Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

I had a midsummer night’s dream. Actually a collection of random thoughts that don’t even include Freud, although She Agreed that all great bartender conversations start and end with such, as we psychoanalyze each other, looking for Dream Theater. To wit or not to wit: It’s not midsummer anymore by any stretch so maybe all this stuff if existential is at this point a stretch.

September 4th, 2022

Put this way in an actual sign, there since midsummer, and could this be a temp’s nightmare/dream job? “You don’t have to be crazy to work here. We’ll train you!” A bit of corporate culture? I’m sure HR went over the joke in the sign-on paperwork, so thanks for that good humor you provide, (maybe better than I?) But really, would you not want to work in a place (spellcheck said palace) like this? In much smaller letters, fittingly down below, it puts out the pitch, to rent this sign … If there were too few, or too many, takers for the above line?
Or such workers, at a home furnishings store, could take the day off and head up north for one of the last times. “Or lets just stay home,” is a sign they’d been trying to move off the front window shelf. (It was there then gone, then there again). Or maybe Jump In The Lake, and The Lake Is My Happy Place. In that case, two out of three ain’t bad.
Then The Next Place Over, try our acquatic (I think you could guess that from what comes) and sooth-away pain and indoor pool for therapy. The sign is below an accountant’s office, not so fitting? Herbal supplement/food freaks trying to get the right mix aren’t the only ones to be bean-counters.
As this is what I assume an accountant does, if the tip jar goes awry at the restaurant: Cook the books. (Just kidding).
Down the way in the same block, little scrim signs for you and me warn both a pesticide-application-zone-stay-out-because-your-very-life-depends-on-it and do-not-dig-here-because-of-cable-concerns-that-include-but-are-not-limited-to-your-life-depends-on-HBO. Not to mention the one that says you can get the utmost-minus-all-additives-(non-healthy?)-corn-cobs. Are you all ears?
So hey, as the offer from corporate says, go float on a glazer, (down the Apple River on a tube that is not like the flask of such flavored booze you hawk?)
So is the essence of the inner tube dragging along as we near the end of summer, although there is still plenty of summer left. So whatever floats your boat. Or glacier?
Yes, despite a continental divide, this is my hometown and slightly beyond it Kwik Trip, with their all sorts of such merchandize, with offers like this, but time will at some point march on, way beyond March, as we try to avoid the (late-night) donut hole that comes with shorter nights. And the bigger the glazer donut, the bigger the hole.
And this next one should never be put Down In A Hole. So to pump and honor the Ukrainian flag, it turns out we have to incorporate Hinduism. A family in my family for awhile flown their Ukrainian version — although the Stars and Stipes was never front and center in their yard — and I’d be curious which one in the family came up with the idea. I was told that across the street there was another such marker, from being across the world just as far. A Hindu family with a Hindu flying version.
When I visited I never saw either of those, much less Old Glory. Did something happen, with the nuances of the politics of the day or how it was viewed or other such thing? Or maybe such things just limited their shelf life. But there should never be such a thing.

An acutely august August, by the numbers, is in the books and fallen away, with fall and its autumn around the corner. And the books have capital letters. So September and a Big Such Days among only 14 now come Roaring in. All vigorously in Just One Venue! —– And then there are those (vigorous?) Germans and their chosen one time of year, to fall off the beer wagon, detailed in the last two paragraphs of this post. The best for last, unlike that nasty backwash.

September 2nd, 2022

If you thought they couldn’t roll it out further, with a barrel of fun, and at The GasLite couldn’t follow-up on an adept August?
Just behold only three days into the next month in Ellsworth. On Saturday, Sept. 3.
It’s the Annual Run Whatcha Brung. Enuf said. What kind of killer ride you gonna contribute to the rally? There have been literally dozens of such things on the not-so-mean street lately. (More on that, and how far the trend goes, in a later post. But maybe you will see some of these, with many numbers of wheels and wheelies, while at The GasLite?)
Then after just five more days — Thursday, Sept. 8 and Friday, Sept. 9 (INDOOR STAGE). Its KONG — Monsters of Rock (emphasis was not added by me). The big-time, big-top, over-the-top music theme has been played out many times, but not like this.
Then the day of overlap. Friday, Sept. 9 and Saturday, Sept. 10, its back to 1990, the 32nd annual SCVR CHILLY FEED (again their caps without gaps, and get that ride out again). Advanced Tickets ON SALE.
Then another, a week later, only midway into the month, this time a different kind of ride. Saturday, Sept. 17 — TRUCK PULL.
More info to come, they say. Of course.

