Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Only a mosh pit could make a more sour note? There will be sequels to that pithy ice mound that struck a chord — forget today’s in-concert fashion faves — and made the slippery high heels a questionable choice. Tom Petty might have called it Free Falling. At least not sporting spikes. (But maybe open toed shoes accented by an accent on perhaps the year’s coldest night? See Picks Of The Week).

March 2nd, 2023

Ouch, coming from the ice and snow, she just did the ultimate full-frontal (must unequivitably and emphatically say non-nudity due to her winter attire, but she still wasn’t wearing boots) somewhat cheeky face plant!
While wearing a great big ol’ cool coat as it was very cold, climbing/jumping over the thing I’ve come to call Ye Ol’ Ice Boulder. Crossing over to the other side.
And you’ve got to blame another part of her garb, those high heels, although the fact that they’re very clunky but only moderate in height, at a couple of inches, might have helped. For that’s what she wearing as she stepped up, way up and forward, over the mountain but not traveling across the sky.
As then she fell down. Hard.
Yes with all the snowstorms there has been a two-foot high, ranging up to three, for your two feet, mound made by busy plows of snow that soon was ice, at the end of the walkway out to the street at my apartment. If negotiating such to go to a music offering downtown, if a midnight show, watch that step at night even more, as vision is only a couple of feet.
Ye Ol’ Ice Boulder has been there almost since the start of this year’s crazy volumes of snow, taken as a calendar year, so don’t give the shoveler too much of a pound over the head.

— More on the state of the state. As in the annual high school winner-take-all tournament in Madison. (We are though second fiddle to the Minnesota one). Seems I was forewarned, by the flashing sign on the Dick’s Market in New Richmond marque, spinning fast you have to ride it well and simply stating what turned out to be a mouthful, Go Tigers. They only announced at the very end of the message: State Champs. Mere hours after the win, the sports bars started filling up, slow but sure, depends if you have a lead foot to get back where you belong. Have seen Nootz and Oz busy, but not that crazily so. The guy I know only as The Main Local Cabbie, if you step aside from that Renegade variety, greeted me at the door, right by the dart boards where I’ve had an ad lib hookup with others I know from way back. And on my way back, there were spaces to park on the main drag, but only very here and there. So did the Tigers win it by roaring with the over-the-top-and-pushing-it physical, as in bygone days? That for another post, as to not rain on their parade … —

But to go back, should I help up the fallen one, or keep her on ice? But then she would think I was watching her, as she walked away from the front door. But hey, that’s where my windows (plural) are.
She was at the top of the boulder, with not just her legs, but the rest of her, higher than her thighs, laid flat on the edge of the street — where you maybe should see a sidewalk.
But she staggered up, brushed herself off, then got in her ride. To only later get out again, then renegotiate Ye Ol’ Boulder when back.

(As we travel through the ongoing travails of That Mound Of Ice, as there are very many sometimes overlapping seasons in that abyss, there may be occasional updates on this topic that spring forward. As space allows.
No wait, this is a blog not a newspaper, so just scroll down. Channeling myself from a former time, when newspapering was my day job.)

What was her attire as if going out on the town (or better yet city). Much like the stripper garb shown after work at any club still open. Hudson has seen such. (But Biden would be sound asleep by that time). And that lady lawmaker was dressed as anything but conservative, in defining the State Of The Union and/or Party. With an attitude shown through her pure spunk like a true diva. Would Hilary get away with that?

February 24th, 2023

The State of the Union got worn with fashion. (And on the topic of what you wear, or don’t, and how one such place fell from grace, at least in the eyes of the ATF … See the Uncategorized department for the inside scoop on how “the butler,” or should I say manager, allegedly did it at the Cajun Club).
But back to Biden. Moreso than the speech itself, things got dressed up in a way that gave wings to the address.
Only via the big flowery fabric extensions well over a foot past the ears, going sideways, of the outfit of a single lady legislator that for good or bad, stole the show. Got a GOP leg up on those bearing standard office attire, a bit frumpy but maybe dressed even more for some types of success.
And of course there was the followup controversy of The Left saying it just wasn’t right, and then the conservatives countering with their counterattack — one that didn’t even attempt to address the issues, at least on the one Fox talk-show-babble-disguised-as-news I saw the next day. She was shown wearing a necklace of dozens of huge pearls, and saved the day, fashionwise maybe, by not making them or orange or the new black. Make the same mistake twice? Or just stick it back in your face.

