Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Golden oldies, doo-wop and rockabilly, country and light rock, have a pair of homes here, as the St. Croix County Fair tunes start Thursday night and later reach a couple of different crescendos under the moon on Saturday. There is both a Croix Court and separate Horse Pavilion stage. So see country nights. And carnival lights.

July 21st, 2022

We will be groovin’ with golden oldies come the St. Croix County Fair “standards” time, in a classic way, with shows that at times run concurrently, give or take an hour or so of the starting time the evening presents, at different stages very near to each other, and thus could be considered the epitome of having a prime “opening act.”
So you have the good thing of in-concert choices, like between turning your ears, in turns, for and aft to listen to tunes of The Beatles and Elvis, at a pair of pavilions and hopefully alternating encores. Boots were maybe made for just a wee bit of walking, but will be sonically rewarded if only you Gimme A Few Steps at the fair’s intimate music setting in Glenwood City.
The Weekenders, on both weekend nights, will excel at doing “nothing anybody can’t do but you’re dumb enough to do it in front of everyone.” That’s more wit like that of the below Poppa Bear Norton, but this coming from a bunch of older rock and country tuners. (Have come a long way since those behavior styles). A first gig was eight songs and they now have four hour’s worth and more than 50 songs on their set list. And growing. There shirts proclaim everything from Cheap Trick (most likely) to Volbeat. And they have a mouth organ player that’s said to rock the whole show! That comes from a post by tommy gunn. Dare I invoke Metallica? And what is a “weekender?” Said to be someone who lives to party for four hours on a Friday night come what may … and then do it again on Saturday?
And what is a Whitesidewall, as in the band? More than just a bit of doo-wop and rockabilly, from the golden age of rock and roll, and times when there could be a roller girl cruising by with “platters” and spinning (mostly FM?) radio. They in their bio reference taking it one step or digit farther, with Love Potion No. 10.
Celebrating their 50th year in 2022, The Memories have entertained across the country. With telltale harmonies and subtle but still classic songs, this Wisconsin-based duo is made up of Warren Petryk and Tim Stevens, spinning tunes at fairs such as this one — going back for much of its history — and festivals, community concerts and the often prized corporate events well before U.S. culture truly went corporate. The Memories continue, therefore, to deliver “music, laughter and wonderful times,” from a musician or two who have the great coifed hair of not aging rock stars but The World’s Most Interesting Man, as their bio info and photo will attest.
And thus to repeat the wear and when, also listed quite a ways below, you can see this is a longer form of the story than a newspaper, and spins golden oldies not Yellow Journalism, as in the sidewalls that are also bright white and not off-color: (Most acts start at 7 p.m. or a bit after. Admission to the fair is always free).
So this is a white wall and weekender of a weekend at the fair.
With music highlights that are: Whitesidewalls (Friday evening), The Memories (Saturday evening), Poppa Bear Norton (new) and local group The Weekenders (two weekend nights).
Th Memories have been dishing out distinctive ditties for decades as a duo. So catch them crooning before they are just … a memory. Timeless music. Then to wrap up the weekend … Its The Weekenders. Twice.
And the Whitesidewalls, they have been around cranking oldies rock about as long as both it and those type of tires have been around. Poppa Bear Norton pontificates in the separate (earlier) post below:

The only way to start the fair’s music off right is with America’s #1 Daredevil Country Duo. They are now new — from parts unknown? — to these parts. Train Wreck Honky Tonk? The Penn and Teller of Country Music? With originals? It’s all right here, right at the St. Croix County Fair on Thursday evening. (With three other acts to follow throughout the weekend, described at the end of this post).