— This just in, as I fall into place. The local legend Jorgensons have again reinvented themselves, in a number of ways that almost rivals Madonna, and this remake of a tried and true set of standards now features this lineup change: Tim J of course, shown in promo photos way off to the left, and also a pair of women and two men. Diversity speaks and/or sings, as that’s where the women usually come in. The upshot is that they play Ziggy’s in downtown Hudson on Saturday night, for the first time of the new version of Jorgensons there or almost anywhere in the region. —

And with all that said, got to invoke the Sturgeon Nationals on the 17th on Yellow Lake, where the top fish could top off at upwards of 170 pounds. And the world record is even greater by a few pounds, and I believe that may have come from The Other End Of The State, where I a couple of times petted sturgeons and their leathery-sandpapery skins that had beached themselves on the Wolf River so they could mate. Laid out so they could get laid, due to this narrow and winding stream. Want more of this and enter the fishing contest, making it more contested from the usual crew? Bobcats in New Richmond can hook you up.
But we also must look forward to Oktoberfest (spelled German way), from this — ouch! — 100 percent German. A newer face of a bartender was wearing her shirt last night sporting a Muchen fest — and that’s the Deutsch, with at the top of the U that funky thingee, as if buttoned-up Germans can do very funky, as she indeed can with the regular fist-clasp — and for sure not a munchkin. (I joked with her that since my germanely German family has traced its history back to when each and every one came over in the boat circa 1860, there may have been that aberational sort from Tanzania centuries prior. And don’t those centuries cry!)
And I, like much of my music, must reference the end of a previous entry below, that being MLK, as far as the Deutsch component. You can look it up.

Don’t we love our local Walmart? Even though one guy didn’t take kindly to me terming it the epitome of rampant capitalism. But since it is autumn soon, we have to fall into line with some humor — including back-to-school — at the expense of our area super-box-stores! (But for their legal Beagles, they generally are good sports). —– So last call for flowers anyone? And a quip about the Queen Mum? And the NR Thrivent triplicate (potted) plants on THEIR front porch.

August 31st, 2022

But first, this is not exactly a shoutout to the Target marketing department. I debated for a full year before pointing it out, but here we go! In a back-to-school-ad, they led with a frying pan for sale and a pitch for students making their own stir fry! I think (actual) fries would be more likely. And these days anything pink, for the girls and young women, mostly the former. And not the red meat, either.
After all, they are not mom. And we are not mum on that. Like the often-written-about Queen Mum? Here-to-fore, there were garden mums on sale at Walmart, some of the few (actual) plants that are still taking up the rear, at best, but indeed this one variety and lots of them, were right by the front doors. (Not that the queen gardens much, rather has been seen throwing roses at Saskatchawanians, hadda get in that word from an actual headline, and not mine, even though not did not get by spellcheck). Closer in to the actual box of concrete it was more like seed and fertilizer. Unlike their Hudson counterpart, and even though not a Super Walmart, as the New Richmond version in spring didn’t have the rows and rows and more rows of plants and other flora taking up parking spaces. Not that it’s a bad thing. And now it is fall, soon, and those mums at the everyday low price, (and that’s not a sale price mind you, as some people mix it up), were mentioned in the same breath as apples and pumpkins. Cool! Literally! But soon back then, come April, they were far more flowers to be found in a newer and bigger enclosed with plastic tarp area. Like your front porch times a few hundred. Minus that many square feet of plastic. Like better the many big boxes of flowers in downtown NR.
So kudos for that, the fall fixtures part. Spreading beauty. But maybe not for this: In what I’m assuming is a back-alley-type back break area at the big store, there were all kinds of half-empty bottles of energy drinks and soda, mostly the former, but at least they had the caps on. Coming back for the rest on the next break, two hours away (we assume)? And like a local cabbie said, enabling him to find a place to pull over and drop off a fare: At least they got rid of all those unsold (obviously) and cut-rate lawnmowers. Now parked behind all the snowblowers?

A thought for the day, now with a death, a dream. We next year are coming up to the 60th anniversary of that end-of-August famous Martin Luther King speech, I Have A Dream. Has that much time passed, or maybe not at all considering the slow pace of such progress. Two other takeaways: Has anyone else noticed that there are so many other like-minded or at least thus-resembling the sets of triplicate (again referenced) letters that are MLK. I think MKE for some reason that I recall being about Milwaukee. To that end, isn’t it just a bit, if not ironic at least unusual, the fact that he took his name from a profoundly white German man.

