Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

‘Peroxide’ blondes with Big Hair prevail, both now and years back, as they stretch out on that ageless classic, motorcycles, for the camera

History repeats itself, again, and in the latest case all the props are still in place, even though its getting a little chilly for most modeling photo shoots.
With the time ebbing toward midnight, a woman was being photographed on a motorcycle on the front lawn near the curb of a North Hudson trailer park. Luckily, there was a streetlight right overhead, so there was at least some ambient light, although that guy must have been really good with his appeture settings to get anything in focus at all. (The model did have frizzy, ’80s style hair, so maybe it didn’t matter so much).
On the other side of the photographer, there were and still are a storage container and a trailer. At times, there have also been different vehicles parked, such as a snowplow and a truck. Could those have supplied additional fodder, as in new seats on which to pose, if there was a sequel to the photo shoot? Hopefully during daylight?
As it turns out, there was a prequel. Back a decade or two, I did a story on a couple of sisters who moved here from L.A. and were telling just how much slower-paced the lifestyle is here. The accompanying photo was taken, again sitting on a motorcycle, with the two of them posing, and again they are both blondes. The shoot included a mutual friend who was not new to being in front of the camera, as she was pictured in a rather controversial Girls of Wisconsin calendar a couple of years earlier. One of the sisters was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, the other striped snakeskin pants that were the talk of the newspaper’s photo department for a few years running.
Another regular bar patron on that side of town was intruiged by the positioning in front of the big Hudson sign that leads up the dike road, and even more by the comely ladies, and asked if he could snap some photos also. This was turning out to be quite a production. Just need a gaffer (I never have figured out what one of those people do).
Back to the only-need-one-model shoot at the trailer park. As I walked further home, back to the area of Fourth Street North, I was passed by the party bus from Big Guys BBQ Roadhouse. I thought it odd for such a vehicle to be this far afield, away from the main drag. Then, a minute later, a taxi cab came by. I guess this area must be popular as far as partiers go, and people needed ride(s) home. Lastly on this theme, as I neared my house, I saw that the notorious “we will tell you your speed” sign from the local police was stationed along Fourth Street. Would I weigh in at 3 mph, that being with sprite in my step? Nope, didn’t register, as it was late and I’m guessing I needed car lights for the thing to see me. Then I guy came by walking a dog on his leash, but carrying a flashlight. Bet he chimed in at about 5 mph, since the dog was walking fast but keeping the same distance of about 40 feet ahead of his master. Looked like he was not on a leash, but chasing a squirrel. But enough of that.
Then getting back to the photo end of things, this time at the other end of the village, at the Mallalieu Inn, there is a big Budweiser poster (for another image to be composed in much the same way) that also features a long-haired blonde, and also has her positioned on a motorcycle. At least there weren’t two or three dozen of her pictured, as was the case in a business magazine that had that very many individual mug shots to depict the prevalence of “peroxide” blondes in the news anchor industry. Or a similar layout treatment to all the white boys who are Big Ten coaches of a given prominent sport, as the only black is no longer in that position.
Got all that? Quiz at 11. Unless you’re out and about, and you might want to be to avoid any questioning.

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