Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

No more snowmo for the warm moment, rather big bags of the big beanbags brought out of the closet — or should I say out of the mancave? Pizza delivered in an even bigger bag became the name of the game (and there were also other sports won in Mad City, grappling or goal-shooting)

The weather has warmed, and indoor becoming outdoor, so to speak as Saturday activities followed, meaning Kozy Korner is not the only game in town with beanbags — despite their just concluded 13th anniversary.
My kitty-korner neighbor made up for Fat Tuesday with his bagging of the beans in his driveway, and those in the know gathered to make up for a lack of the area mancave and Packer viewing here and there. Apparently I was not on the guest list and hey, I could see why. And what? Was there one of those foot-square plastic benches that was a target of the informal contest, all the more difficult to hit the much smaller hole? Uhm, no, it was within striking distance of a bad toss, but close enough for beverages — and the pizza guy, maybe from Kozy, who lingered as if he wanted a throw, but then bolted quickly with mask on and tip in pocket contributed by two, Get The Last Number, Then Walk (or Run) To The Road. And once more with a mancave reference? Pink letters on the freshly shoveled driveway that said, and I think I saw this right, GNR — not too long after the Rose Bowl, such as it was. Was it razed?
The Kozy Korner well-wishes sign then listed seven athletes who have gone to the WWL (or is that WWF?) state championships. (They are in equal numbers, and is that possible just exactly, my fact checkers, men and women?). You go girls and guys. And who else goes? Why the gridiron. The sign said it all in three woods, so this sentence doesn’t even need a colon, “I miss football.” Lastly, on the south side the sign says in a more worded way, What do you call someone who sneezes germs all over your pizza? The answer on the north side, Little Sneezers — to be redundant?
Across the street, the Village Inn had a new food offering that was so special that its rotating sign was frozen in place for long periods, with only the slightest blip as a changeup for the sports bar. Oh, just maybe the cold weather had something to do with it too. But they are not always timely, as it isn’t uncommon for something like the, granted cool, Taco Tuesday special to still be on the sign Wednesday morning — but they did it up right just the other day when announcing within the hour, the celebrations sure to come about from the Hudson boys hockey team winning the state title — as they have often done, but in gaps (more on that in a later post). Grappling and goal-scoring again.
But no gaps in the next-to-the-street creatures, as one anew is now literally a duck in a tree, not in the water, and it turns out that it is taking a turn as a feeder of other smaller birds.
Now then, when the night turns into day, in most years and in an ongoing way more quickly, and in most all places, New Years Eve is the place, is the place, for the helpful hardware (as in bling) man … But now to throw out the old rules. And who was out? And where did they hail from? Not so much Hudson. And to further advise.
And again, back a bit, two downtown servers I asked, the same old usual question, where are all the regulars? Got the question mark right. They both thought for a moment and then said, yeah there were some locals, semi sorta with a shrug, but hardly anyone they recognized. Although the newbies did fill up the place much more than in recent months, but still maybe not by NYE standards.
Thusly, the snows had piled up some major buildup, and on Fourth Street North it has at many times been more than a foot high, Straight Up For You, skyward from the curb. This means I think, that the doggies doing their thing had a much bigger target area, unless they are St. Bernards, greyhounds or sheepdogs. And this leads to a point, believe it or not, that one around the dogleg and up a curve could not be seen right away, and its owner appeared to be staring at … more snow. Until this middling mutt — is that being nasty? — lifted his hind leg above the height of his back and the paw became visible. And since Starr’s has attracted a bigtime following of late, there is much more traffic to be seen on Fourth Street North, right before the witching hour. They were the game on New Year’s Eve, as some people are in the mode that night of just find a place, but their choices are maybe these days much more limited then other years, possibly quite a few past. And that down the road a month or two can lead to even a bit more of desperation and effect decision making on relationships, even like All The Lonely People, Where Do They All Come From? Why at the bars on Valentine’s Day. In case an ex-ample is needed, and I’m making a leap here, look at Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. The altar at Vegas? As a just-met cougar woman said to me in my younger days, once we were away from the bar and going for a walk out down the road and became streetlight people — Hey, I’m not old enough to be your mother!
Lastly, we must invoke what I call the Management Snow Patrol for checking on boxed in cars of the sort from people who work at home, but do indeed have to travel once-in-a-while. If the latest snows are surrounding your vehicle on the street 360 degrees, for more than a day or two, you might want to quit the video gaming for a bit and dredge up your resume!

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