Got a raise, and maybe some fried and delicately breaded fish fillet to boot — and it is great in the New Richmond area and beyond and they bill it as not just for Fridays — from enduring my election coverage (see the second post below). But Barfy is safe, as they don’t eat dog in hardly anywhere AP has set foot. China is a wild card.

August 24th, 2022

This is yet another chapter, following the prior one, in the dog ate the paper(work), to invoke not only Rover but Roman numerals and opera — aren’t they basically the same? — in the form of calling it Act XXIV-HQ. I will explain below. If only the pooch had the pipes to sing!

(And you can catch the “opening act” with a description, and a departure from the usual course of a hot summer afternoon, concerning an event celebrating its 80th anniversary on the links, by seeing Notes From The Beat).

The Associated Press with which I have long been associated paid me promptly for election coverage, and even threw in $10 more bucks, based on a limited but noteworthy (in Joe’s mind) set of circumstances. The payment was made to me via a new and superior and almost godlike new pass-through and third-party entity, via yes, my Invoice No. XXIV-HQ. Officially, they term themselves as a supplier portal. I believe they call their company Tipalti. That spelling is much like the new fish product that has taken over such frying events — see back-to-back venues in downtown New Richmond, and check out Mallards and Wild Badger — that have overrun our great land, and not only on Friday, but that is usually the key direct deposits day. Why that is crucial in a moment. Not that there’s anything fishy about this new essentially accountancy firm, as I got paid in only ten days, where in my industry with certain vendors it can take months. God bless them and America, as that was the country whose elections I was covering for the parent company.
But where did that extra $10 come from, I think I know? Is there a sweet deal at work here, or with tartar sauce, in the form of a collaboration with a place like Denny’s to make up the difference, getting a raise without even needing an expenses account? Corporate companies offer such gift cards as a perk, and get the volume discount that comes with having a worker in every county across 50 states, minus the island territories where they have other forms of favorite fish at local food markets. But I’m right here in Wisconsin, also the land of walleye and other catches, so its Tilapia on me! They I dare say may have embarked on a journey into Tilapia, and a side of fries, as I think our Badger State has potatoes as the state veggie, so another collaboration, the total of which I had believed runs about $9.99. But tax and tip could screw with that extra cent. And Perkins and other eateries pose a possible avenue, but they tend to run about a dozen bucks. So hey Denny’s, here I come, with along (maybe) the stringers from Polk and Pierce counties to the immediate north and south (since no milage paid) who like their string potatoes too!
Doggone good benefit to have. Granted its not a 401(K) …
But what about the aforementioned, and right now again, poodle?
He had reproduced (euphemism for regurgitated and see the post below for more bad puns on that) that last and final page, along with my financial statement to facilitate doing my direct deposit.
Maybe should have called him Barfy. Or barfly?
That’s where and how I rediscovered my listless list.
The addendum to that last page was a menu that had the fish fave for only $8.99, so all bases covered? But this indeed needs to be just the appetizer.

Oh what we have to deal with as reporters/bloggers. You may not get Freedom Of The Press love for Being There, and certainly not the way of Peter Sellers. Ask that almost aggressive deputy/clerk. But please, don’t blame the messenger, even if in this case its just me, The Lowly Blogger. It’s not all just Dirty Laundry. Leave that for the TV News. But there is a lighter note, too, and this can all be just a gas. (Read four paragraphs down, for starters).

August 14th, 2022

Hate to say it, but St. Croix County — and sorry as we’re talking mostly about hoidy toidy Hudson here — has developed, or maintains, a corporate-like culture of control, that permeates various departments, and it really shown in the late night when I cover elections as a reporting stringer. In one fast but I am afraid not last gasp, two different departments at play.
The unfortunate uptake: We are a bunch of Barney Fife’s who think they are Andy Griffith. Just not quite, in general, as gentle or gentile.
So screw the first amendment. It is considered only a “courtesy.” More on that below.