— Oh no I did it again. But this time its possible that I am not the only one to blame. Here-to-fore the group that lists themselves as off-the-wall, The Sheet Rockers, is at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt tonight (Friday). They would seem to have a day job, and everyone wants things done now these days, so a bit of overtime? And pull an Axl Rose and be late going onstage? Sounds as plausible as the need for rock ballads. So? Can still catch them tonight if you happen to be in the Hudson area? Or blame the (late) messenger? —

Back to that dress, that thankfully or there would be more criticism, was not a mini-skirt, has been compared to everything under the Hollywood lemon yellow sun — even Big Bird — but the Bumblebee movies of Transformer type. Just like that multi-segment window brusher of those colors on sale at Walmart, with winter waning, of just over ten bucks. A friend back in the ’80s bought the same type of dress, with huge puffed-up shoulders just past the collarbone, just that the color of hers was pink meets purple. A different and more adventure sometime in style.
I personally do not care if it was more flashy than functional for such an event, except for the message being sent. This is not a winged extravaganza seen while on the model runway; if there is a time to be stately and buttoned up but showing frugality, this is it. For it’s your tax dollars at work, although maybe indirectly, that there even is such an event, in a time where everyday consumers are struggling to make ends meet, and the GOP blasting Biden for the bad situation. Just go to Walmart, or at least Target, for your cool new outfit and donate a bit of the savings to charity, (or God forbid to either side of the border crisis). And can you get a discount if you forego a few feathers. More dough for the poor, or the wallet compartment of your party purse.
So this dress was an end run, seeming to avoid dealing with, or be oblivious to, the current state of the union. But there also should be a comparison to the huge galas of presidential inauguration — by the Dems too in a way that could be a missed opportunity to prove a political point — but these were times of a great celebration of change, that in truth would never come, rather than what have you done for me in the last year. And I thought Obama really missed out an opportunity for he and his ilk to party like the common man. Should be pink lemonade, maybe sans liquor, rather than pink champagne on ice as they strive to help us buy little pink houses, with what they do at the White House.
But back to the banter after the State of the Union:
On a Fox News opinion show, all they could talk about while holding a metamorphic hanky was what they called unfair blasting of That Dress in the press, and in particular the talk on The Talk show. After all, doesn’t she who wore it know she’s in the public eye at a prominent event, and making catcalls to interrupt the now prez to boot. But they never cited a single quoted phrase, not even to cherry-pick, so one assumes this complaining was much to do about nothing. Just gave them something to say, when there really is nothing to say.
I hate to think about the venom that would be brought forth if a Democrat wore such a thing. Hilary would be reviled for many more days before the likes of Fox would let the story become yesterday’s news.
And are not these same critics in the party that is trying to push through rules banning women from wearing something that’s not enough of something. No bare arms, and many other such varying measures that discard measurements, in the few states floating it through. Would hate to see, in these very red states, just what the riders are. No casual day at the office anymore. Will those skinny jeans get you written up? And who makes that enforcement decision?
Slim-sleeved T-shirts out also? Or what about banning muscle shirts, for women? Traditional roles? And are collars close enough to save the day, if not the country? Varies state by state and their legislative leeway of the moment. But could be good to block such skin-wear friendly garb on the oldsters of the Supreme Court, right now more federal than state, as in Wisconsin, so we won’t enter into it with the recent winner Janet. They on that truest High can compensate with the length of their robes.
What’s next, bring back the Victorian era where you couldn’t even show ankle, much less leg or — horrors –the start of butt crack? And we won’t even talk about face veils. After all, being a guy in the age of Tiktok, I can safely say that the right to show bare arms isn’t anywhere of concern on my list of T&A faves. Although I have a couple of bartender friends who have two of the most stately and shapely arms and shoulders you’ll find. I hope making that compliment is PC. Maybe just keep it to myself, or put it on my PC.
It has been noted that the men in the House, legislatively, have long been required to have on suit and tie as per rules of decorum. What if they keep too many shirt buttons open. Would the Speaker ask them to step outside?
Yes there are the ladies in those Bond movies who are not dressed for the office, unless that office is backstage of the fashion runway. But look at James himself. Killing not only the bad guys, while wearing that tux, but with leeway to change it up.

The games that never end will begin again. Like befalls a pro football player on a physically therapeutic Monday. Even though a star QB was accused by numerous massage therapists of sexual assault. I have some experience with the innocent male-female nuances that can be provided behind closed doors. Not everything is what it might seem.

February 20th, 2023

The NFL Pro Bowl Games featured multiple … of course … days of games of many types on and off the turf.
Throwing with accuracy almost to the inch, catching those spinning lasers, running and cutting fast and quickly, twisting and turning with precision as you go.
So they call them skills competitions. When finally done, they’re followed in a week by a Super Bowl, too.
High stakes that have for weeks put all major and minor muscle groups through the wringer. So to get your best game on, across multiple skill sets, and pull out even more of those related skills you didn’t need absolutely, every snap by every snap, during the long season itself — you know what happens when such sinew isn’t frequently tested — you might need to see your therapist.
Not that kind. Not a shrink. The one that really gets results.
Being physically and even mentality therapeutic. Or even spiritually.
And sometimes they fly on a plane with the team. Have a table and such and will travel.
We are talking about certified massage therapists. And their often necessary work has not been tabled due to what follows.
This multi-level rejuvenation would seem — and this is probably being way too kind — to be what a certain NFL QB rising to stardom was after, but then took liberties, as massive as a nose tackle? I’m sure the therapists did not elevate the mood by using platitudes like My Dear Watson.
However still, his ongoing damaged muscles did not too much damage in the postseason.
I guess she needed to, using an industry term, work deeper and not what’s done to a cornerback in a football fly pattern.
Although one effort could aid the other.
With that said, its always best to play it straight. But she might not. Even if its just a slight bend of norms and rules, largely unwritten, to do the best job on your aching muscles possible, hitting 90 percent but not all of them.

