Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Want to have a Halloween party of 700? Think you have the goods, as in candy? (Check below how I can help.) Or take your kids to places that do, all in a single big block. On Thursday, Halloween in advance, you can do such on Locust Street, kid-friendly, as there’ll be no foul insects here. *** And drop by my nearby place to gather more such stuff, with Joe’s odd as this is the holiday for thus, twist on things, so be prepared. Directions to me and my minions are near the end of this post.

October 25th, 2023

To get in the Hilarious Historic Hudson All Hallows mood way early if you are a Baby Boomer, there is the annual trick-or-treat giveaway of kids candy on upper Locust Street by almost a dozen of its businesses, as they jump into the fray on Thursday, Oct. 26 — in the same block at The Smilin’ Moose, where you just might show up, if a classic rocker who can tolerate hip-hop heads for Halloween, in such a costume two days later.

Mark the longtime main guy behind the bannister at Micklesen Drug, a chief fixture of this occasion where they take a rare pass on their norm to kill off hyperglycemia — or is it hypo? — is waiting for you on the main Locust Street corner, and will help you amp up your blood sugar without taking it too far. He is quick with a joke and a light up your smoke — OK he would not recommend that end as he is a pharmacist — and there is no place that he’d rather be than giving away candy. He’ll tailor his trademark wit to the kiddies. Few if any jokes about locusts with way too many mutated legs and even more wings from bad use of his products, comprising an actual plague. And I will wait until a much, much more appropriate time to tell his bad — OK I prompted it — although hilarious, allegedly, tale of a third med-related green tail being grown and how he’d cure it with a hacksaw. Or is it the third one in his (spooky) garage. Or did I tell that tale of the (orange and/as the new black) tape to hold candy together already? And if the regulators are reading, this is not recommended reading for any of his clients. His actual knowledge — joking aside — of what meds can and can’t do for you is immense. So while you and yours get your grub …

Mark said they will typically get 300 to 400 trick-or-treaters in this 4-7 p.m. annual event, all held in just over a city block. Wait, he added, it could go as high as 700 in this club. That’s well over 200 an hour. Monster money made for M & Ms. The weather could potentially rain or sleet on this parade, or part of it, so we’ll shoot for a mid-range of 500. (Won’t have to feed the 5,000. That’s for the following All Saints Day.)

With those things in mind, consider hitting me up, a block up, for some candy and other creative kinds of treats — and more horrible tales about tails — as you go along that night, but the trick might be to get there early. First-come, first-serve, while supplies last, as hey, HudsonWiNightlife didn’t budget well and only had $5.37 under this heading. OK, I may have gotten the digits wrong, but you get the gist. (These days on social media you can get away with that qualification.)

*** I am now at the Buena Vista apartments just before the stoplight at Vine and Second, giving away what I’ll broadly and simply call stuff. Just know that with that said, this is Ugly Kid Joe, (music related costume), if you remember the band when they opened in the Twin Cities for Ozzy, and I was in attendance gathering (future Halloween-ish from the Master Keeper) tips, that’s what we’re talking about here. So you get what you get, as says one of his followers. See if you can tell what slightly-upper patio I’ll be on, so I can get the drop on you.

Also on Thursday, the Octagon House in the Third Street Historic District “kicks off” its Halloween season, and you’ll be just dying to get in there, and give an arm and a leg to participate in a series on ongoing tours. On this day, the deathly topic for the ages is Victorian superstitions and ghost stories, and on the 28th and 29th is death customs of the 1800s. Centuries old scares and not for the faint of (disemboweled) heart. On Halloween itself, there’s the haunt with the Octagon witches, and they put it best this way:  “Double double toil and trouble … The cauldron burns and The Octagon bubbles.”

Couldn’t of said it better myself. Although I will try when all the little locusts arrive, starting Thursday late afternoon.

Ever want to know? Really know? This past weekend’s your chance, but the continuing effort and its imaginative imaging carries forward. The (two) enlightened will tell you. And here is a backstory of what you might find, Going Beyond To Seek The Truth! As Halloween and its spritely spirit awaits. Its spirituality too. And the wisdom will not be abated.

October 20th, 2023

Ever wanted to get an awareness of your-life-situation “reading.” Of what you maybe should have already known. But needed proper and proprietorial guidance. Here you go, Oct. 20 and 21, as the first weekend of many Halloween festivities rolls out in Hudson.

Here, further down in this post, is a testimonial. Its given in spades. And in the cards. Of your Queen? And you are her King, metamorphically? Back to it now Jack. And you might find it hard to hide your black cards, even if you think you are able. The Aces here are very, very high in their measure. Sometimes the stakes are too.


— And if you didn’t get your inner freak out now, go to Ziggy’s Hudson on Saturday night, that being the 21st, when the featured band that’ll be showcasing its greatest songs, such as in its telling name, is Show Me Your Hits. Get your mind out of the gutter. As when I profiled the somewhat-such-titled band (slightly edited) Some Hitty Cover Band.

On a different front, on Halloween and its clothings. I hope you’re all ears. At the Hudson Public Library on Monday, that being the 23rd, get there from 6-8 p.m. and be shown by those who help us read well but even do so much more, how to use quilled paper and “craft around” and make holiday earrings. Also for those who will listen, so many area churches offer events that take a play on the trick or treat theme, and one on the south end of River Falls calls it trunk or treat, and also get in some evangelization on the cusp of All Saints Day. —
So no more procrastinating on the main theme of this post, as it would be bad karma, (OK too easy a joke for my “enhanced” standards). The coming Halloween is your time and indeed kingdom now come. Show up in the 400 block of Second Street, (midblock), on the west side, (more on that below), at two times this evening weekend, and reach closer to full enlightenment? Two different psychics, paired perfectly, will give you such a reading, and the price will likely be right. But beware … In a good way. Few if any tricks.
Such parties are merely a portal. Experience-learned people who provide such wisdom are really and fully behind building a broader clientele, not just for profit, but for prophet. And its prophecy. Laden to helping people with their ongoing lives.
The joy is not in the dollar, but the great fodder it brings. They are really into helping people carry on in this world, against odds, with insight only they and theirs can offer. But psychics are not an end-all, but a means toward a better end. You have to know, just and exactly, how to work with them, for best result, and that will be covered in later posts. So stay tuned.
I now reference a — now-dead by this hand — man who helped me massively in my pain and quest. It all started with an episode such as these being hawked in this post, that changed and thus possibly even saved my life, and a love. It all occurred, many years ago, at a venue only two blocks down, south, from what will happen this weekend.
A man at the far end of Pudge’s, that is what it was called then, was shooting pool, another fave of his. A mate deviated from the back room, with its multiple tables, and said that there is a new guy in town, and he just opened up a psychic shop. Could I write up a new business story for the paper? To show me he was the real deal, he would first show me, in full form, and demonstrate the salt of his earth.
What entailed in the next half-hour would literally — if somewhat metamorphically — save my life. He nailed my very life situation, point by point, for 19 of the next 20 minutes he talked. (The rest was the dearth of NFL football, love the Packers). Then verily, he took a great big and heaving breath, as best he could. And then he told me, lets take a break and get through Christmas, then come back and make an appointment and see me, as I have so much more to say. And he very much did. Later, and unfolding.
So it started. Although I can offer no implicit guarantee, thus might be more of what you will encounter this Friday/Saturday. I should have known, because even this many decades earlier, in a similar situation and scenario, a psychic gave similar advice at a workish and holiday party — and promptly left the table based on what aweful things she had seen in the preliminary part of the read.
So much more of this experience I had, and many others like it, later on this bat channel. Season assumed.
But until then, get going on your Halloween this Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m. each, if you want to go back again, and see what may await you with many such readings, at a downtown enlightenment-based shop that does not want to give out its (very newly chosen) name just yet because others are thus named like it. Appease the legal beagles and their lions come Halloween. But you can find its sign on their doors and windows — see address info above — and scan that newly cool code to reserve a space.