— But first, Scotty doesn’t know, but now you do and so does your/their favorite uncle. Movie and music themes abound here.
Leading off at the GasLite in Ellsworth on Saturday is Scotty’s Run, one of those mega-motorcycle rallies that attract thousands to roam the highways and byways of western and even west-central Wisconsin, all on the same trip. And all those miles go to a good cause. Then when back, the music takes center stage …
This via rockers Uncle Chunk, who have been cranking it out since the previous Millennium, and these guys have the rough-edged look that goes with ramming out riffs since the years of grunge and before. And they mix in dance tunes also. Godfathers of classic rock? So yes Jimi, these men are experienced. So, so many pieces of eight when they come on at 8 p.m. —

Everyone was cordial at first when I was calling in recent election results to Associated Press, but then the ball dropped in my gig at the county government center. The latest in what has been an escalating trend.
The last voting results came in late, in a couple of big batches, so there was a lot to transcribe on much more than one page, then quickly call it in on my lifeline that is a call-center 800 number.
But so, its time to go. Now, a sheriff’s deputy and county clerk said.
Can you give me five more minutes? We’ve been here so long anyway — I was a Joe come lately, as the clerk and crew had been on duty since 7 a.m. — and I do know we’d all like to go home. But my bosses require certain things before I can go.
No on that request, the deputy said. I am immediately closing up shop.
My bosses require, as one of their stipulations, that a copy on the results be faxed to them before the whole place is under lock and key and we’ve all left. Again, the annual conflict.
I’ll do it, she said, if you pay the faxing cost. I’m assuming it would have to come out of my pocket, and I don’t have much of an expense account, if any. And I’d dropped my last buck for a two-buck soda when hitting the vending machine, early when nothing much was happening. And you can just get all the results off the internet site anyway, she said. (My bosses have always held the position that you must report in person, and then report results by phone. What if that one web site goes down?)
But out the door now, or apparently it was implied, I was going to be arrested for what, civil disobedience?
It is only a courtesy that we provide this room, open for your use, I was told.
It was implied that this courtesy could be withdrawn at will, at any time.
So I grabbed my writing stuff on the fly and was out the door, which was quickly locked behind me. They all left behind me and lights out. I had to make the call from my car — actually that of my driver and he had to walk me through the process of actually finding the county web site.
And then explaining to my bosses what had happened yet again.

— Another look at a dark scene.
Lets look at actress Anne Hecht. And give her some slack, (I can’t bring myself to use the word cut), because she was doing the best she could with a very difficult life, and then there came for her a one instance that may come to define her life — and death. None of us should be a slave to one bad decision. At first blush, the press was clamoring around her burn-unit bed and passing judgment on the admittedly awful circumstances brought by her erratic driving, as their are many victims if you look closely, but now that the remembrances from all around are filtering in and given a new course of marketable story material to grind out (word chosen if you are familiar with grindcore metal music). Sometimes I am not proud to be part of that profession.
In our sex-driven culture, my first exposure to Hecht’s work — maybe not her best but very tasteful — was an iconic and artsy love scene between her and Joan Chen (yes a woman) that was staple Cimemax material. It should be noted that Chen went on to a much more highbrow career and you don’t hear much about her role in that scene. I have to say Christopher Walken is the perfect choice to play an amoral-sliding-into-evil role.
I could pontificate so much on these themes, such as the need for our adults to be much more responsible for the treatment of our youth and form them much better, but that would only give these more credence as I’d be called a bleeding heart — is that so bad — I’m afraid. But a takeaway: Despite the fact that she was once named one of the 50 most beautiful women, you could see the wear on her face. So who among us is responsible, to a greater or lesser degree, for those deeply-carved lines on the sides of her face? Think about this key line from the Rolling Stones, quoting Satan’s role in the transformation of the world, and often repeated in song: “I shouted out who killed the Kennedys, when after all it was you and me.” —

I see the following in-office local observation as a separate but related facet, as it too reflects the lets-climb-the-ladder mentality — that starts when putting on your makeup in the morning. Yes, style choices. A majority of women tend to dress too-hot-for-the-office. Like they would if going clubbing. Granted, there is a bit of flashy flair involved, so kudos, but it does not stop there. A friend of mine showed up for such office work one day with that kind of attire, and she got written up. But that was across the river.
I see our beloved county as being a starter place for most government officials.
And then a place to get out of and head for the warmer climes of The Twin Cities.
And if you can’t make that graduation …
(I did like this style vehicle: One woman left her Covid mask dangle from her ear (singular) when talking to co-workers. Choice of which ear?)