July 20th, 2022

Massive kudos for the St. Croix County Fair as among the first to bring royalty into our presence, if such a term befits Waylon, Willie and Haggard and the boys, and they are not even the weeklong event’s headliners! So you can catch them early on, on Thursday evening. Poppa Bear Norton proclaim themselves to be “America’s #1 Daredevil Country Duo!”, and note that they are in fact “America’s Only Daredevil Country Duo.” They have also been described as Train Wreck Country, (we all know such songs and this reminds one of the Garth Brooks classic), The Funniest Frickin’ Country Band Around, one bar manager and we guess booze slinger — and maybe more — even described them as the “Penn & Teller of Country Music.”
“The Singer” and “The Slinger,” again that term, are a two-man duo — hey I guess that considering the territory, redundancy will get a pass — that plays original country and western style music that harkens back to the good ol’ days of Buck Owens, Johnny Cash, Roger Miller and Hank Sr., as well as the outlaw era. A time when a song was written like a well-crafted story (of Hatfields and McCoys?) and told with passion and muster, theatrics and musical skill on the instruments and vocals. Sure this high octane two-man band hit the stage and play their music as if they don’t realize they are not a full band — a shot of liquid courage, should that even be needed, will do that for you — and yes, sometimes it feels as though it could come off the rails at any moment, but that is what makes them “Country Daredevils.” They’re not just a band, Poppa Bear Norton is an all-out musical act and their musical style, funny stage banter and finely crafted songs will have you laughing one minute and tearing up the next, their bio poignantly puts it. The singer is like Charlie Daniels with an even puffier face (cool). Poppa Bear Norton hails from The Land Of Sky Blue Waters aka Minnesota and the land of Babe the Blue Ox, so OK, not parts unknown. All the way now to the hallowed halls of country, as it plays to the fair crowd, smack dab in Glenwood City.
Now straight to their bio: “The youngsters love them because they look wild, play fast and perform a style of country music they may have never heard before, in a way which they may have never seen. Older folks love them because their energy, music, and stage banter reminds them of something familiar, yet at the same time completely new and different and that’s exactly what American Daredevil Country is.” Well said.
And there’s more!
This is a white wall and weekender of a weekend at the fair.
Music highlights are: Whitesidewalls (Friday evening), The Memories (Saturday evening), Poppa Bear Norton (new and described above) and local group The Weekenders (two weekend nights).
Th Memories have been dishing out distinctive ditties for decades as a duo. So catch them crooning before they are just … a memory. Timeless music.
Then to wrap up the weekend … Its The Weekenders. Twice.
And the Whitesidewalls, they have been around cranking oldies rock about as long as both it and those type of tires have been around.
More on this, the rest of the fair music, in a followup post soon.

Take to the river and beyond with dreams of blue oceans and the music and otherwise-driven events that befits them. Both here and across the country, and across the lake and land and sea.

July 19th, 2022

Don’t feel blue and head down the river — Huck Finn if lower than the Upper Midwest? — if you did not catch Blue Dream at the Willow River Inn earlier in July, as they are again in the Hudson area on July 22. Catch them at Ziggy’s. And down a few blocks by the waterside, other river-based events wait throughout the week.
And there is a lot more going around that time. Nextdoor, a full five-person comedy lineup is at Hop & Barrel.
Down in Milwaukee, the Brewers are known for themed baseball nights, and this one is at once a bit controversial and welcoming. It is Christian night at the ballpark. On a possibly different end of things is the Korn Ferry golf tour. Cross that black underworld river anyone?
Must mention also the Trump International Scotland tourney. Politically speaking, that just has to be on the Saudi-sponsored LIV tour. Does that stand for Likely Instigating Violence?
Back to locally, karaoke is or was Thursday through Saturday every weekend in downtown NR. The Wild Badger has axed its offering that used to start it rolling, but it remains on the weekend across the street. And now Thursday is the only non-event day or night of the week at Gathering Games. So there is a void right after hump day. (Can the Games Gap be filled with that cool hipster clerk who grabs a smoke on the sidewalk between the gigs?)
Just to the north, the Wild Badger on Friday has a band, returning, with one of the best names I’ve encountered for a long time, Two Right Brains. No word if the copyright bug has been bitten when it comes to Iron Maiden drummer Nico McBrain, and if he has gone the route of metal acts like Black Sabbath, who have blocked some of their songs from being played, at least in full form, by online first-reaction reviewers. And I have to make this joke: What is the consequence if someone is not in their right mind? What’s left? Is this a non-sequiter?
The next day, the Octagon House in Hudson has, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to name times that span both the morning and afternoon, an event that mixes get this — a pie social and Civil War Day.
Also on history, and this one is the most current as far as when it will be reinacted, the River Fest in Lake Front Park from July 19 — gee that’s today — to the 23rd has the usual things but also a Native American Celebration, river cleanup recognition and The Longer Table picnic.
For more on any of these events, see their websites, which are not bowing to the space constraints of my profit driven website. After all, I am as Vin says of Sori, a filthy capitalist among reactors.