You thought the cross-country-to-concert scenes in Almost Famous were bad with their breakdowns. Yes, there’s lots of Arab crude oil, but sparse little motor oil. What if you were among the many needing, since no provencial oil or gas, to march to the Land of Anubis. Become one of the dog’s dead?

October 19th, 2023

Wisconsin has seen its share of airplane crashes taking the lives of up-and-even-further-coming music stars — Lake Geneva flying east is only one example — as we see more needs for people to get “on a jet-aeroplane” or “no time to take a fast train” with the situation in the Middle East. But wait, this isn’t a copycat of Leaving Afghanistan, since Israel long ago has essentially shut-down the one airport in the Gaza Strip. Rail lines, if even existing, likely have been bombed out in both feuding countries. So no escape. Like those poor souls in the very front of a death-metal mosh pit, pushed against other types of fences.

And, I reference a gang of four who in the heydays of rock hit the rough road from Hudson in the far northwest end of Wisconsin, and headed for a Milwaukee concert — going past Lake Geneva and the ghost of Stevie Ray Vaughn — following the route of so many actually in a rock band, with motley van dragged metal on the blacktop. Bumper decals stayed largely OK, though roughed edged and scratched. Most fans have better rides. Mufflers and even woofers and more breaking down, including engine parts unknown, along the way, in more than one location. I myself have had The Troubles in the car more than once in halfway Tomah — at the unholy Trinity where there’s a break in freeway, where it goes either west or more northernly, between I-90 and I-94. Going up north.
But its so much worse in Gaza, if you are asked to find some way to trek almost two-dozen miles to the south gap at Egypt — and it would be farther if this wasn’t one of the such-enforced most densely populated places on the planet, with like a gagilion in every square mile?
This, in The Middle East, is more important than going to see a Sabbath-type or Stillwater or Sweetwater show back in the ’70s. Have all of us who bitch about our commute thought about how you make your way to the land of Anubis. This is no concert backdrop. As all agree that the rank and file in Palestine are not the enemy. But they must now march. Into eternity?
It only starts with food and water, and how can you indeed march many miles while being famished? No canteens here like in the old Westerns. What about medications, that niceity of the 20th Century? Insulin sminsulin. And what if you are disabled, and just how do you walk while dragging oxygen or a dialysis machine. You simply die.
If you can find a car or motorcycle — can Harley Davidson donate some low-riders? — are you even able to get some gas, or pay for it as banks have been bombed, or is there even a station still in existance? Much less a convenience store with other things you might need to get to Egypt, like motor oil before your parts go dry. Might resonate if you are one of those hyper-fastidious types who change it every 3,000 miles. What if your car was at or about 2,999, and you use the cheap stuff, at the time of the initial missile strikes, and it was 9:58, too late to rush to the nearest Quickie Lube before it would close at the 10 O’Clock Hour? And you can’t call on your cell phone, to check if that cute clerk and you know the one, would hold the register open a few more minutes, since you were displaced so fast you don’t have it in your pocket? Nevermind the fact that its black plastic is so slippery it fell out in a trip to the West Bank … while it was still open to people like you. And your wallet was left under the couch, if you have one and people in this region have scant funishings, then screw you. Change in your pocket may not get you there. Not that’s stress.
What if walking with toddlers? And their diapers if they need? Somewhere we all go. And other clothing, it temps and rains change like they seem to wherever you live? And the two-lane road, if that, not four-lane, has no shoulder.
Maybe its good that Gaza is only 25 miles long. But if in the northern remote outpost, if there is such a thing here, that is Gaza City is perhaps 20 away from The Promised Land of Egypt. Am I the only one who sees irony here, that title included, from so far back in the past no one had heard about an Israeli State?

Street musicians, sometimes even duos, are all over, even here in Hudson. Not all these folk are folkies, and typically not townies. You could, if your timing is right and you didn’t miss the opening act/encore, even see someone shredding it on Hendrix in a local park. Or someone kicking it by the St. Croix on a cello.

October 16th, 2023

Music is where you find it. Often in a park, lakeside or side street, and/or its pavilion. Impromtu too. Often, again, in a place you would not normally think to look. So no need to buy tickets, swiftly, to something like Taylor. (Though she, too, is popping up everywhere, even at Target Center/US Bank Stadium in the Twin Cities, but sometimes a no-show in the end, and is obviously a very big sports fan, with her look-alikes also locally lauded. More on that in a future post.)