— Its all a matter of court support, but the same old, same old how you been come again April? Libs vs. Rebs. Dammit Janet. The endorsements in that killer Supreme Court contest do concern who sits on high, at least in Wisconsin, but pundits have said that concerning this country, this is as key a race, and its money spent, as it gets. So much that AP and me decided to staff ourselves into the election war room, that being the county clerk’s office. See Notes From The Beat. —

But back to that main massage matter, it has been only recently that a resolution, as least as a start, on such done-legally-massage limits came forward, through the media perhaps more than any of the particular courts who weighed in. But talk to the women employed as such therapists and how their lives were upturned, as an NFL quarterback was called on the carpet big-time for making unwanted sexual actions to a whole host of massage therapy workers — dually licensed and not the kind you’d find in a seedy district of old and crumbling buildings.

Maybe this feedback from my personal experience, if it is even valued, is late in coming since the legal has been settled. Someone like myself should better understand deadlines.
But as a man who has seen any number of such therapists over the years for muscle pain from my Tourette Syndrome, I understand the many and varied nuances that comes from such a relationship, especially if a rapport is built over time. Simply put: People being people flirt just a bit, sometimes with what they do physically, and not necessarily the ones on the receiving end of such muscle work. Let me be clear here, and this in no way condones anywhere near a free-for-all for anyone involved. The very subtle movements of the massage therapist’s hands and forearms, where they on the body operate and using what progressions, and how movement of fingers and even elbows work, can be carefully tweaked and maybe not even done intentionally to enhance (and occasionally incorporate) subtle male-female interaction. However, most people that include myself, will not think anything of it, since they understand it is what it is and nothing more. But with very slim wink-of-an-eye-style and flash-of-the-eyelash-but-involving-touch benefits, such as they pertain to massage? And if someone pushes a limit oh-so-slightly, that does not mean in any way that she’s acting on being “into you.” Look at it, any kind of personal space is by necessity forfeited anyway with massage therapy. Not any more forceful than that often-spoken-of chance while-being-rung-up, conversation in a checkout line, where he held your arm for a moment in the process of carrying your groceries. Or if it was icy, taking her upper arm for a longer period so she would not fall, but then accidentally touching what’s inside her armpit, but also just below. But should it be noted, these last two are cases of men taking the action. So its viewed moreso as standard behavior by society.

Volumes can and will be written about such nuance, so here we go:
This action from a short-term therapist, in-between others with longer stints with me, (no judgment made). Midstream, she suddenly pulled down my undershorts a few inches — or should I say centimeters — without warning, (I was lying on my stomach), then announced that it is the glutes that often need a lot of therapeutic work. I took that comment as such — I didn’t really care about that action or read much into it — but could she have provided a bit of forewarning? If working on a niave newbie? She had been abrupt in her speech and in retrospect maybe there was some bit of sexual politics and power at work here?
Her predecessor did something similar with a bit more warmth and a lot more laughter. Saying this is what’s needed to fully rub-out each forearm, forget the glutes, she clasped my hands and brought my arms, one than the other, tight to her cleavage. That was necessary to hold-on strong and accomplish the physical goal of relieving my tightness there. Apparently I had typed one or two too many articles earlier that day.
Again, get over yourselves guys. She seemed to have a rapport with me, but that is not atypical and doesn’t mean she wants to take to bed you or I, or if seen in a random encounter while out, give a careful soft hug or quick kiss beyond the cheek, if even that, (hey I’m old for starters). If only to maintain a valuable and professional sense of propriety, as she worked on you in close quarters, and share just a chuckle or three, then see you next time, hope you are leaving stress-free from soothing touch.
Nothing implied here, at all. The re-positioning of arms and hands works wonders when its done correctly, and thus therapeutically — after all, people are required to go to school and get licensed before they can practice it — and a guy (or girl) client should appreciate that extra effort, as it is hard work, and leave it at that.
A third therapist enters the picture, the one with whom I had the longest term, and maybe just a very little bit of what I ran past you before. But noteworthy? We would joke and laugh frequently and is that not what therapy in a broad sense is all about, period? And period? (But what the workers in the next room thought about such jovialism was again, joked about).
“I don’t do chests,” said one therapist who used her slightly sharp elbows to work large muscles deep. I’d uneasily floated the idea without being specific, as the sternum is where I have my most stress and pressure, but the answer left me feeling kind of icky for even putting it out there. But these workers can tip you off to what you could do instead as self-massage — for your torso and the opposite arm, and obviously not the back or legs unless you are a contortionist — so get your head out of your balls.
Would I view all these things differently as a 21-year-old, fresh out of the gate? And re-evaluate and adjust behavior at 25? (That’s about the age of the QB who stupidly let this put him in not-to-be-excused legal and moral trouble). Maybe a bit of both “age” answers, moreso the latter, but I wonder what does a person who uses such an abuse of power think about women? Where if anywhere does he set his personal limits, as his behavior was obviously much more aggregeous than that involving some fleeting brush of touch — again as part of what is, at its core, relief of physical pain — to his or even her low-level erogenous zone, even if that grasp is held for seconds running.
So that’s the end. Or beginning of a conversation? As I must say as a writer, appropriate choice of words that could be seen as having a double meaning was an almost-every-sentence wrangle here. How to use basic terms like relaxation, tension relief, and during the encounter.

