this year, and will as soon as the virus is tamed be resurrected as a musical offering for better or worse, but obviously not before Easter, although rock never dies.

But for right now, I’ll ferret out the consummate consumer tips for you to stretch your pocketbook but not your palate. This is killer coverage that although virtually done, has not yet found a home because of space (even HudsonWiNightife has its limits) and simply time factors … Gotta go now, election results that I need to get to AP, and that has become yet another part of the story(s). Upon returning, I’ll wrap up this post with its summation that breaks it down to about 15 distinct categories, followed by some of the really meaty stuff I have been promising and setting the stage for all week, and I should be able to get you a bunch by first thing tomorrow, and thus reward you for your patience. A memo to the other such sites, “you can’t can’t touch this.” Hammertime, as for you and he, time waits for no man, and if you dally it marches on:

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