I saw, way back during the pandemic, a man in the downtown River Falls park, as the concert bar biz was on hiatus, down the way a bit from the mainly main drag, just shredding the old Jimi Hendrix (typed right this time unlike my colleague who also used the Skynyrd name with its convention spelling) classic jam on the Star Spangled Banner, with just a little of his own mix. This park was between main segments of buildings, with lots of benches for fans built in, near a Cripple Creek? Like so many times, over time, I expressed my appreciation. And like numerous of them, he thought it not to be anything special, just him doing his thing.
Now, a couple of years later … less speed. A guy seated at the side of the front of the Hudson dike road, as it traipsed to the back, was kicking a similar song — on a (this time unplugged) cello! Was it a Jimi redo, sitting by the rocks or dock of the bay? I just had to ask him. No intention prescribed by him, he said, but as is so often the case, the parallels were there, in the (more lightly humming though still complex) solos. His tip jar/hat/suitcase was active. Spread out on the squares of cement.
But again, not all of this musical beauty is parkside. You can, more and more, see it playing out on Second Street with its many musicians positioned in club-area doorways, even in the coldest of weather, (but not below zero, merely freezing we can do), to make a buck as best you can. With gloved hand(s) via the late Michael J. or locally, Kyle K. At Mr. Zs, Hudson form. Have not seen any bongos though.
Then come a cool September night. The guy was laid out in the midst of the downtown, at the far edge of the sidewalk, plugging and plucking away. Gear in cans, that includes bunches of soda before him. What song choices? I said that I, at times, sing Iron Maiden as a cameo with a band. He added that he too, but via his buddy as a trooper who was at a different given gig at the time, does such songs in some way, somehow, on acoustic guitar, minus of course the speedy virtuoso solos. Can the other dude do Dickinson?
But the real star of the show was his laid back dog, laid out next to a small speaker, and attracting attention from all-comers-by. I think his name was some form of Buck, not eye or shot, or Barfie, but it doesn’t matter. Hair of the dog? However not short-shorn, as the owner is a somewhat rocker.
But, we in recent times have seen the bad side of street living, sleeping out on these same downtown stoops because of nowhere else to go, several times over. Sometimes these are the same players, of music, after the show stops. (More on this later).
But back to the positive, via my new bud at a downtown retail store, and also like his wife a piano plinker, though cool, even at church, (don’t know if it was Gospel). At times he has trekked to the other end of St. Croix County for a quite big gig, bolting over there right after his shift would end on a Saturday night, and hit this show that while at an area club was impromptu all-comers-friendly. Could I pipe in on vocals? Common ground? We talked about this band and that, as my fave sound and what-I-know-the-words-to is a harder sound, but we broke bread, so to speak, on Ted Nugent. Motor City not a strangehold on mid-county. Not so pop-ish after all.

Hey, Friday the 13th, movies aside, when you add full moon, is not bright and cheery. Although there are slivers of silver that glean through, when there is the flipside, and there’s a new moon with its very slim crescent. So I’ll recount what I saw and also experienced since Thursday evening the 12th. In the music clubs and elsewhere.

October 15th, 2023

Back in the Year 2000, it seems like a century ago, I went out and did a reaction story to the fact that it was not only a Friday the 13th, but a full moon — and any bar bouncer worth his salt will tell you what that will bring. Their wisdom checked out as true. In spades. And there were few aces out that night. Unruly bits of behavior abounded.

So you know what I researched last Friday (unlucky 13th, that being the Unit of Moon Zappa, except for story fodder) … Beginning early on Thursday eve, as the full new stage of the orb also approached. Would people react with any sort of trauma, this time around, under the same circumstances? And would there be saving graces?


— To further aid your physical and mental health, through QScience, see the Joe’s Wholesome Holistics department on the side of this post. —
A starting point on my theme. I saw out on the patio a woman who had recently lost a son at a quite young age, and for the most part was battling it bravely, but this was a darker day. But nearer to my apartment door, the neighbor had on much longer than her norm, a sign that announced she was sick, and again, longer than usual.
Then at an “enlightenment” shop, the clerk who like me is an ultimate empath, told me of her need for “shadow work” and embracing in order to understand, both the dark and light sides. Especially lately, she added, songs are sticking in her head — and say I this is not so bad if it’s one you love. And me too in tune, more than usual. Most noteworthy, for both days, and with our recent quite apt weather, The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin. “People won’t you listen now.” And our likeminded need to forego the depressing news, even ABC and hey forget FOX, especially now, (and see the post below on the HAMAS-again-begun dehumanity.)
Was my report balanced? I queried my old friend at AP, an editor with them. She said it was indeed so, and agreed it gave her food for thought.
However oddly, but for this day, I was left a bit unfulfilled by her response, with nothing really earth-shattering said, which is unlike her. No exclamation points, or considering the content, a Bahahaha. But I thanked her for her time.
But when she wrote back to my write-back … I always enjoy reading your posts, she said. So a silver lining under a silver and bandwise, freezing (this time of year) Mayhem moon.

But I soon found out, and so many locals had it wrong, this was actually a new moon — but very much the same — a flipside in its sliver of a crescent and its same effects, but not a full moon. And it would hit its apex on The Fourteenth, on Saturday. The energies that are said to come on such a day, go forth and aft for three days, but not a Holy Trinity. It is a time to re-engage and revise, re-create and indeed re-intention, your ways. It has been called a “cosmic reset.”
Such rare lunar occurrences are only, on average, counted every 20 years. The next is to be in year 2049. The last was also on an Oct. 13, in that allegedly cursed annem, of the millennium.
Many such things, which we have been conditioned to largely suppress, have a (temporary) lunar, or I could say tidal pull, on our minds and bodies and souls. Encapsulating all those we encounter, and although we are advised on such days to avoid “energy suckers,” its hard if that’s who you are. (And spoiler alert, this post is muddling in the murk, although not necessarily too dank.)
As I went though the day and days, my mode went through many, quite minor but noticeable, short-term shifts to how it worked through such aches and changes and kicking-it-though-subtle moods. I tend to be prone to some of these things anyway, but hey, not like this, and in this number. Just for this short, once-every-decade-or-more time, I think.
Then out for a walk, I saw the maintenance woman, who looked stressed and appeared to appreciate my well-wishes.
So I called a fellow empath, my nephew.
I said the day had been “grungy” and he readily agreed. His father had been taken to the hospital with a leg infection, upon his first review of the (battle these days) phone call, and it turned out, pending a later review, that his dad was being transported there, as in an actually scheduled urgent-care appointment.
So then, I called a relative in a care facility, and it had been a forgot-the-recent-past-and-who-I-saw day with some confusion. Thought not a good time to make a funny quip on “gramps are you having cramps?”

So went out on the music scene, with The 13th fast approaching, to check out a theory …
On the south end of town, it was redneck country getting more closely ready for a brawl. At least a little. Conversations were taut and taunt, but still a bit restrained, but close to your face, even with the bartender leaning over to the middle-aged guy with a bald spot, chatting her up, or vise versa. Shout-outs for such rural rock, think Randy Travis, made back and forth. Complete with a drinking song with a patron’s name sung out, repeatedly. That (this is acoustic?) guitar and even voice were so loud, which normally I will find a fave, but on this night, very rare for me, maybe a little too much. Not so much Slayer but Sigler. I’ll check back and I’m sure praise it, come Saturday.
One block up, the word on that vibe had spread. All were referencing the full moon/Friday the 13th combo. The bartender knew of both things. Also, a friend at the end of the bar, who can be a bit loud but not unruly, was having an it-did-show bad night. Saturday night it carried forward.
A twist when it came to the next night: The bartenders and bouncers were friendly, more than usual. And Taylor too at The Tap. But …
Prior to that when walking past The Moose, I sorta-accidentally caught the gaze of a much-like zombie, with her dark eyes sullen and staring across a window. Maybe it was the makeup …
Later, after the midnight hour had passed into the next (moon-phase) day, very many of the patrons at a particular place, were acting, displaying various degrees of angst and even a bit of anger, their edginess as they interacted and engaged.
The guy at the door said that hey, the patrons had not been that badly behaved, but his technology had failed them six ways from Sunday, which would be a day or two away. But they had kicked a guy out, who then tried to come back in, and so forth, and referenced was the name of a woman and I’d heard her name before, who had been upset by a touch.
How much concidence, versus awareness and open eyes? You decide.