On a lighter note. Enough seriousness. Let’s get silly. With Barfy the poodle.
I may have been premature with my statement that I was forced out, by the deputy of the day, of the One Medium Size Room reserved for us media types racing to scrawl out our notes on paper — all two of us. And that such action again almost kept me from fulfilling my appointed rounds (OK just one) for AP on this yet, another election.
It was actually that damn poodle.
And his insatiable appetite for paper, matched openly by a termite’s lust for the wood it came from.
Yes, as far as my term paper going into the night to write about those looking for re-election to their next term.
Yes the dog ate it.
And there were so many pages, with so many races. That the poodle got very sick because the printer’s ink used on behalf of AP, which had the ironic goal of being wholesomely organic, was actually quite toxic. So I was almost late to show up at my post, a chair and small table, cuz I had to rush the dog to the vet. No antibiotics, supply shortages. Like mortgages, takes much more time. So much more because all such poodles across our great land got together and tried to plot a class action suit. But they spent all the time yipping at each other, and used up all 57 minutes of their free consultation for naught.
So on the other end — no multi-page paper list of candidates to refer to, and write numbers of top of numbers, with seconds ticking before they closed up the government center in Hudson. But who showed up to save the day, where so many of their ancestors had gone before, to cross many miles and find their way home, or to where they are needed.
My poodle, having barfed up the last and final candidate page where the ending vote tallies could now be registered.
So let it be written … And will be in future posts.

This Hammond Fest could be like Big City Nights meets country. Hey, at Heartland Days one of the acts was a staple of the Country Nights Saloon in Hastings at only 14, then worked her way up. The other headliner is also numerically oriented, and they go as 8 Foot 4. And the China Beach event also beckons, and they’ll have you go to the GasLite.

August 12th, 2022

Youth will be served, as well as a foursome who have aged like fine wine and not embodying a fifth, in the band lineup at this weekend’s Heartland Days in Hammond.
There’s Hailey James at 8:30 p.m. Friday as a prelude to the men of 8 Foot 4 at — what else? — 8 p.m. Saturday. They are smack in the center of both The Heartland and St. Croix County.
First a bit about Hailey: The Midwest Country Music Organization, through its artist of the year and song of the year award-winner for “Wide Awake,” has recognized Hailey as a four-faceted singer/songwriter/performer/recording artist. She went from playing shows in her hometown to reaching audiences all over the Twin Cities, western Wisconsin, and even into Nashville. Hailey took the stage as a weekly featured artist in summer 2018 at Country Nites Saloon in Hastings — at age 14! Since then, she has joined the Midwest Country Music Organization, Songtown, and the Minnesota Music Coalition. Musical inspiration comes from artists such as Carrie Underwood, Kelsea Ballerini and Lauren Alaina. This young musician has an ear for music and first learned to play guitar by watching YouTube videos. It is Hailey’s dream to share her original songs and be part of the singer/songwriter scene in Nashville. Hailey is writing songs for up-and-comers, chart-topping Nashville songwriters, and all between. Her songs can be heard on radio stations across the Midwest.
Hailey has an appealing appearance and style of onstage dress that is retro come back again. (Sorry about that redundancy, but we have to underscore her diverse styles). She looks a bit like a hippy chick, (or these days a hipster), but branches out to many more forms of music than were present beyond just the 60s and 70s. People no doubt have noticed, because despite her youth, she quickly has come to be playing return gigs at the best clubs locally and around the Midwest and beyond.
Then more by the numbers: You gotta love a band that on its alphabetical play list has two numeral entries before even getting to the letter A. So even though their name leads with two numbers in its three words, 8 Foot 4 are some of the local A Listers for a dance and party and funky band. So there is not only 24 Karat Magic and 3 a.m. on the list, but Play that Funky Music in the same breath as Enter Sandman in the form of a Metallica cover.
In case you’ve been in a cave away from music for the past years that run into decades, the band name draws on the fact that such a four-piece outfit has indeed, eight feet. What if 8 Foot 4 was to add a guitarist and become a five-some, not that its needed as their sound carries the day anyway. That addition would really mess with their creative name, and 10 Foot 5 would just not sound as cool. But in that vein, you just might hear some topical Beatles, as for example at least one reference, “He’s got feet down below his knees … one and one and one is three.” And with feet there are shoes, and for the ladies that love them, this band does has had its share of heart-throbs, so if you missed out on a recent dollars-off offer that was snail-mailed to the “current resident and/or shoe enthusiast,” here’s one of those second chances, musically, that you don’t always get in life. Ask Al Bundy about that one.
And he just might like this offering, as well, and we’re not pulling your leg.
Rather machines pulling a load. And they start with the garden variety, as in garden tractor, at 7 p.m. on Friday, right before the Hailey show. Then at 5 p.m. on Saturday there is the full-fledged truck and tractor pull. After all, there is room for the Justin Bieber-aged crowd, not just those like Ozzy. Four on the floor?
Over in New Richmond, the hockey arena is hosting a mega fish sale through Sunday, and ice fishing thus will be part of the picture. As methinks could be tips on catching those killer and therefore mega catfish below the St. Croix, or lunkers in waters forward the east. Directions are shown via a big arrow on signs around the downtown, looking oddly like a big-headed fish.
Also on a topic that can pull off evoking a particular theme, moreso than just having another band put at the back of a bar, is Saturday’s annual China Beach event to both aid veterans and educate and entertain as they engage you, all of these facets done via — thematically and providentially named — the Gaslite venue that sprawls over acres outside of Ellsworth. There’s music and such in the offing, like at most events, but this one ventures outdoors as well, and boasts some seriously high-powered gear and that’s not just the sound speakers. Now we don’t really think you’ll be able to make a siting of soldier Sigourney Weaver like in the movie, but still a cool all-day event.