Run through the rub a dub, two crawls to connect the pubs. But here’s the rub, for the next three days: One has its fingers all over New Richmond, while the other as it turns out is a one-venue in-house of karaoke contest. Recurring at that pub.

February 15th, 2023

Mark in red your calendars like a scarlet letter of coming spring, and carry on each coming Thursday with a killer karaoke contest, per a two-fer as that’s been my buzz word lately, of a pair of different but related (could have been) pub crawls still this weekend in New Richmond.
There is the first-time karaoke contest on Thursday the 16th, originated by one of the newer deejays at the Wild Badger, and a (followup) mini-golf event two days later, on the 18th.
As far as the mini-golf, in a recurring late-winter rally, this kind of cabin fever crawl is sponsored by Surly Beer, and is featuring numerous venues in New Richmond as sponsors, besides the NR (and not always specified) inside course itself. OK, I can now give it as Ready Randy’s, and through the supper hour with chances to win prizes for having the first hole-in-one for a hole. And don’t discount costumes. And oh that Badger, as it will conclude for you to Carry On Wayward Son into that night by featuring a darts tournament with the unheard of 200 percent payback. And that will also go on each Saturday for several weeks.
Hey, that costuming could help with the karaoke contest too, as you as singers will be judged in different categories, including duets as a starting example, from their endless play list. This will go on Thursdays at Wild Badger for six weeks, and the next category is song selection merit. (The initial idea was to put together a legitimate karaoke crawl, after Valentine’s Day has left us, but it for now will be strictly in-house). With trivia beforehand, and that’s not trivial as one phase leads into the next.
Rather than do the standard list of in-the-hole contact info and “for more information,” we’ll reference one of the other mini-golfing sponsors — that being Bobcat’s — via the flyers on the inside of their door and also farther inside the bar. Oh, and you can call the local Chamber of Commerce as well.

Also Saturday, there’s a relatively new band in town, or at least at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt that’s a haven of classic rock and country. The name says a mouthful, Younger than Mike. That’s ‘cuz the living legend on the court, if not on the stage, that is Michael Jordan just turned 60. And we all want to be Like Mike. Or maybe just most of us, regarding an occasional contributor and master of metal concerts by that first name, who has Jordan beat in age by at least a decade.

Hey its Big Game Day. And only futbal. And not the soccer kind. Or Sheepshead. Enuf said … Onward to the game preview.

February 12th, 2023

Hey dad in rehab. My brother and his son are coming over for a game of Sheepshead during the Super Bowl, mark my words. A way to pass the time before halftime, then tune if for the real deal second half. Report back on who won, either game.
So its been a while since the last blast of football, at any level. So check this out before hitting the sports bar in a bit … and we’ll here-on-in keep the games to what’s on the grid.
And this being the Super Bowl, we have to reference Super wardrobe malfunctions, this time on yet another bus trip by a look-alike to Janet Jackson (see a shoutout to Bo below) with heavier-set legs and booty. Yes, there were the couple of bunny slippers, but also this muff, she was reaching for her bag on her tippy toes and very by accident backed into my hand on the armrest with her … you can imagine, or should I say guess, the rest. Apologies all around. (I don’t think she will get any of the endorsements, such as they are, for the best blazer or jazziest dress or hawking hairdo, that are listed at the end of the credits of such Super shows, to dress up the sideline reporters and/or commentators in studio too. Walking billboards for ads all?)
Then the sign on the freeway, touting Bison Transport, could be in addition referring to a University of North Dakota quarterback throwing for 390 yards.
Then enter Jim McMahon, the old Bears QB, almost. I was looking for a second redo in the fashion and flair of dress, with that man who these days runs the Bengals, with the same types of stripes. Both are in their outfits and otherwise, their own person, in a daring way that’s spoken but seldom seen. Anyone else notice that?
And do you remember the sports nickname of the day, back in the day, The Big Hurt? That could have been in meaning, something of these days the fan-tastic, but not if you’re a fan, injury that was found so only by the opposing team — the one that sidelined a QB by the name of Hurt. Ouch that truly Hurts!
And running back Bo Jackson, remember him, and his ilk were noticed as among the best for various things in various sports that included running the bases involving, uhm, football too? Duo or trio sports in even besting Jordan, Jackson did.
This could be touted on The Talk, as far as commercials, another Super theme. A song by Blind Melon, remember them, for if I recall a Frozen Tundra-worthy truck. But more like an edge rusher, not a Monster Truck. And that nephew referred to in the lead, the high school-ager? He knew of edge rushers but not of The Thing like it from back in my day, The Edge, guitarist for U2. Who? The Who? Didn’t know them either.
And I bet this is more you did not know, and I know to add this in here because The Look had something to do with looking like goalie helmets, of the hundreds of styles out there. Meant to be intimidating like pitcher long hair and ‘stach. Under the helmet and/or hat? But on a coach? I digress majorly. But there was some such an appeal to the head coach of Shawno, elsewhere in the Midwest then Shawano, for that would be eastern Wisconsin, not far from Lambeau Field. Something to do with a grid title game for either the WCFA or WFCA, as I saw it spelled both ways Down Below on the sports bar TV. Then came a tornado warning over That Space, good until 5:15 for Otter County. And the star QB’s name? Goes by Ott. Last name only.
There was lastly a couple of years ago, and for your grub if you got it early, ye ol’ Batman theme/designed pizza for, what then was coming up in two days, Valentine’s Day. No heart there. For only the Joker and/or Green Riddler.