The missiles were first and foremost fired east, at Israel, then back west, then back and forth … Thus it all blows up again, although there obviously is an instigator. The thorny question of who’s most at fault? And how to end the bloodshed? Mister … Can You Ride My White Horse? There are few White Knights. While Rockin’ the Casbah? Maybe modern (classic) music — more than missiles — from Ozzy to the Clash, and yes that’s their name, can help provide an answer to an age-old question.

October 11th, 2023

The horrific war images just keep pouring in, from Israel and Gaza and near the West Bank and virtually everywhere in that region — now likely Lebanon — and so how do we in The West react to what’s going on in The Middle East?

I wish to suggest that there are few White Knights, satin or otherwise, in this battle, going back I think to the days of the crusades. Like in sports, it is not always the person who throws the first punch … who gets called for the foul … Even though the missiles fired by the thousands by HAMAS — and its sheer depravity against civilians, although what’s being done in Gaza also is horrible — in The Middle East, that started things off again, are totally unjustifiable. (But there is so much more at stake then whose shown winning the World Series, at the area sports bars in their hundreds. When you look at the wrath against Israel, who is victorious in the western vs. eastern conference becomes inconsequential.)
How The West Was Won, for example? It never really was. Just keeps unfolding. Ask the Native Americans. And reference the band Stabbing Westward, as it is/was.


— Also, take a stab at some fall colors, now nearing peak in various localities, and especially at the golden-hued GasLite near Ellsworth, on its 17 acres for camping/viewing. See the Picks of the Week department. —
It also has been said that last week’s attack was prompted, to a degree that is arguably hard to quantify, by the Israelis allegedly mistreating Palestinians, and it would be very easy to go gonzo over Gaza and they call it simply a small strip for a reason. So here we go again, as for decades running. Indeed, these particular very nuanced themes go back as far as World War II, and maybe before that. (More on that later in this post.)
President Biden is right in saying that the latest, still was an unprovoked terrorist attack. But there has been so much of this atrocity back and forth over the years. Ozzy sung it best in his song Crazy Train, “Maybe it’s not too late, to learn how to love, and forget how to hate. Mental wounds not healing. Who and what’s to be …” (One of the main places where the atrocities caused by HAMAS started were, of course, a music fest where hundreds died. For many of the fans, there would be no encore.) And hatred is what is driving all this in the Mideast, built up, again, for over a half-century.
It was mentioned early on the news that this was almost to the day a 50-year anniversary — and also a major holy holiday — of one of the biggest acts of war between the countries. (In fitting with part of this post, I will not actually suggest a total aggressor.) I’d much rather do a remembrance of 50 years for an event that’s a Celebration Day, like that for an instant classic Led Zeppelin album containing that song performed live.
This latest attack after yet another imminent serge of “immigrancy,” as I will call the continuing human epidemic of being a refugee, in Eastern Europe, and Asia, to name one or two places.
Don’t ever think it ends with the Ukraine. And we not rush as fast to their aid?

Why can’t the parties in the Middle East all sit down and break bread, and share what they and their respective faiths love about the city they fight so bloodily to possess. And control. Instead, look with fondness into your Holy Books for synergy and commonality used in their phrases, and what they say, about Jerusalem and its merits, and beyond, I dare say. To the Heavens. You’d be surprised what you might find. Though obviously there are differences, some theologies that most people would not believe have like minds, actually say a lot of the same things. Unity not uniformity. To wit, and please do not crucify me for saying this: Christianity and Wicca. Often the white not so much the black.
(Note to Joe and his songwriting: Make an effort, even more now, to dive deep into the Torah and Koran. Thus I’ll find similarities to the Bible, also Joe, as I need to note it further — I know what of it, ten percent? — as well as so many other such Books of Wisdom. Hey, that one is in the Bible to. And the wisdom does not stop with religious writings.) How about, with these times, the age-old song Rockin’ The Casbah by the Clash? A metaphor: The Arab Oil Shiek (I reference Dio’s Neon Knights), though stereotypical and therein lies another problem, wants to go richly rock out and drink and party, pre- and post-concert, but the Israeli leader in turn, finds that being “kosher” is not there at the show. How do they resolve their differences? By use The King sending jet fighters. Rather, can’t they find common ground somewhere in the realm of the tens of thousands of songs that make up music.
This has been likened to the total Kill ‘Em All factor of WWII. Metallica weeps, as One.
Of those taken prisoner, there was even a man in a wheelchair. Anyone can be held hostage. And why strike things like a high-rise residential apartment building, leaving it crumbling and tumbling down like we saw in 9-11 — yes the comparison has been made in recent days — just to prove a point. “We fuel the jaws of the war machine and feed to it our babies.” And horrible to say, moreso now then ever, slice them up first.

Intelligence failed. On more than one side. But why? Are we always Johnnie Come Latelys? In so many cases, by the time the problem has actually reared its ugly head, with terrorism, all we can do in response is what amounts to damage control. We need, possibly, to put even more funding into shoring up our intelligence, and helping our allies do the same — as its a Brave New World in this regard and the war thing is being done much differently then ever before — not just go build more bombers. Or send them to Israel, or otherwise.
Hey, we as a country depend so much on that CIA-type-stuff coming from Israel. Tit for tat. And this gets even more to the heart of the matter, as far as the U.S. response. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, we cannot be the world’s policeman for every conflict (war) that comes about. We’ll pick and choose who we protect based on mostly our vested self interest — and its a key that HAMAS is an ally of Iran, it’s termed national security — but as a secondary factor, keeping world-wide stability, and detering other actors from taking political advantage. Good luck. Look to the north of now-far-right Israel. Even if this means bringing in the also-not-stellar Saudis. Even our news coverage here in the States seems to be quite one-sided.
And why give Israel a prefered position? There is that whole Biblical imperative thing, but it has been wisely said that such peragotives change over time — especially when its 2,000 years — and can thus be very culturally couched. Do you think we should, without context, blindly do all the very questionable things touted in Leviticus? We should try to help all people, regardless of the teachings in religious traditions.
Why do such matters, involving hate and why conflict carries on for decades if not centuries in places like the Middle East, just continue onward? And people tend to take sides, one versus another.
Part of the answer lies, fittingly, with an analysis of Hitler, and the existance of embodied evil, or good?
As I said once at home, there are very few Hitlers or Mother Theresas. There is good and bad, to varying degrees, in virtually all of us. Put us all somewhere on a continuum. Do their respective faiths believe in original sin?
It has been often said, that many Catholic saints, as named, started out being quite bad guys and girls. Later coming around to be more like their true selves, but does a remnant of their past actions remain?
Religious or not, these are important questions. Look how they could apply to the Middle East, going way back.
There is a lot of blame to go around, and there is not simply one bad guy.
Such themes play out in music. As an example, I give a Black Sabbath (seem a fitting title with what has just transpired) song that could be seen as evil, until you look closer. It is about the devil impersonating God to woo a woman. There is societal value here for analyzing, if in short form, the mind of an abuser.
But also, in getting back to my thesis on if anyone is either pure good or pure evil, an interesting question is posed, involving the devil’s perceived humanity. Could the devil actually fall in love? Does he have any friendships, in a real and non-manipulative way? Do any of his followers actually love or respect him, in a manner where they do not want something from him?

