Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Rain, rain go away. Though I’ll take the thunder, as it rolls and rocks, you keep the lightning. But no sleet. Follow those Four (now winded) Horsemen. But the fair’s crew was more than just fair in size. Other such concert crowds were also seen. (And right after UFO Days, the rainy sky was filled with craft piloted not by Bruce, but by all those dozens that popped out of the pod with brother-resident alien Ofu?) —– And care of your own siblings and cousins too, and take heed my Michigan crew. See Notes From The Beat.

The Four Horsemen, By the last breathe of the four winds blow.

And Kashmir, but not nearly the four winds to fill your sails.

Even if those four winds are only half, they can have a punch. Like Hudson versus North Hudson. And disrupt your ability to go out and see, say, Metallica or Zeppelin. And yes, Lars did show up here once — and I swear a lookalike with bigger jowls was out at Ziggy’s last night, though that may be cheeky — to scout a non-drummer for his record label. But that’s another story.
Or create more Muddy Waters, flowing up to the top of a storm sewer during the latest storm, and well over Second Street intersection curbsides and not at Kern’s, from about that time frame in Elmwood concerts.
That show went on. And I’ve heard various twists on that theme about in particular New Richmond’s Fun Fest. The paper said that when all was said and down and rained upon, customer traffic was hot. But at a northernly pub, a different story, as it was noted the numbers of the hoards was basically OK, but not like in many past years. Some have blamed that, said from early in the weekend, on a new rule limiting the access methods between the bars and tents — and predicting the veil would be lifted by say, Saturday night.
But it is fair to say that although the rain song was no less fair to the fair, at the county’s other end, but attendance still was high through the droplets. They did not have the run on ripping up shrubs that was seen in North Hudson. Then lined up along the sidewalks of their main street.
But there will be none of this at The Gaslite show this weekend for their first annual — that’s a prediction according to them — Trimbelle Days, although this is in nearly right-by Ellsworth. The bands remain the same, the tried and true multi-members Coconut Tiger (Friday night) and Hitchville (Saturday night), and their potent posses, but there’s more here. There’s Sunday.
And a ride that could be a full phone number, or maybe a social, as that would be fitting: PCAA UTV/ATV. At an 11 a.m. start, there is a ride to and through the trifecta of Spring Valley/Elmwood/Plum City, across towns and villages, and over hill and dale and byways. Breakfast is available starting a 7 a.m. The main event, so to speak, gets going at 9 a.m. They note that out of state riders need a trail pass, anticipating the breadth of the event and that people would come from the Twin Cities, so if you are from there, consider joining them.
There’s Elmwood popping up again. The principles of their UFO Days have announced that there may need a bit more time to gauge their overall attendance, measured by brat and hot dog sales, based on allegations that resident alien Ofu had rigged the results of the Tofu eating contest. In related news, it was revealed that one of his 76 siblings to come out of the pod together, Nofu, has been denied a permit to do further medical experiments as an “alien in residence.” And he’s not Dr. Who.
My sister-in-law, now from Milwaukee and growing up in Elmwood, was back there on Saturday night, and teased about it by many people the other 364 days. To quote her, she was “actually” at the fest, (rather than virtually, as the aliens had also been denied that permit, by local, global and intergalactic officials.)
She didn’t see Will Smith? Or Tommy Lee Jones? The fest goes back as far as the acting origins of the Men in Black, who have given their view on resident aliens — so long ago that those Suits now could be grandfather and great-grandfather, wearing matching and natty wool sweaters — and not to make the aliens explode, oh TLJ. Resident Evil? Many more a movie to cite.

(For more world-and-beyond news of the weird, and how to partake, see the Picks of the Week department).

(And for more on Joe’s Wholesome Holistics — becoming Mr. T — see that Health Department also, pretty please protect your thus stated health).

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