Spoiler alert, the shot special we’re highlighting is Tainted Love. The day is Saturday night for the Valentine’s Party at Wanderoos, with a three-fer of fish and ribs. This has a “Soft Cell” that’s a two-fer for a really cheap price, so she’ll love your frugal use of funds. And anyone “North of 64” — or not for that matter — will know the band on hand, and is welcome to join the party. And also that of, tacked on the end of this post, our shot at the best Super Bowl shots!

February 10th, 2023

It’s D-Day for V-Day, but there is still time, even if the result is slightly Tainted Love.
Hey, they say the measure of a good song, such as that ‘70s standard that you can push into the ‘80s and beyond, is if it stands the test of time … So much love from “Soft Cell” is just a shot away, as in a couple of ounces of a favorite dessert shooter, one for her and one for you for just a total of $5. So there’s money left to buy roses? (But one for your ex is an extra fee!)
All you have to do is wander to UW Wanderoos in Amery to get this, along with shrimp Scampi, walleye, shrimp again in jumbo form, and ribs too as specials. The popular venue has borrowed the above song title in what they name as their fave featured embibement in their Valentine’s celebration, which also includes the band North of 64, (they hail from Osceola). They’re a country trio that sport five different colored hats in two different styles in their promo photos, and a singer with a rich but strong voice with just a bit of blended-in rasp on their video Losing Control, set in a slow emergency call center with tone that ratchets up, and featuring an again, strong opening and ending sequence, with guitar in-between. They go on at 7 p.m.
Call (715) 268-9217 for dinner reservations.
And to the southwest in parts around New Richmond, especially in that Badger that is Wild, you can see signs that you should have — if I’m spelling this right as it seems its been a bit since I’ve had one — a shot of a S’morgasm on Valentine’s Day and far beyond. Like Sweetest Day? Who says that nightlife that doesn’t necessarily include a life besides fine fish is fishy! And the sponsor as Revelstoke (or you could say stroke) ads it as a shot or even two.

And now to Super deals for the Big Game (said this way to avoid proprietary issues). The keeper here is the need to get those goods right during the Game itself, and the exact starting time is as fickle as the number of minutes past the hour for the beginning of the Hudson Hot Air Affair parade.
Of course your favorite haunt may or may not be in full participation. This is often as all or nothing as if a star wide-out draws single coverage, or a bull rusher gets double-teamed. The options can include drawings for greater than the usual stuff, typically at halftime, the extension of happy hour specials, and independent of those other lower-price drink options too. Weighty wings and such can be wonderfully priced. (Just weight in and get them before the two-minute warning). No firm word on whether most of the places carry forward their season-long special on Packer (and often Viking too) buckets of beer for anywhere between $15 and $20, varying greatly by the venue. And if carry-out for your home party is a need, there are convenience store things like a $20 special on pizzas as a two-fer and plenty of Pepsi.

Three questions that start with a geography lesson, since we are in the dead of winter and you may have more time. Where does the newer Paddy Ryan’s Pub and Boxty House hail from? (Hint: It’s in the heart of the pub district in River Falls). And at the north end of that proverbial rainbow, can you tell us, pray tell, in greater detail where the original Paddy Ryan’s lands in the town of Hudson? —– And while we’re at it, clear up that question that is as old as the Irish, just what is a Boxty?