But why so much hate Jewish people?
This is called the oldest hatred, with some of the rage stemming from the idea that Jewish people are often very successful and have means, so they do not get any degree of empathy. It has been said that back before Nazi times in Germany, that Jewish people were the bosses and that they didn’t treat their German workers very well. This again, would be hard to quantify, but even if its true, to some extent, this does not justify genocide against a whole race. You do not penalize a whole group of people for the alleged sins of a few. And even if that argument would have some merit, the penalty must fit the alleged crime. Wholesale extermination is the ultimate peath penalty, not a slap on the wrist.
Unfortunately, there is very little more human than being suspicious of those who are not like ourselves. I must admit, and I feel very badly for this, that from a standpoint of sheer physical appearance, ethnic Jewish people to me can look a bit, what can I say, odd. (Of course Arabs in their turbans and sometimes scraggly and long beards are not exactly masters of modern style). I wish very much that I would not have that reaction. But it is there.
Why bring this up? Could this be why Jews, and Blacks, and Native Americans, and Asians, and Arabs too — at least in a partial explanation — are looked at by some WASPs in the way they are. Shouldn’t matter, but in our society looks are everything as far as a determinant. But we do not go as far as committing genocide against people who are, say, overweight. Maybe because many of them are of our same ethnicity? But how does that explain anti-gay bias. These are seemingly trivial, but actually important details. Maybe the next key thing for sociologists to delve into? And then change the game and indeed the conversation, and our world-view and the manner in which we view others? I hope so.
I am going to end on a different note, sort of, and please do not hate me — theme here? — for including this as part of the tale. I got a mailing asking me to donate to starving Jewish elders, some of them refugees. That circumstance again. To get serious, does this not show the degree of need in our world, as causes can get that specific with whom they have to aid? That reality is bad news for us all. The obvious horrible irony is that going back to the days of the Holocaust, Jewish people needed to become masters of doing without food and still in some cases somehow survive. Not to be glib, but that shows a very tremendous inner strength — and a beyond-comprehension resolve now seen again by hostages — that deserves all of us chipping in and helping, all those who we can. It’s very unfortunate that being Jews or otherwise, that need is the case, and demands so much from us all to make it a better world.

Doggone it, I wanna go for a walk, while the weather is still less brisk. Go downtown. As I’m the alpha Shop Dog. Not omega like Snoop Dogg. So get the leash. And don’t think about consulting the gerbil first … But do consult my new add, to this post, the second half of the story, at its end separated by a paragraph break — like Halloween bones soon will be.

October 8th, 2023

Come from the land of ice and rain and snow, as the rain song remains the same, a celebration day for Black Dog.

Before the recent cold and rain, every dog was having his day. It was balmy for a time, and Buffy and Barfie were being walked all around the Hudson downtown, especially up and down the west side of Second Street.
On the tiled concrete porch between the different doors of Seasons Gallery, the tan-all-over Shop Dog — as he was described by one of the art studio’s mainstays — was stretched out in his usual place, doggy dish sitting just in front of his nose. Two women came walking by, just seconds after I had, and said to the pooch, oh you are so cute … You knew petting was going to ensue. Doggy got up on his haunches.

(As they praised the pooch streetside, a semi-beer-truck ambled by, with a pair of other women, Two Chicks I think they were called, drawn on the side, heads and shoulders shown. Facial resemblance, as all four are about the same age? The ad for this brew has long been up at Dick’s Bar and Grill, as it appears to have parlayed on the success of the Two Gingers brand ad that was up and showcasing the same style, at The Smilin’ Moose. Both ad signs were placed in about the same place in the respective bathrooms.)
Three dogs up the three blocks, just doors down from the Vine Street stoplights, I saw my friend I’ll call Mr. G walking his dog. I noticed the bigger-than-puppy first, since he was pulling ahead further and further in approach of me, and then it saw that gee, it was inded Mr. G.
The same usual greeting to me, Hello Mr. Winter, and then I joked that at least it wasn’t a cat at the end of his tether. Or God forbid, a gerbil as the Freak on the Leash. How does one tether a gerbil, and maybe find that its small neck slips out of the collar, and the gerbil goes on the lamb. I asked Mr. G about that. He said, what about a herd of gerbils? I responded, it might then be good if they all escaped, such as to the riverside park a couple of blocks away.
And across from Season’s Gallery, kitty-corner, there has been a big white sign with black letters that has not remained the same, being taken up and down over the course of a few weeks. It had been planted with two big pots of flowers on the end of a fence closest to the main drag, also at the end, north-side, of a parking lot.
It is or was, you are or were … It said, specifically, “You R Awesome.” Said with You not U used. So, R U Experienced, with signage?
It appeared that someone really missed someone else, and was honoring them with this as a remembrance. As the cold weather kicked in, to start off this month, the dozens of small and multi-colored blooms were yes, fading a bit in their color, but still more vibrant then most of our flora, as if meant to be, a second type of sign.
Then, in short order, the pots and their slowly browning buds were taken away, and then the sign too, but days later the placard was put up again. We do not know its future.
Was part of the reason, that the fence is on the edge of private property? It is really bent sideways just a few feet to the east, I noticed just recently.
I just hope that there is a good resolution, for all involved.