Fun Fest started with a slow Friday aft rollout, but then got rolling with rock ‘n’ roll. It was just ducky as far as attendance, especially involving Mallard’s and their new bands offering. Gee wasn’t that the pattern with Hudson’s Booster Days?

July 13th, 2022

Enuf said, as the Fun Fest in New Richmond was down on that rager, like a Wild Badger. Or Mallard’s, so to speak.
They again, as I understand in most years even before the introduction of the band at that venue, poured through the hundreds and hundreds of patrons. Or one only pales about the number at River Falls Days on their same Saturday, as I do compare, with their new grant.

— But there is a big fest across the St. Croix this weekend also, and it has more to do with Lumberjacks, rather than what’s to be found on Paperjack Street in New Richmond. See the Uncategorized Department. —

So here’s how it goes: The biggest Fun Fest of the bunch was the (new) band at Mallard’s, as if the Fun Fest needed more traction. Everyone was congregated around the stage, and I engaged the person selling beer tickets, who said it was a bit hit and miss, as everyone would like steady, and appeared bored (as servers sometimes do, as she looked for someone from my past) for the moment.
There was the guy selling festive glowing sticks who was wearing such that included devil horns, (and there is that Ronnie James Dio thing that is a misunderstood urban myth thingee, actually part of his Italian matriarch roots). And over at Bobcats, there was no karaoke as a part of the usual all-weekend deejay mix, only requests for this particular evening(s). A thousand points of light? They could be seen glittering on the sidewalks, speck by speck.
But Sunday’s parade, that was moved up a half-hour to noon this year, missed the rain on the parade, I assume if it it was like most of the experience around the area, by just a tad. Psst. A cabbie verified it on Monday, after a weekend that was filled, in part, with going around parade detours. And back to River Falls, they were back to a standard parade format, not the walk by, that being done by the viewers of last year — social distancing benefits have gotten mixed reviews.

Cross-country and now-local drummer Dennis Nolan can hook you up with jazz and rock, Beatles tunes and more — sometimes in the same extended song. And this versatile music veteran has even played with a lot of these guys! The Coasters, Drifters and Platters et al. And he’s looking for new gigs these days. Don’t you want him?