February 4th, 2023

At Paddy’s Pub and Boxty House, (now houses), owners Kirk and Jacki Mueller take pride in their well-researched menu — Ireland is really not that far. But they have discovered neither is River Falls.
Or Amery, as described above, if you wish to go south instead because Your Irish Eyes Are Smilin’ for your Valentine’s Day celebration.
So after a run of many years at their venue in the town of Hudson, just a wee bit north of the freeway, the couple (the Muellers) have doubleteamed it by adding a restaurant in downtown River Falls, in the former Mainstreeters location.
Paddy Ryan’s offers traditional Irish fare, sometimes with a twist, and that can come as well from their many accompanying American entrees and more. They include a blend of these two favorite styles, from two favorite continents, even on the plate at the same time.
Also, for an example of why you should take note of this tale of two cities, a featured Boxty and/or more gives helpings of both cod AND salmon, again all at once, prepared in a way that gives two distinct tastes, while at the same time complimenting each other.

— I think it should be called Shelby’s Slam, after its creator. Introduced at Mallard’s in New Richmond just the other day, so get one while they last as it falls into the proverbial category of “for a limited time only.” It is a margarita on steroids, since it has a little extra kick. Think the combo of pineapple flavors and a bit of hot peppers added in. And I swear, they could be some mango in there, fitting because a friend just chimed in that its her fave fruit. —

Along those lines, back to the Paddy. Their weekend and maybe weekday specials, both buildings, impress as they are introduced and consistently win rave reviews from their loyal customers, both owners note, kicking the pants off run-of-the-mill pub food by pints. Around for years has been their strong, as in stout and also otherwise for the weak of heart and liver, selection of beer and whiskey to wash the meal down, as any Irish gent would do. Paddy’s Ryan’s offers a selection of more than 35 Irish whiskey AND single malt Scotch, to bring in another end of The Island and fit the palate of any customer. Go on a search, north and south, to see if one Paddy’s has a slight twist on beverage take to the other Paddy’s?
And as such specials, Irish meatballs are often brought back, with both ground beef and ground pork, celery and carrot, onion and smoked Gouda, A1 and Worcestershire sauce, garlic and Guinness! Served over their Champ potatoes, named that ‘cuz they’re only partially kidding when they say, if you could take mashed potatoes to heaven, you’d take these. Here there is corny, in a wee few of the jokes and pub puns — being those told by “mouldy” patrons and picked up on their intro sign board that you can’t miss in River Falls upon entry — and as a vegetable topping. One thing that makes it a Champ is that its covered with their own, here we go again, Guinness bacon brown gravy! And that flavoring, that’s simply up to the Irish, is only an introduction to their ways to spice things up.
What’s new, besides where to find the twin venues, maybe even to this century? And out-aging in a good way both Irish-oriented locations? It’s Paddy’s own old Irish whiskey. And Irish coffee. And with it, the sausages are made Irish style, as well as in other manners, and are fluffed and aled with mustard, and are also known for the fact they’re all local in their sourcing.
Topping it off, there a multitude of ways Paddy Ryan’s frames most of their many Boxtys. And since many have asked, let’s clear this up in the same breath that we’re talking about locations — just what is a Boxty?
At just first look, leeks and more leeks to like. But Kirk would lambast me if I don’t tell the rest of the story, going two paragraphs down.
Leeks are a perfect choice because of the number of choices they avail. So have essentially a combo. This versatility allows leeks to be a fit with many main ingredients. Just tweak the spicings by the Boxty, to allow even more variety?
Leeks start big and bold, if only because the vegetable right out of the garden is larger in size then onions and the even more tart scallions. But leeks have a milder taste, in what seems to be a theme with some Irish delicacy ingredients, and can also have a hint of sour. They compliment the Boxty, but don’t overpower. To further think Boxty? “A potato pancake, but with epic flavor. We take Yukon gold mashed potatoes made with leeks, heavy cream, butter, and salt and pepper and add hash browns; then we form this into two pancake-shaped potato cakes and crisp up both sides. Your meat choice then goes in between the two Boxty cakes! Amazing flavor, and so unique!”
Beyond leeks, that leaves a situation where you won’t see the original Paddy Ryan’s from the freeway unless the fall leaves are down, even though its less than a quarter-mile away. But worth the jog over to there and the woodland view while on the way. And on the other side where they — yikes — used to hold old rodeos. Take Exit 4 a block or so to the north, then veer left at the traffic signal and follow a slightly winding road, two quick turns, just like a leprechaun would follow a rainbow to a pot of gold.
That longtime address in the town of Hudson is 709 Rodeo Drive, right at the end of the building, and you don’t even have to travel to California! And for the record, and a comparison, stop in at River Falls at 212 S. Main St. on the east side, opposite a big parking lot. We are only talking about ten miles apart.
If you live a wee bit between, and don’t want to run that route as much as Kirk and Jacki, delivery is now offered during most hours.
Sláinte! to that driver too!

Balloons travel mostly in silence, but it doesn’t have to be that way, Coming In The Air At Night. So Hold On. The nightlife mecca that is Hudson features a good dozen band choices for both loud and easy listening, dancing or DJ, singalong or solo, raucous rock and rolling or country strutting … Two entire eves then flowing into Sunday.