This updated post is Dennis Nolan remastered. With lots more info on both his funky anthem-like stage show and where to reach him — or myself as his quasi-manager — so see below if you are having a part. Cross-country and now-local drummer Nolan can hook you up with jazz and rock, Beatles tunes and more — in the same extended song. This music veteran has even played with The Coasters, Drifters sand Platters, et al. He’s looking for new gigs. Again, don’t you want him?

August 7th, 2022

Upon further review(s), this recommended show now can be a combo of acid jazz, funk and tribal music and more, with a bit of Beatles thrown in. With that said, showing diversity, there’s just got to be a cover of Soulfly meets SevenDust, as spirituality prominently weighs in with he and his, penning some of these songs himself … Dennis Nolan is on top of all of these themes.

To wit: If you need to check this out for yourself, there is a local gig in our plans — as a lead-in to branch out to further ventures — since a collaboration is in the works. And he’s looking for a new band to play with, so if you can shred the guitar … Or just drop in with him, to jam in his studio at 368 E. Second Street, Apt. 2, in New Richmond. And yes, it is just an apartment but he has found room for a full studio. Nolan can also be found at: (715) 338-2116.
And where you can reach him through his manager, Rick Ruben. OK its actually me: Singer and writer Joe Winter, (715) 821-9630.

While writing this — and also pondering his great and perfect song-voice on People Are Strange — I listen to the marching band play across the way with their big bass drums, reminded of the deaths recently of the drummer from the band Yes, and longer ago those from The Who and Led Zeppelin, and in-between Ginger Baker.
But drumming lives on from one of their contemporaries, even using a double bass set-up. And he’ll do full-length performances and not spontaneously combust, even after banging the skins for a uninterrupted half-hour.
Nolan, now of New Richmond, has resided and played in the likes of Maui and Hawaii with the likes of Jimmy Buffett, (OK I’m not sure about that last part but I am sure Dennis would find a laugh at the gag). His actual gigs have included many years of multi-state, full-on tours, and found him going all across the country and beyond. Like that massive Euro-tour with a name band, hitting the majority of the countries on that continent, with stops that found them riding routes and regaling those on multi-level bus, and going forward with such.
These open doors, which is what music does anyway, Dennis says. As a versatile jazz and rock and more drummer, his fave of all is the Doors, although he’s been very acquainted with various Beatles tribute bands, and that group covers almost all the genres you’d want to hear. So go for it Dennis! As you have since the heyday of rock ‘n’ roll. This was shown way back, when Dennis toured with The Coasters in their prime, and The Drifters and The Platters, two of them in back to back years. You can also check him out acoustic at The Smilin’ Moose in Hudson.
And these days with the virus no longer quite going viral and the itch to play again taking its inevitable root, he notes, he’s looking for ongoing, paid gigs, as he is a professional, either local or travel needed, doesn’t matter.
He has auditioned for Ozzy — and even got a handwritten note back as he has much the same look down to the glasses! — drummed for so many big names it bogs down the mind, and loves all from Alice In Chains to Supertramp with their power chords and of course likeminded drumming. Dennis has done a fulltime equivalent of 26 years of touring while playing for 60, starting when a “wee” lad — and yes he’s Irish.
Join him soon for a local Feast of Friends show, starting with 15 minutes of vocals, as yes, he sings too, and an
instrumental interlude that leads into 30 straight minutes of drum solo taking the form of jazz, and big harmony and finally really rocking out and coming to an eventual conclusion. Part is a 15 minute rendition of the Beatles’ Rubber Soul album.
And what about that touring Japan fascination?!?