July 10th, 2022

While writing this, I listen to the marching band play across the way with their big bass drums in staccato, preparing for the Fun Fest parade, reminded of the deaths recently of the drummer from the band Yes, and longer ago those from The Who and Led Zeppelin, and in-between Ginger Baker.
But drumming lives on from one of their contemporaries, even using a double bass set-up. And he’ll do full-length performances and not spontaneously combust, even after banging the skins for a uninterrupted half-hour.
Dennis Nolan, now of New Richmond, has resided and played in the likes of Maui and Hawaii with the likes of Jimmy Buffett, (OK I’m not sure about that last part but I am sure Dennis would find a laugh at the gag). His actual gigs have included many years of multi-state, full-on tours, and found him going all across the country and beyond. Like that massive Euro-tour with a name band, hitting the majority of the countries on that continent, with stops that found them riding routes and regaling those on multi-level bus, and going forward with such.
These open doors, which is what music does anyway, Dennis says. As a versatile jazz and rock and more drummer, his fave of all is the Doors, although he’s been very acquainted with various Beatles tribute bands, and that group covers almost all the genres you’d want to hear. So go for it Dennis! As you have since the heyday of rock ‘n’ roll. This was shown way back, when Dennis toured with The Coasters in their prime, and The Drifters and The Platters, two of them in back to back years. You can also check him out acoustic at The Smilin’ Moose in Hudson.
And these days with the virus no longer quite going viral and the itch to play again taking its inevitable root, he notes, he’s looking for ongoing, paid gigs, as he is a professional, either local or travel needed, doesn’t matter.
He has auditioned for Ozzy — and even got a handwritten note back as he has much the same look down to the glasses! — drummed for so many big names it bogs down the mind, and loves all from Alice In Chains to Supertramp with their power chords and of course likeminded drumming. Dennis has done a fulltime equivalent of 26 years of touring while playing for 60, starting when a “wee” lad — and yes he’s Irish.
Join him soon for a local Feast of Friends show, starting with 15 minutes of vocals, as yes, he sings too, and an
instrumental interlude that leads into 30 straight minutes of drum solo taking the form of jazz, and big harmony and finally really rocking out and coming to an eventual conclusion. Part is a 15 minute rendition of the Beatles’ Rubber Sole album.
And what about that touring Japan fascination?!?
You can contact him at (715) 338-2116.

Hudson Booster Days was great fun? Moving forward, hey, what about Fun Fest in the home of the fun-loving Tigers and River Falls Days, land of another cat that being the Wildcats, as another source of fun and funky tunes. In NR, there twice can be found multiple music acts at once in a single venue, so double your fun. (And how many times can I use ‘fun’ in a headline?)

July 8th, 2022

Last weekend saw the Hudson Booster Days attracting a diverse crowd — except that most were from the Twin Cities rather than being townies. (I did see two longtime local folks while out and about, who stopped me to say hello, and yes I did recognize them after a few moments. That was it). And then late on Friday there were two more.
OK those last couple were wonderful and lovely ladies, not missing a stride although past 30, but you would be hard pressed to compare that night with something like New Years. So I think I will just boycott the local festivals for the month.
Not. As this weekend is the Fun Fest in New Richmond and there will be River Falls Days also.
Local servers, at least in Hudson, said that the Fourth of July was crazy busy, as was the case for taxi drivers in New Richmond, as well. And considering the time of the month, for more than one reason, they added that it was almost nonstop weekend trips to WalMart before The Fourth even arrived — not to speak of Fun Days — starting early and picking up as the day progressed. Picnic goods anyone? And maybe even that nasty looking piece of fireworks that later was setting near my door.
But in New Richmond this weekend …
The Bad Girlfriends have been showing what drives them by performing numerous gigs around western Wisconsin for several years, picking up more and more of a following with each venue they play. Newest on the list is Mallards on Saturday night. That’s outside, and for added fun there is a deejay inside.
At the nextdoor Wild Badger, its three straight deejays nightly throughout the weekend, then changing it up with Sunday’s Regret, which will wrap up its sets on … very early Sunday a.m. But this is no a sunrise service. Not to mention, there are $12 fish bowl drinks and $3 of their specialty Blackout concoctions. One could conceivably lead to the other …
There also is Champ’s on the other side of Mallards, and as well, the downtown stage has bands on three straight nights. Come Saturday, the biggest festival day of course, if you are still un-groggy enough to be up and about after the Mallards’ hot dog eating contest, the headliner band is Pasian and the Family Brass, following up on an act that’s one of two billed as New Richmond’s own, True Blue.
And due south in River Falls, the remaining bands are — and gee, am I begging off? — still too numerous to mention, both in Heritage Park and the various nightspots.
What, a New Richmond bartender said, why do we have roadblock wooded horses up already Wednesday night onto side streets? Come Thursday night there would be carnival rides. I could recognize an age-old staple, the Tilt-a-whirl, when glancing over from the main drag. And city crews, being proactive, were out late Wednesday doing some striping at a lighted intersection, as not to disrupt the traffic that would soon be heavier, both day and night.
River Falls has bolstered its festivals, this weekend among them, as they obtained a $30,000 tourism grant from the state to promote music and such all though 2022. Part of the result was an early sellout on tickets for its April bluegrass fest. Another was the executive director and others on the Chamber of Commerce staff being out hoofing it to distribute flyers often in the last couple of weeks, rather than being chained to their desks. Multiple bands over multiple places.
A few more tidbits in the post below.