The now, the next day, there are more signs, some updates and some new. And telling more of their stories more dog(s), plural at one of the times.
First, the “awesome” sign, it has been taken down once again. Apparently, whoever is removing it, is keeping it stowed, in their garage for possible later use.
Halfway up the way, there was a sign set on top of … something it was selling. This space of sidewalk seems to be prone for this type of thing. It was a high(er) stool in stance, or you could call it a chair. But not available, like so many a natty couch, for free although bigger, (but this stool, and its haunches, or by any other name, was in good shape.) No one had nicked its knee-high legs with their knees while they were indulging in a nightcap with a Bud named Miller.
But the sign spelled out the terms, and was clear on them: $27.95. Firm. And throw in a medium-size red, as in little red riding hood, basket that held the monetary demand on a small slip of paper. In the nextdoor venue, Agave Kitchen, the marquee said on consecutive days, Buffalo Chicken Mac (no Manwhich) and Cheese. Much like last month when its sign said, for two days running, “Octagon House vintage sale starts today. ” Think about that for a moment.
Flipside across the block, a big building in the way, were a — key number here — seven signs that said boldly Sustain Hudson, a remnant that recurs from the cusp of when street reconstruction created across-the-city chaotic effects on commerce, were lain about a lawn with concrete corners. All as another sign outside an antiques shop said, simply, We Love Hudson So Mush. Doggie theme reintroduced, in two ways.
As is the sight of two canines being led down that same street, in the same place, as if on a single leash. I remember noticing that one had big spots, or should I say blotches, of a bit of black-and-white. One block to the south, there walked a single Golden Retriever, as that kind of dog always gains note. (As per the black-and-white, the longtime owner of a dog named Spots is celebrating her birthday.)
So now more on celebrations, as the Hudson downtown has been a ghost-town on rare occasions but at a more frequently seen level of traffic, quite busy, as Halloween awaits. I also see so such much depends on the weather, and especially quite early in their seasons and post-seasons, the occurence of pro sports, football and baseball. Most notable was a recent mid-week night at Dick’s, where it was a renewed all-go as far as numbers. “It’s been this way all night long,” said a bouncer-turned-bartender.
And ah, its soon Halloween. The first frights were put out there just before the turn of the month. “We put all kinds of stuff up last night,” said a Hudson Tap bartender right as October arrived. Part of that is what I’ll call the Backway Haunted Up-High Hall of Halloween, marked by many ghosts formed by hundreds or thousands of strings of white.
Back where I saw the Golden Retriever, I also spied a trio of people briefly hanging out before entering Mallory’s. One said hi, but what caught my eye was her friend, dressed in black pants, typical, but adding dozens of white skulls the size of again, a baseball. Her sweatshirt was more flashy with slashes of red streaks creating a creature, if you let your mind go, as I thus invoke Slayer.
I poised the question, and she agreed, is it ever too soon to bring Halloween into the mix?

Go onto your hands and knees at a new play-time set of games to elbow-out mental illness, going to the wall, to wall, to battle the problem and its ramifications by rambling on through obstacle courses. So let the Victory Games begin. Fighting for such on Saturday morning’s all right. (And so, going up the street, is the lady I helped to find her therapy appointment across the street)

October 5th, 2023

They plan to bring victory over mental illness. Since it is not seen as an unbeatable obstacle. So many disabled, like me, but wonderful people will not so much anymore have to metamorphically crawl — thus leaving that to the amateur athletes, as weekend warriors, much like marines in training — because of events like the following on Saturday morning to help highten awareness and styme stigma. So let the Riverfront Victory Games begin.

There are a series of obstacle courses, 2-by-2-or-is-it-4 person teams, going over and above, far up and down and around, and more such combos to raise Victory money for mental healths concerns, via the Riverfront Athletic Club — mental fitness too — on the mid-southern end of Second Street. (When I first heard of this event, I thought of such a downtown club in neighboring St. Paul, but I think I’ll take the Hudson version, seems a bit more inclusive rather than exclusive, at least as far as membership.)
The first wave, as its never too early to support such a cause, gets going at 7 a.m. This is a 13-plus event for the running and climbing, but family oriented and therefore staying PG-13. (Like my website, but push it once in a while when I report on new and brave trendy styles.)
Interestingly, as I was walking up the way after reviewing a promo flyer, I encountered a young woman who looked quite nervous, but was composed enough to see that I was a local, and confident enough to ask me for directions. Our version of an obstacle course was me taking a quick look at the street numbers on Second, often hard to see when raising your head upward in the midst of brick and windows, and saw the problem — the even numbers, rather then the odd, were located across the street. More obstacle course fodder, she was scrupulous enough to ensure we walked over to the nearest pedestrian crossing, and then back the other way in order to get to her therapy appointment. We saw almost as one the designated number that was being sought, and after asking a clerical worker inside the close-to-dozen varied business office building, made our way up a staircase to get her to an alt therapy venue for acute anxiety. Though stressed, my new friend did very well with the situation.
The studio looked a bit like a therapeutic spa and quite Posh too — that Spice would certainly vet it as what she really, really wants, as would any of her Girls, but Posh was always my fave — with all kinds of cool relaxation imagery, but we needed to venture to the back to verify that this indeed was the right place, among the many small rooms in the building. Someone could’ve been more concerned about the therapist, who looked a little edgy herself, and focusing mostly on her faulty printer, (out of Faulty Towers?)

One thing that’s not faulty, going back to the Saturday obstacle relay event, is its call via logo on its flyer, for going forth forever, big smiles and butterfly wing pairs. Hope I did just that, just by giving directions, and we all can follow suit, bringing whatever we can to the table, (and thus registering to compete, on the Riverfront Victory Games website.)
And therefore hey, sometimes the best therapists are the ones who could be treating themselves, using their personal experience. (Some AODA experts, as an example I’ve seen in the field, are recovering alcoholics.) Is it the cure or the disease?
The upshot: There’s always a need for people on all sides of the equation to become better educated on whence they treat. And for the best of us, it can be a trick. But you can never strive too much in being compassionate.

And of course, we now near the season of trick or treating, and the events already are being rolled out, with many more to come. If you’re in the first even hundred or two or three to come to such events with parent, you might get a free pumpkin and the decals to deck it out.
So also enter the, fittingly named, Scarecrow Express Pros, as the wearing of flannel to this end of St. Croix County locale, to appease the Oz Wizard, is encouraged and even recommended, as it becomes a part of the family focus at such an event in Glen Park. It runs Friday from 4-7 p.m.
Last, they just dropped the ball by half, and we’re not talking halftime as in football, but the quest to get first a pennant and then a World Series win. The Brewers dropped in but then out, quickly, losing two straight playoff games to end their season. They are certain to be called out on that. Reverse that, and the Twins won two in a row to take their opening series, already guaranteeing them their best postseason in years. This is important because at Ziggy’s Hudson they are in the midst of a fall classic offering for select beer taps at three bucks and stadium hot dogs — no word on special sauce — for just a couple bucks, for both Minnesconsin teams. Now only one left.

You can call it booyah or any number of other such names. Goulash-type ingredients galore. So go deep into the vault with their volume. Vats will be on hand for you to sample and vet at a Golden Rule park event. Sample stew like a rapper. Toasted and roasted golden brown? —– And to take a Lambeau Leap and link to this subject, newly posted, see the end of this very post.