We have the pull(s). Since it feels so close to heaven in this roarin’ heavy load … And with apologies to Judas Priest, (the music will be country), there may or may not be turbos used, depending on the class of big honking tractors. But there’s still horsepower that nears five-digits in Saturday’s two-tiered pull at The GasLite. Good way to kick off the month so stay tuned …

August 5th, 2022

Don’t retire your tractor just because it is at retirement age. (And this is just the opening event to an August-full of occurrences gassing up Ellsworth).
If it is a 1957 model or older, you can run it at the antique part of the tractor pull at The GasLite bar and grill in Ellsworth.
There is also, as a part of the show, a farm stock pull at Saturday’s event, making for a total of 15 categories that carry on. Music later is the third portion this variety show. Hard to say which pumps the most volume.
This is not NASCAR, but there are some specific and interesting rules, well over a dozen of them, many in common to both classes that pull. So drivers need to pay attention to details.
There is a 4-5 mph speed limit enforced, so don’t get ahead of yourself too fast while pulling.
A 200-pound grace period exists, and you are not allowed to “lose weight,” to boot.
No reckless driving is allowed, including “digging holes.”
The tractor will be stopped if the wheel rises much over a foot, or in the other class 18 inches, above ground.
So get that great big ol’ tractor out of its great big ol’ machine shed, if you think its up to snuff.
And then stay for the band Hitchville starting at 7 p.m. Their look fits the theme of the day and night, even if their main guy does not look out-and-out groomed for country. Still rugged enough to rock.

Bust A Move with broccoli bacon salad and likeminded loaded pasta, mixed together and shown to make a combo, from the deli — see the solid servers at NR Dick’s Market — then make it your own once home with more veggies and enough other add-ins and sauces to create another shelf’s worth of room in your fridge. Festive enough to make you stay in, not go out?

July 28th, 2022

This broccoli salad, twice over, could be just the trick for using up almost any leftovers you might have in your refrigerator/freezer, and the adventuresome could even fry up very lightly in a pan this veggie, and maybe add some cauliflower for the green and light-white to get more traditional, that remains behind with various types of breading and zesty Asian sauce — topped with melted cheese of many sorts? — to be a mocktail of bar comfort food. (Use lots of the many types of veggie oil in the pan, and be careful not to over-sear the crowns, is that redundant?) Thus it becomes your own recipe, although not as proprietary as BWW, so you can share it with your friends. The best and cheapest comfort food is a subject that’s on my to-do list to delve into, and it may end up being a bucket list, as there are so many things ahead of it on my Must Publish Soon rankings.
Who among you knew that broccoli could be so bountiful? (We knew it is healthy). Great for vegetarians, and if they skimp on the sauces, their time will not come as soon as when my bucket list is flagged, by myself, as urgent.

— Now you can add to their staging problem. By showing up at the middle of the first set. Oh do you see what I mean? You will understand this and more, young grasshopper, by checking out events on Picks Of The Week. As a preview, but not a full-fledged spoiler alert, see related information several posts beforehand on this home page. —

So here goes. Another list, this time on broccoli at its best. I told the woman behind the deli counter that I’d try to get around to posting this. She was “B” curious.
I advise starting with two different but closely related deli items at Dick’s Market. Broccoli and bacon salad, and cheesy broccoli pasta. Mix the two, half and half, and you have the start of a party. And add in on your own, any of those makings that you happen to have around your kitchen.
And buy more broccoli, or add what’s in the crisper. And add more in as you go about eating it, filling the gap on the side of the bowl caused by what wound up in your stomach, and bringing back freshness. You can get a broccoli crown for under two bucks a pound when on special at places like Dick’s.
Add in any of the following: Sweet peas or whole pea pods sliced smaller, chopped bell peppers, onions, celery, any white meat or ham, and lesser amounts of (various?) minced hot peppers starting with the standard green, brussels sprouts, spinach, raisins … Some of that pepper juice could be sprinkled on top, and/or be part of a marinade for grilled chicken breast, any form of horseradish and even used as a drizzle that sizzles, sour cream and also mayo if you must. And just a bit of cole slaw dressing and the cabbage greens and purples that make it up. A touch of ranch, but leave it at that amount. It can be served cold (a bit of lettuce as a bed?) although you may want to boil the broccoli until just a bit tender. That goes for small amounts of rice also as an underlay.
One other tip of homespun wisdom: Do you find that its very hard to cut celery into pieces, without the strings of it dragging along behind and not severed? Try using not a knife a good scissors to avoid such residue, just cut slowly so not to wear out the blades. And if the crown is used up, I make use of the upper part of the broccoli stem, just don’t go too far down, but you can cut it short wherever you want, to your taste. The texture is a bit rubbery but hard, so when slicing you might invoke again, your scissors, taking a bit of broccoli in small pieces kitty-corner off the side.

