Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

NFL star Woodson took a new wingman from Hudson under his wing, with private wine and a California reception, then went on to covering Super Bowl

Charles Woodson, the former Packers standout defender, was in the news by being at one of those see-and-be-seen parties for the Super Bowl, and he also has had a broadcasting role for such games. But little did you know, he has a Hudson connection.
A longtime Hudsonite, James Jones, not to be confused with the former Green Bay receiver by the same name, was the guest of honor at Woodson’s own private vinyard out in California a few years back. It seems they both have a passion for fine wine, (and not the kind you make after being called for pass interference), and Woodson was overtly friendly to Jones and seemed just like a regular guy, at a reception, for his new wine and not for a pass catch. It also helped that Jones is a veteran and Woodson wanted to honor that. The whole shebang got started when Jones’ mother, who still lives in Hudson and knows what her son likes, wrote to Woodson to see if he could be sent a bottle of the newly released stuff for his birthday present, since he also has a passion for his Packers. One thing led to another, and before long the correspondence had Jones boarding a flight for California, where Woodson teamed with those despicable Raiders to finish his career, (I’m guessing it helped that all his business deals originate in the same state). Jones, too, was a Raider, on one of those yesteryear successful hockey teams from Hudson. But moving ahead, mom was invited to the vinyard reception, too, and also gave glowing reviews.
When I first did this story, I was given a bottle of Woodson’s wine, (Jones got several), and it was great. But one remaining thing: I still have a photo of the two of you together, all decked out in suits at the reception, that I would like to give back, but Jones is a common name and I couldn’t locate you in the phone book, so if you read this, could you drop me a line?

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