February 1st, 2023

For Hot Air Affair weekend, there’s live entertainment everywhere across Hudson and other parts of The St. Croix Valley state-side on Feb. 3-5, so you can choose your genre for listening and dancing all weekend, with country and rock represented the most, but bolstered by piano, jazz, one-man band, deejay, karaoke … And it should be noted that the Bloody Mary contest goes on until day’s end on Sunday, and there are no limits to how many times you can “vote,” so maybe come back, more than once? And if the cold persists, there are even cocoa bombs at many of the venues, to accompany the mocktails, too. And along with them, the inclusion of shrimp and not small ones anyone?
But with that said, here’s how hot it is musically:
— Big Guys BBQ Road House: Live music with singer-focused crooning and more from Tony Williams on Friday from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., then rock and rolling out the Thick as Thieves (they feature thumping rock but won’t steal your drink or ever be Cumbersome except on purpose) on Saturday also from 9 pm to 12:30 a.m., and add tableside magician and kids’ breakfast specials on Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon.
— Dick’s Bar and Grill: Spicy mixing-it-up as far as new-tune-takes from the biggest booth in Hudson is deejay on Friday and Saturday starting at 10 p.m., and live one-man-band music with Jeff Loven who is the master of both the guitar and vocals of all genres and maybe even throw in some throwback accordien and contests on Sunday at 8 p.m.
— Hudson Bowling Center/Plaza Lounge on The Hill: Karaoke on Saturday starting at 9:30 p.m. with one of the biggest song lists in the area that carries sound around the bar-bend and over an intimate but very lively crowd.
— Nutty Squirrel in River Falls: Live music on Friday evening from the heart of the bar and eating of all types and dancing district at 10 p.m., and to change it up deejay and dancing on Saturday starting at 10:30 p.m. A few blocks north of the university.
— The Empourium just east of Hudson: Heavy arena-rock, young-gun styles are served with the live music of Them Pesky Kids (TPK) from 8 p.m. to midnight.
— Urban Olive and Vine: Tune in early and tone it down with still flavorful live music from the southwest corner with Jazz Savvy on Friday from 6-8:30 p.m. to ring in the torchlight parade, and from a newer kid in town Empire Night on Saturday during the same times.
— Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt: Live music from country that caters to the mainstream with local legend Blue Moon Drive on Friday (and maybe they’ll do Neon Moon just like the Tim Sigler band did at the Smilin’ Moose on Friday night) from 8:30 p.m. to midnight, and from Jazmin and the Gents so you know what to expect on vocals on Saturday from 8:30 p.m. to midnight, and then back off with some bingo on Saturday from noon to 4 p.m.
— Ziggy’s downtown Hudson version: Piano Bar that’s both rocking and more reserved with Tim Grady on Friday and Saturday and Sunday so a total of 12 hours worth, to set the stage for upstairs with live music of the still-picking-up-speed Critical Mass band on Friday, and the even truer veterans of the regional rock scene Uncle Chunk on Saturday, with both starting at 9 p.m.

Be it bloody Mary pub crawls or AYCE fish fry club hauls, this 34th edition of the Hudson Hot Air Affair has some new things to put wind in your sails, through the various avenues of Eat, Shop and Play, only starting with the downtown. Balloons and irons up! At least one such burner, numerically, for each year of the fest’s existence.