We don’t really know how a younger best friend died, just one year ago today, but when one looks at our history of being linked at the hip, as some have said about our psychic-ness, one could speculate … If you don’t believe in such, read the ending P.S.

July 25th, 2022

Almost to the day when Danyiel was bartending and I ordered a first drink from her, when I could squeeze in time during her quite busy early-evening shift, she considered me a best friend. We really didn’t spend that much time together — again busy period in both of our lives — but when we did we were inseparable, one might say linked at the hip, although hers were much smaller than mine, and her blonde hair a bit bigger. Those were the days my friend …
Notice the past tense. Danyiel died exactly one year ago. She did not believe in an afterlife, but she has been proven wrong, as I know she is in a good place.
For family reasons she needed to move away from the Hudson area several years ago. Complex situation. Both Danyiel and I discussed the last time we had met up after her 10 p.m. shift ended, that this “separation anxiety,” to use the medical term, would be gut-wrenching. She died on her birthday — it was her 46th and last — a day we normally got together and exchanged greetings and maybe a sentimental but not too mushy card. But importantly, even after an autopsy, the coroner could not explain her cause of death in any medical terms. All I know is that she left this earth way too soon.
She had an uncommon beauty and although a very pleasant demeanor, possessed a slightly rough-edged charm, and was loyal to a fault, to me and others. You didn’t mess with Joe when Danyiel was around. One of the last times I saw her she was in a long flowing gown, on a dress-up holiday.
I had not seen Danyiel for the unusually long time of two weeks when she suddenly went into labor, and the birth was touch and go. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the child’s neck. I was alone at home, then suddenly overcome by a sense of urgent need. During the delivery, I was frozen in place for hours while lying in my bed, with moving muscles hardly possible. But I did not have fear, as I knew my trooper friend would pull through. And at that point, when all was saved and mom mother and child were OK, my spell lifted and I got back on my feet.
A time afterward, a co-worker and I discussed the timing of her situation, and my understanding of the time of birth proved more accurate.
Earlier, a dental procedure had been scheduled. It would be very painful, and considering the fact she was with child, could not have standard anesthesia. I told her the night before that since I was on deadline, and would have to sleep in, and the extraction was set for a ungodly early hour, this would be a great time to prove out my dream and premonition theory. Her response: “You do not need to sell me on this. We both know it occurs.”
Danyiel would on multiple occasions arrive back at home and before the day of cell phones, when land lines where the thing, make the pronouncement: I hurried to get back here, since I know and feel that Joe is going to call very soon. Then two minutes later, I would phone her and she would take my call.
One of those times was on MY birthday, surprise, and the result was Danyiel taking me out for dinner. It was a nice place with great food, but since it was Stillwater Tex-Mex, quite affordable.
Maybe not so much, the vehicle with which she pulled into the driveway, a small and cute and bright red sports car. With plenty of white trim inside, I recall. Danyiel being Danyiel, she had on a bit of a peekaboo top at its bottom end (this was the 1990s). Later, when she stretched to pick up the check, you couldn’t help but notice a bit of bellybutton glancing through. When I saw her and her ride pull up, I chuckled to myself, what would the neighbors think?
Like that matters to me now that she’s gone.
(P.S). The night before I posted this already-set copy, I had a dream about things that include the mortality of another person, which is fitting considering the anniversary that is today. Do readers see a pattern? So here we go again …
A relative, who is a bit older, and I had not seen in years shown forth at length in a dream, in part questioning a series of life choices that could be seen as questionable but in the along haul turned out OK, and where I was along that path. Let’s get together was the message, as all the scenarios involved much earlier times spent with me that even at the golf course, were great fun — like with Danyiel — but also could have transferred into more bittersweet, if fate would have taken the wrong turn. I awoke wondering if sis had reached out about it, concerning someone who upon further review, is like me and deals with things by being introspective and ruminating.
She had late the previous night, and the person was in a serious medical situation. It could cause a demise, although more medically explainable. There you go again and here I go.
Again, on such topics and many other facets of the journey, more in coming posts.