September 29th, 2023

Exactly 31 days before you go boo, there is a booyah event on Hudson’s south side, using the food to spark new interest in the Golden Rule, continued to be touted by the mayor to foster good will in our community — and also welcome everyone, all comers, even those besieging us from the Twin Cities, in various forms, partiers of the past and present, and antiquers. Take a rain check on Iowans, old joke, and anyway they are in their farm fields, brewing up so many of those basic foodstuffs you can stew over, that’s even more needed today. And for those few Canadians … (also spelled in more than one way due to the proprietary pro ice hockey team, and more on that later). Are we in Kansas anymore?
That earlier glowing rule, measured on a ruler and not merely glittery, is “do onto others as you would have them do onto you.” Choice words for today, and booyah is fitting since it and its origins are so diverse, hailing from Belgium, with farmers immigrating and bringing it to Wisconsin, via landing at Green Bay and its later Packers for Green and Gold halftime and ol’ German supper club grub, although the term in its main usage likely comes from the French word of “boullion.” But there are so many forms of this fine food with its main spelling and four alternatives, that there need not be a brouhaha on about which it is based
The cooks on Saturday will whip up a goo-lash of things by many a gallon — booyah is known to go as high as 20 of these, such as in the hat on a cowboy if doubled, (or the head of a head chef but not as puffed up and high) — being served over a period of four hours, it took even more time then that to cook, and feed could have gone even more. The event runs 2-6 p.m.

What? Come the Saturday main event, if you couldn’t deal then with booyah, or other spelling that is similar if you allow yourself to stretch your brain to places it has never been before, here is more. So empty out your fridge and make your own. Likely everything you could possibly need tis there, oh bearer of the Badger State seal.

Listed has been the booyah, maybe missing an H, of Wisconsin tradition, with meats that include pork, although you might have to double up, or down, to get the right effect. Oyster crackers can be a bed, not just rice, so here in the name of diverse locations we bring in both Cade Cod and Fat Tuesday, as that’s the day of the week you’re most likely to read this. A very ad hoc recipe says such treatment will only make eight quarts, and we had been more typically referring to multiple gallons. But not too much info is available online as a volume guideline. If you have a truly known party, by the numbers, to feed, and you have a tolerance, emptying all that spare stuff that built up like space junk — and if you’re like me ends up being frozen and refrozen — in your freezer may be a need. So you make just enough room for the leftovers that eventually will be acoming, but you don’t want to hear, meaning your net space reserved and thus preserved there (not allowing so much for freezer burn)  come future parties is a zero sum, and not just temps. Just be like the water into wine and reserve the best for your guests, and later put the latter into only your own stew. You can add for others, to their menu mix, Mirepoix and its more such ingredients soon to be cited, but not mandatory.

Even if cooked for nearly the sun-light time of a Wisconsin winter, this may take that long if done (recommended) on an open pit. Be careful you tailgaters, local burning restrictions may apply. And dairy foodstuffs may not be present in the building, as per recipe, if you invoke also the Flemish, and other figures. Go gluten and MSG free also. The Old School men of massively meat and potatoes might, or might not, scoff at that.

Back beat, here’s being the most mainstream that booyah gets. And that’s good. Do the ingredients shuffle.

As there can also be booya and booja, booyaw and booyou, ethnic directives I’m sure, with the stock that makes them up showing such.
This dish can be so multifaceted, that it thus goes by more than one or even two spellings, done by throwing together elements like seasoned stew (boiled off the bone to make hearty broth?) and soup and such, various veggies, and also can celebrate with a carnival of meats. We’re not so sure about fruit. Noodles anyone?

Carrots and celery, check, and peas and more carrots, check check. To bring in other foreign lands and ask them about their examples … Olive oil is needed for the boiling, to initially introduce Italian to the equation, and potatoes present for the Irish presence.
And also, interestingly, on Saturday at the main event, you can buy vegan soup, and the antithesis, hot dogs and such. However, is there a limit to the loads of lambasting that could include lamb? (Such as in, as I will anyway, showcasing the downhome example of jambalaya, by comparison, even though its much like booyah with its flare for using many flavors, gumbo style in a “jumble.” But take heart, the dishes might match up with many of the same hearty ingredients. A man I know who used to cook up countless such pots when the leaves turned color, throwing a multi-level party at his place, mixing and matching and spreading the vats around various stations both indoors and out, welcoming pigskin fans of all persuasions. So to stay true to the theme, taking it New Orleans style, diversity still was served. We also can throw rice in, going all in for all types of fall food.)
But back more fully to the bounty of booyah … (And we can’t guarantee that you will find all the ingredients in this article, bantied about this weekend).
The 2-by-2 signs colored with warm glow for the Sept. 30 event, which was hailed as a great success last year, can be seen all over town, no matter what end you are on. Venture toward North Hudson also. But they are most prevalent, as you might expect, near the south industrial park on O’Neil Road at Weitkamp Park, the host venue for the event. I must reference last weekend and its polka group, across the way in Roberts in the community park not Weitkamp, with a band-leader by the name of Schnieder. (In the case of each, I’ve seen it both ways as far as the spelling of I before E).

So know we take that Lambeau Leap, as in packing in more Packers info, as it is that time of year. There is a man by a last name that might as well be spelled Booyah (there I go again), who has brought his greenish and more cool-car ride, ceaselessly, to Lambeau Field for at least 33 years, making it an exact one-third of a century. (You loyal readers know that I love to play with themes of threes.)

To what does he attribute his longevity? By going whole hog and beyond brats with dishes like booyah (again Badger State style if not at a Badger game), he is the reigning king of local and regional tailgating. OK I made that last part up.  But you never know, it might be true?!? I’ll turn my fact checkers loose on that one, but wait, they are on vacation until Nov. 1. They knew they’d be overworked just prior to Halloween, this website being what it is. Give them a raise on All Saints Day?

Ozzy is actually a bat’s rights advocate! Sound crazier than Crazy Train? If its sounds too odd, if not good, to be true, even in music … But in carjacking? How the onslaught of info overload bends the truth. In the case, also, of that couple in the region who lost their car right out of their garage! How to fix the non-truth, if not the vehicle. —– But I’ll also spill the truth about how to get really healthy and more often get on stage, as I have, or whatever else is key to your life tour, in Joe’s Wholesome Holistics department.

September 24th, 2023

FOX News did it again. They aired the admittedly compelling story of a couple in richer-than-thou Minnetonka, who experienced a carjacking out of their own garage just before the noon hour.