Uhm, Battle Hymn of the Republic, thus the staccato marching-on of fire in the works, now falls on this Fourth for far more than the 200th time. Dark poetry in motion, sonic forces in command, the grip of what we view on us, now beckon as seldom before. The rain and rein of fire may be at hand?? Here’s some of what we’ve seen locally.

July 4th, 2022

To set the tone, not yet midnight now, but still the bang of dozens of fireworks high across the semi-scorched lawns, first a line of one pop then sets of two, staccato. I reference the midsection of the epic 18-minute song of human folly and crashing British airflight “Empire of the Clouds.” This combo of consistency and chaos could in many ways mark the tenure of this Fourth of July holiday.

— But wait. There’s more! Another holiday of sorts. In short order is Fun Fest in New Richmond and River Falls Days, (and OK you partiers know what city, obviously, that is in). So it all gets going with another act new to HudsonWiNightlife, Chris Kroese, in downtown New Richmond later today, that being Thursday. And all the things like carnival rides that are going on before and after his show. (Having, the downtown location, being back there, appears to be a big deal). And you know I could not get off on such a (celeb?) ceremonious celebration without a joke. Chris Kroese may sound in name like the Old School rap and/or hip-hop act Kriss Kross, but I have it on good authority that he is different, being a one-man show and more versatile in song selection. And less than 25 miles south — as the Crow and that’s not the old rock band flies, and unfortunately there is no straight Highway Star shot — but you still may want to hit the road and take in both, and not snuff the stuff in River Falls. Its amazing what a not so little ol’ state, but not Texas, tourism grant will do ya. So for much more on what’s going on at both these ends of St. Croix County, see my little ol’ website as the weekend approaches. —

The full-on city fiesta would be the next night. Still way in a front corner of the fourth room at Dick’s Bar and Grill, what, a Mexican food table, on July Fourth of all days. Lack of brats? And a lady across the pavement, staring straight and unwavering at the storefront in front of her. She’s who we all know, shining white light, searched for glitter if not gold??
The Sub House threw it back, with the three colors represented in mongo form five of the eight sandwich ingredients, and even brings farmer’s fruit into the fray to meet our (fickle?) appetites.
Another S word, Schneiderman’s I believe, said white glove treatment would be applied to all furniture deliveries, good color choice. The queen might do that with her expectations. And I won’t go into the man, I think, seen twice in a week roaming the streets of New Richmond, and cutting through the bars too, wearing a huge White Rabbit head.
This is one of three when it comes to the red, white and blue: Different folds of clothing in different places sporting all the colors, stretching as trendy various ways up and down and sideways, scant bits of skin between. Thus they incorporated an off-white tone; also present in hair of both a clerk and store patron, blueish tints added too.
Days before The Fourth, a tall blond was sporting a top of all those primary colors while at the bar and getting (a Pabst?), and I was going to complement her on the blouse choice, but then she abruptly took it off! It’s OK, as there was a dark blue camisole underneath. She would need that, because of the sheer sweat of fast dancing and her crazy hyper energy, and being swung over the shoulder of a friend with ceaseless flexibility, and that was shown her to be very lithe as well.