January 29th, 2023

They are one of the most eclectic and varied, and just plain big types of eats and drinks in combo, that you can indulge in. So many hot and cold meat types sliced and in bulk, veggies green and otherwise, cheeses of all kinds and colors as this is Wisconsin, plenty of pickles and olives alike, and seasonings of various sorts all in a row, or should we say stacked into the top of a glass, jar, jug or even mug — again so many choices.
To the point that to see and taste all of what’s out there, all in one city, but also incorporating neighboring locales, you need to go on a pub crawl. And wash it down with fish fries galore, and balloon-themed food makings and samplings.
So enter the Hudson Hot Air Affair, billed as the largest winter ballooning event of its kind, warming up your hackles so you can take-in all of the even-outdoors featured activities — for its 34th year — it will include in the first weekend of February.
All new this year at the Hot Air Affair is the first-ever Bloody Mary Crawl featuring ten participating Eat/Shop/Play eating and drinking destinations over weekend of Feb. 3-5. Patrons get special prices on Bloody Marys all weekend, plus non-alcoholic and zero-alcohol Bloody Mary Mocktails available, as well. Vote for your favorite and have a chance to win a prize of Tonka Vodka and Miss Mary’s Bloody Mary Mix.
These are the close-to-a-dozen venues where you can eat and shop and play, and maybe win, too, (and a bit on their claim-to-fame decore and atmosphere):
— Bennett’s Chop and Rail House, new and lively and as their name implies featuring steak-and-beyond entrees.
— Black Rooster Bistro, across the street from Bennett’s and also new but carrying on a long tradition at the stone-decked-out location.
— Dick’s Bar and Grill, with four separate and distinct rooms and perhaps the longest tenure of a tavern in Wisconsin and yes the upper Midwest.
— Grand Fete, bunches to say and for that see below.
— Jonesy’s Local Bar and Grill, with all the games of all types you could want to play and more.
— Post American Eatery, that has a cool wood-hewn design in its backdrop of a longtime Post Office.
— Lucky Guys Distilling, bringing home the theme of their great big metal brewing vats for visual appeal.
— Plaza Bowling Center/Plaza Lounge, with an upbeat atmosphere and the karaoke to match.
— The Empourium, under new ownership and great big and open spaces after you walk inside.
— Ziggy’s Live Music, Bar and Restaurant, with so much of the above on two levels and anything else you could want.
In western Wisconsin, you can have an old-fashioned wallop of walleye and other fillets during the Friday fish fries, but that’s only where their seafood starts. These restaurants are situated right downtown and thus could be a perfect top off for the torchlight parade and fireworks over the St. Croix River set for all Friday evening: Dick’s Bar and Grill on Walnut Street, and Post American Eatery on Locust Street. You can add Jonesy’s Local at Plaza 94 to that fish fry list, and still be close in to the launch site, as this fish extravaganza has options all weekend long. While typically known for virtually-every-night music, Ziggy’s on the south end of the downtown also brings the fish, prior to their music on Friday night.
Other venues with such Friday fish offerings are Big Guy’s BBQ Roadhouse as you might guess is between North Hudson and Houlton, and also across the area are Carbone’s Pizza/Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt, Cheap Andy’s Saloon in Hammond, Nutty Squirrel Saloon in River Falls, and the Empoureum at Exit 4 in the town of Hudson.
Beyond fish and bloodys, experience the Magic of Food at Grand Fete: on Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with $3 Bloody Mary Mocktails and the coolest cookoff you can image in the form of a garnish contest, 10-11 a.m. with Hot Air Affair balloon cookie decorating for ages 5-11 and 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for ages 12 to adult (both free), then from 12:30-3:30 p.m. an Angry Tomato Salsa sampling with local owner Dana Steenburg. Also on Sunday, 1-3 p.m. for balsamic truffle class for adults (free).

You’d think following up the retiring Tom Bernard would be a Hard To Handle act to follow. Enter a drummer and more with a lot to say, Dave Gorman, who is back in the area as the Crowes fly, making his presence felt again, this time on the other side of the river, bringing even more IQ to the KQ morning show.

January 25th, 2023

Now that its 20 or more years later, the ex-drummer of the Black Crowes has again hit the local scene, this time in the radio talk show booth, not being the subject of the sound guy in the sound booth.
After being middle age or so in his former band’s gig at the River’s Edge near Somerset, when concerts on either side of the village were more the thing, Dave Gorman now takes his turn on the other side of the river, replacing the longtime stalwart of the KQ morning show, the now retiring Tom Bernard. He already was well into his tenure as the leader of the crew when this other show went on, as in the concert, and Gorman was in back on the skins.
I remember Gorman and his mates whipping through their rock standards with relative ease, and he supplied carefully placed but powerful drum fills to tunes, and leading their intros, like their main standard, the rockin’ out Hard to Handle. When other instruments such as percussion, of a folk style, were added the sound quality suffered. I wrote that in a concert review for the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram, to the degree that the entertainment section editor asked me after it was published if I had reservations about the band and their performance. I responded that they should stick to what they do best, even if that meant making changes in the presentation of certain songs over others in their set list’s order. My recollection was that both styles were given equal treatment, judging by the way the songs were mixed in.
The crowd didn’t seem to care, and they got a good look to make such a judgment, as the concert site was sloped gently toward the stage, which was elevated by about the helght of a basketball hoop. Good thing since the lead singer, Chris Robinson, was somewhat short in stature, and he had all those folk instruments surrounding him. Above what could have been a mosh pit if the band’s sound was harder, the nearly full moon was shrouded in mist, or what was a actually pot smoke, as legalization had been a champion cause of the group long before in gained more traction — this was over 20 years ago. I could smell it on my clothes and thought gee, I sure hope I don’t happen to get stopped on the way home by the heavy law enforcement that included squads with a checkpoint at all nearby points along the state line.
Topics like lighting up were, of course, frequent fodder for the morning show, and one wonders that since the move toward legalization is now more and more popular, will the tack taken by its hosts change at all with the addition of Gorman? And on something like the occasional St. Croix Riverboat party cruises, they’d be straddling the border between Wisconsin and Minnesota, with potential differences in state laws on such matters, as they work their way through one Legislature, or the other, or both. Cruising north toward Stillwater you could light up, but south angling toward Prescott, you couldn’t? Continue on down until Iowa?
A big reason Gorman got this new gig was the fact he has had his own syndicated radio show, which even aired on KQRS for a while. He was very articulate with detailed discussion, and of course had many stories from the road — between songs on a theme and their analysis, his staple. That show had its wraps after midnight, an adjustment from now where you’d usually hit the air before dawn.