The man said this is where he puts the blame, as far as how in the world, or at least Minnesota, this could happen: The Hennepin County D.A. does not prosecute carjackers, he claimed on national television.
So if you’re a crook, you know where to live … Of course, the man basically got his analysis wrong, even if he could say he was pressed by the TV interviewer. Much more on how to avoid the same, careful on what you repeat, fate is down below. Concrete tips for getting it right.
Thus, as in my clarification on his behalf: In the Minneapolis area, during a three-day sting on carjackers, 46 were arrested, but only five charged, and they all made bail. Why? It can take the courts months for the innocent-until-proven-guilty factor to move forward. I cite a friend who with our overworked courts — the real problem here — is waiting for most of a year to fix, in what should take a judge less then a minute, when the government screwed up and put a typo in his name on his ID card. Oh, they are holding onto his $200 court filing fee until then. I digress, but those who were let out were almost certainly those who do it in a nonviolent way — as if people give up their cars without a fight ensuing — or ones where there was just not that much stolen property money at stake.
That sting and its resulting charges, or lack of them, was reported on TV stations after only a three-week period had passed, it should be noted.
Of this playing out on your fingers, mainly drug crimes were targeted. Go figure. Just take up most of the court time and have it used to pinch those who smoked a joint or two. Oh wait a minute, that now is legal. Will the court backlog now ebb?
Should it really be a surprise that rich Minnetonka was targeted, not the inner city? Near the noon hour, when the working execs return for a long, as they can take it, lunch more than hour? People don’t steal beaters, rather killer Corvettes, as people with means can possess.
There is a fix, a solution, at least to the accuracy of the (bad) information that is repeated and repeated. And what is actually the case, regarding the Minnetonka case, became evident to me on easy google search of just a minute or two. That much time you have, for a quick fact check.
I will now reference two of my sources who are deep throats. Do we all have more than one?
This from Unnamed And In Confidence Source Close To The Situation 1, who works in both corporate and as a bartender, so both sides of the aisle, so to speak: Everyone, no matter how busy chasing the American Dream, has five minutes to spend. It probably took you longer to spew your misinformation?
And that Q source 2? (Much older but still keeping it together, and wiser than I). On my thesises she said, well duh, doesn’t everyone out there just automatically know such things? Guess it again, depends on which side of the aisle.
So as to what she said, to fix the carjacking lag in processing: We would have to hire more prosecutors, and/or have those there take a pay cut.
As it was, two straight years of five percent pay hikes were proposed for such workers, but was there a backlash, as it would be taxpayer money?
I’m sure the city’s resident average pay is much higher than that for prosecutors.
Their own municipal workers, in Minnetonka, make a lot less than many.
So is the message, that is it OK for you and yours to make six figures, but they should settle for five? And maybe a lower five, not higher five.
With that money of salaries being saved, the best (fiscally?) feasible outcome might be for people who can afford it to buy great home security. Sorry, I really am, that the realities of the court system make you further get out your wallet.
A cavaet …
I think that these days there is so much information out there, that it just isn’t possible to first fact-check everything you say to someone. So what to do?
If a leading figure is making claims that seem senseless, the listener probably leaped to what they wanted to here, reading more into it and making the actual truth conform.

The Osbourne factor.
First, another way music can showcase the problem. Do you really think Ozzy just plain bit off the head of a bat? Does that thought seem reasonable? Turns out there is much more to the story then that. And what is it? Its complicated actually. Or can’t be covered in a simple sound byte. And that is the problem. And problems result in our country because over here in the U.S. in such situations, lets call it what it is, we are just butt ass stupid.
Then I heard the song Stargazer by Rainbow, about a powerful wizard who enslaves the masses to build him a high tower so he can fly, but he falls instead of rising. (A Tower of Babel reference?) It didn’t end well. But brought the point home. (As coincidentally did the Ozzy Osbourne with Black Sabbath song, The Wizard.) Be careful in what (potentially preposterous statement or claim) you believe, or vouch for as truth.
A causal factor: Most think they can skim content well, but most do it very badly, with poor comprehension of the majority of the sentences and even more problems in their recall, and it shoots them and all of us in the foot. The information they put out there is tainted.
So if a leader is making claims that seem senseless …
We’ve all been there and done that. Its human nature, so don’t kick yourself too much. Just learn from it, for the next time. That insight becomes kick ass.
So this becomes the new golden rule: Does it pass the smell test?
What parts do?
With the conclusions made that drugs contributed to the above crimes, it was unclear, from what I read, if this was possession, use or intent to distribute, or all of the above. So the message inadvertently being sent to carjackers? Get sobered up and uncoked for a few days before going on your spree.
On these five, a few people got out on cash-free bail, it was reported. That could be a valid criticism of the system, and it should be noted it often just dumps very low-level drug offenders into the probation cycle and lets the P.O.’s clean up the remainder. It could be that mitigated by the idea that these people were first timers, non-violent offenders, the case was not clearcut, or even that they just needed money to survive on. Maybe crimes against property such as your Porsche, moreso than people, even though they too have owners staunchly effected.
I know, I will be painted as soft on crime, when I am actually just a realist, by those people where painting everyone with the same brush is their only intellectual recourse. Nuance? Schmuance.
The Minnetonka case appears to be different than some others in that violence was used. And there was one of the four suspects in custody quickly; I’ll watch with interest to see if the legal beagles cut him any slack.

So when to repeat …
Don’t quote what someone says as gospel unless you know them well enough to trust that they got it right — or at least all, or the most vital, facets of it. Go beyond if they present themselves well, since they could just be smooth talkers, although even that is not just automatically a crime. I for one, respect a very well-reasoned argument even if I do not agree with all of it. Do I find it logically formed in their mind? A therefore B therefore C, without making a leap of (lack of) faith and having there be a hole in their argument. It’s amazing how much (mis)information does not pass that simple test.
If you are not that far along with your source, and are repeating second-hand information, simply present it as so. No one these days can fault you for not verifying everything you hear. Its like using the overstated word “allegedly.” It leaves some room for doubt, or at least nuance. Make distinctions in the individual details when composing your elaborate justifications.
I will give you an example of my synopsis. It is a moderate Christian music reactor and social commentator named Vin. If he quotes anything from the Bible to Shakespeare to C.S. Lewis, I believe him. I may not go quite that far with his political commentary, although I would place myself largely in his same (pseudo-intellectual) camp. Again, distinctions.
These are things where my friend from Minnetonka failed on most accounts, with his blatant mischaracterization of the stance of the D.A. Again, and I have to say it, so Republican and/or conservative.
Or they can go to Kowalski’s less. But there has been a greater community benefit to the high-end chain’s production of better food, with great use of more ingredients and their preparation, such as in the deli. With that higher profit margin, in a relative way, allowed by its well-healed customers from ritzy areas, the grocer can afford to donate massively to food pantries.