— Avenged sevenfold? (And more of my slaps at the quirks of our culture?)
That’s about how many cities with their storms, late in the get-going, cancelled their fireworks displays on the other end of Wisconsin. They made up for it here with a second appearance in the same number of days of across-the-street staccato.
But you couldn’t go there anyway, with a combination of flight cancellations and not enough flight attendants and flight overload of traffic. And get angry at the captain? Fight or flight?
Now the joke: With the rush to just get out and go … anywhere … in post-pandemic panic, we may be reaching a point where a plurality of the U.S. population is in the air at any one time. In the standard coach seats toward the back, they may have it over First Class when it comes to the often fading respect of Social Distancing, and with a greater number of planes and their people inside criss-crossing the country, that distinction may be crucial. —

Even weeks before that, Sam’s Club or such showed a blowup doll that was Uncle Sam, just past the checkout. And on the ride over, there was a second simply Sam, this time tethered on either side so he could not be taken away as written above by any Brit in post-colonial rage. Next to him Mickey Mouse in a Star Spangled uniform was not so lucky, being flattened to the too short grass.
Or a lone flag sitting by itself on a pole next to a tiny pond — and the only thing noticeable in the barren field all around.
Another wore the colors all, if you include a couple of denim pockets to constitute white. (More tints during this season: A thigh-high pink and yellow garter had much more height in front than back. But another’s outfit had all shades of blue and green, angelic but not algae). So the jeans give shades of red and blue, complete with a bit of off-white.
Not too many were around to appreciate it, being at cabins or house-based celebrations. The bars were manned with their crowds more like a Wednesday. At the Boosters Day band in the park on Friday evening, I saw a whole two people I recognized, as the homie crowds have changed around, although there were groups of people scattered throughout.
Brick’s Pizza up the way was an exception, with a full house.
And just where are, off the shelf, those Boston baked beans. A nice older lady helped me find them. Yes there is a story here, and starts Out East, far further then into Wisconsin, angling toward its center, to buy fireworks.

— Do I know beans about beans? —

My friend from Boston, now moved to Minnesconsin, wouldn’t get to experience the annual million-viewed Boston Pops plus fireworks at their historic band shell, so I thought this could fill the silence like a muzzleloader of old.
So I checked the shelves fore and aft, and found everything that included even a Dr. Pepper flavor with beans.
I asked the nice lady, are not Boston Baked Beans a staple of the genre? Unless overindulged? But at the last, there was a can or two, buried in the bottom corner. And even New England Clam Chowder as a second choice. And lastly, a $2 sprinkling of pop rocks. Will the package box fit it all?
Plenty of pastel chalklines on the pavement have regularly been shown along East Sixth Street, for the moment taking shape as a U.S. flag in order to take up a square of concrete, and the form of holiday wishes and a fireworks buildup. But across the street, there has been a less charming greeting that borders on bullying. Since taken down. In the 400 block, a nice lady accepted a compliment about her making her yard beautiful, several ways over with flowers and the like. She added, nothing too tough, since all the green ornamentation could be found setting in wait in a nearby woodlot.
Harder to arrange and keep straight was likely the mouse ears playing off angel wings beneath.
Another outfit of similarity, daughter and mom, was nearly matching in its size, shape and color its hundreds of floral figures. The pose both took, standing next to each other at the bar-rail, further showed their resemblance.
So some would say, how dare you wear, or maybe even carry, a U.S. flag, or there will be (less than subtle) warfare, that being something they will not acknowledge this. But you can drape it over a casket. I won’t even start to quote the seminal punk band Black Flag, though they do back further than the rise of such thought.
In a gutter next to a main drag sidewalk, a big Fireball bottle could thus have used a firewall.
It was bring me some water, to revisit earlier in June, when edging as close as we have had to 100 degrees, and workers spread out 18 boulders of mostly the same size between plants and thousands wood chips, prior to another approaching holiday at the New Richmond Post Office. Your tax dollars at work. In a good way.

Don’t it make my bright eyes blue, (followed by red and white?) This rave party was the thing to rave about, and we’d not completely kill the lights, as they smack of a bit of darkish neon.

July 3rd, 2022

Hey, you have to rave about the rave, and its blue light special. But across those severance walls, but certainly not the halls, gotta get that gonzo but godforsaken tap in gear.
First, the rave party at the Wild Badger the weekend before The Fourth but a prequel, was set with the cool bartenders dressing the part, but wait — not all the dark-mood lights were in place quite yet. So go to it, with the evening beckoning, more bulbs have to be installed.
Mood as in funky and (softly?) tinted purplish lumens, like the shape you’d see Outshining the back-porch kind at a Fourth BBQ, as dusk comes and fireworks too. All around the top of the circular bar. So there was one bartender who stepped up as brave and made the lap, and with rave dress also evoking memories of un-stripped-down Coyote Ugly, which I just saw on late(r)-night TV. (One of her mates appeared too young to catch the joking reference, although I indeed tried). Just had to watch the first one’s step when there was a cash register at the edge or lip of the wooden bar-rail. I offered to lend a hand, but she’s good … I commended her on her litheness, (more on that in a day or two), and style as she rocked it, and added I just might have to run to Wal-Mart, or the closest rave shop, other, in the Cities or that one kinda mega store here — and get a set of full-on black lights as accompaniment.
That second server one had a combo of the longest lashes I’ve seen, and her darker but colorful patterned eyes that will long be remembered, even in The Brave New World of the pandemic, a full half-inch, (more on this trend in subsequent posts). And a third bartender with checkered shorts on most of the colors of the rainbow. Even the deejay got into it with trademark metal-punk gloves of black leather (finger holes?) Interestingly, the only one really dressed down was the shot girl.
But northern-end over, since we need our beer … A single tap line that at its length fought the Badger State culture, briefly. It stuck and for minutes did not deliver through the goods, but for a few free quaffs. But to cure? A bartender friend took the lead, followed by another woman and man, coworkers all, and the former came up with an answer. So how many people does it take to change a tap line. Three? But needed was woman’s touch, or two of them.
But it took just one Badger bartender to change real light bulbs.

Let’s go Old School for Saturday, firing up somethings really different, in the works. There is a tractor and truck pull in Hammond, with a full two dozen different class styles to compete in. Enuf said on that. And to start a very full day at Wanderoos in Amery, dust off your old sneakers or boots and play in a pile of sawdust, or kick it with kickball, then stay for two different music acts, as it would not be The Fourth without tunes. (And to fully go July, you need an ice cream truck, so see the post below this one). And between those the new bands at Booster Days.

July 1st, 2022

Its not often that you see this kind of activity, but the Fourth of July is for all ages, so there will be a big ol’ pile of sawdust to play in at the full-day blowout Saturday that heads off the holiday weekend at northernly UW Wanderoos in the heart of Amery.
So this is the dirt, so to speak, on playing in the dust, and if you are an adult, maybe even Old School and loved to see things like mud wrestling, this type of fodder underfoot will likely be the closest thing you’ll come upon these days. Catch it right after the kiddie parade. And its not just Dust in the Wind, as this is not Kansas, and you will not have to wait until dusk to play. But there is music, two different forms (see below).
(The only thing that we think can rival this as far as novelty is yard Olympics, part of ongoing events, through a charitable group called Cared4 4ever and spearheaded by a golf-course-extended not far south of Wanderoos. But with that said, as Saturday passes by and the rest of The Fourth prevails, check out the other special-events-based offerings that Wanderoos throws out there regularly, all throughout the year, and That Other Lions Club Thing in Hammond that takes the form of Heartland Days later in summer).
Also at the Wanderoos 55th annual Independence Day observance is a kickball game, again Old School, and its family friendly so don’t emulate that Dodgeball movie, but there is a beanbag tourney. To get fueled up for those things, there is a chicken dinner with entre option alternatives and all the fixins. The kickball kicks in at 12:30, and well beforehand is a 5K walk/run. So there is a lot going on early, so get there early.
Allyson Dyg is the one playing afternoon music, and with that kind of creative spelling one must think the music is anything but also-ran. Just like the sand/mud alternative. Then for four hours until midnight its County Line, fitting because of the location of Amery in Polk County, slightly north of the main urban center of this region and that’s a good thing, and you can bet there will be a whole lotta country kickin’ at this Old School street dance. And to also go traditional, you can come back for fireworks here on The Fourth itself. That as you might expect with a three-day holiday is the mainstay, main day for most such shows across western Wisconsin, and there are several in various locales, mostly running up and down the St. Croix River, extended a bit east.
Kinda kitty-korner south across the county line in Hammond, dead center in St. Croix County, is the annual tractor and truck pull on Saturday starting at 5 p.m. The tractor classes sound impressive, with 18 different four and five digit numbers as style IDs, and they throw around terms like not only Farm, but Turbo, Improved and Pro. So this isn’t just your daddy’s old basic green or red John Deere.
Truck classes are stock gas truck, improved gas truck, outlaw diesel truck (mine favorite name with or without Vin) and open diesel truck. Admission is only $10, and that’s a few cents per class you can view, and under ten are let in free, so educate the youngsters on the beauty of the roar and the visual spectacle, as again, this is a family holiday, and our forefathers built this country on horsepower, even if a different type.

But to get another new Booster musically, in this Day on Sunday all afternoon especially, check out Picks of the Week. But don’t wait, as you may be getting a call about parade lineup slots on Saturday morning, when it is announced. But call us child, we don’t necessarily plan on calling you.

Their ice cream truck has trekked near and far, and has become a true part of the community of first Hudson and then other towns, creating one big family. We will let Karen tell the full Storie of her and her daughters.

July 1st, 2022

As primarily a music website, we must mention as the ultimate in zeal the “Ice Cream Man,” or in this case women, and their old fashioned delivery truck that started serving Hudson and then branched out with fondness to other communities.
The truck in the size and shape, with colorful decals, of that driven by the postal carrier, but bringing even better items for you to enjoy. The carousel tune it plays, much like tinkling of a bell, announces its arrival well before you see it, in a delightfully understated and never loud way, as it toddles along slowly like one of the youngest of its patrons, building the anticipation of its arrival starting when it is still a block or so away — so even if in your house you have plenty of time to slip on your summer shoes and flag it down.
Principle owner Karen Storie is outrageously friendly — in a good way. We’ll let her tell the story, about the miles and smiles the truck has logged in service, from here.
“I bought the business from a friend four years ago. I now run this business (as a family affair) with the help of my four daughters (cool names of Madi, Kerrigan, Kellan and Brekkyn). We have expanded our business and are now running eight routes during the week. We do routes in most of the surrounding communities including New Richmond, River Falls, North Hudson, Somerset, Roberts, Stillwater, Oak Park Heights, Bayport and Lake Elmo.” They also do many community events with local schools, as well as many employee and customer appreciation events.
The business runs three months during the summer. During the school year, Storie works as a special education teacher in the New Richmond School District.
“I think the biggest thing about our business is the customer service,” she says. “Myself, along with my other employees, really try to find a connection with all of our customers. We want the ice cream truck to be a part of their summer time memories. It is our belief that everyone; young and old should have the opportunity to feel like the ice cream is just for them. We always try to go above and beyond for all that we serve.
“I love the many things we hear throughout our routes and events:
— This reminds me of my childhood.
— This is the best day ever.
— Our summer doesn’t officially start till you come to visit.
— You are a staple of our summer.
— We chased you (hey, it happens) because you are the best.
— Thank you for bringing happiness into our summer.
— My child counts down the day till you come every week.
“A little boy told his mom as he was walking away the other day, ‘I love that lady,’ or the one little boy, said ‘I never seen a ice cream truck person as good as you.’
“We have become part of our customers’ families watching babies being born and then growing,” Storie says. “We celebrate wins of their soccer games. We watch broken arms happen. We feel sad when our customers move away and are happy when we meet new customers move in. We watch customers pass away, cry with their spouses and think of them when we sell their favorite ice cream treat to someone else. We truly are lucky with how we have turned from a business to being a part of something greater.”
And it all started with ice cream. Cream del a cream.