Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Rock stars with reasons to rant, go go Gaga? With IQ? And not just deep fakes? As in such a handoff? Will we go beyond Swifties and sweeties, segueing to Springsteen and such — and Beyonce behold may now show, as if that should be news — but even Favre does not get a free pass on these pages. So who you gonna call for PQ? Politician or poet/pop singer? Katy Perry or the Band Perry?

So we have so many people backing Trump, saying he is his own man and admiring him for that. But so many stars in their own right, men and women, millionaires all but not by Elon Musk standards, have come forward backing Kamala Harris with even their country content — but no Cash — as the Trump mash-up including Musk remarks becomes more graphic than even Cradle of Filth lyrics, and lots even longer in the (lopsided) tooth.

But being such an outsider does still require some modicum of skill. That’s where I draw a line in the sand when invoking, also, my and their rock star heroes. As Ozzy, even eventually, and Lemmy were able to pen intelligent lyrics and commentary on the current world and political landscape – although I’ll give you that The Ozz Man struggles mightily when composing an interview sentence. (Much more on their fastidious fortitude, functionally specific, for as it is, in a later post.)

— This is a fifth, as in a drink, that’s worthy of buying the previou four. Come High Noon. Or more specifically starting at 11 a.m. on football Sunday Game Day. Going through 11 p.m. It’s at the Smilin’ Moose where you buy four High Noons and get a fifth for free, all for just … $27.50. That ol’ 50 cents. This is a combo of vodka and soda, in various fruity flavors, (I tried one for the first time back at home in Milwaukee), and the photo of the bucket on the marquee shows Summer Sips. Would that make you an Arizona fan? Referencing the marquee was a young woman wearing a QB like cast on her leg, if hit low. Had she been on IR from the bar? —

Meandering for a bit, one does almost feel sorry for Trump and what he has become, and by no means a rock star as if for nothing else, he does not have the hair. But if his IQ truly is around 89, or 98 — he says 156 — I’ll give him credit for being able to make it in the business world, sorta, anyway, even if needing to be bailed out, over and above at the ballot box turnstyles, at most turns, and then being a cheap-turn reality show star. That IQ reading seems too low to have any merit, so one wonders if it is a deep fake. Like one I saw of Melania purportedly jumping in front of her husband and saying she is done with him to a RNC crowd because of affairs and whatnot, and tossing her wedding ring into one of the front rows, like a rock concert frisbee. Or was this post a matter of massive editing, in or out with content. And it’s gotten far worse with the deep fakes, on both sides, many from Russia and its regard, since that was exposed. And many attempt to undermine valid voting, and not from Trump.

One’s mind boggles. Would the most recently attemptedly orchestrated and apparently botched as A-47 incident be blown out of proportion to include allegations that it involved also shooting up his now dead body, Liz Cheney and also fame-media hack potshots aside, in a matter of overkill not (officially) penned by Lemmy and Motorhead, and taking out a whale or two for good measure?

On other vows, Rock the Casbah and we Clash, what about the one where Trump was said to have promised oil sheiks $18 billion for favors? And very much also for elbow grease? That could be parlayed into a lot of savings at the pump – and become more of an election issue — though not much for the pocketbooks of those rich men, as they are used to bribes of much more.

This one, unfortunately, is not nearly so fake, like such a handoff. QB Favre had chastised Swiftie singer Taylor about taking recent political stances, where all-the-while he has done the same style, as sung, saying essentially that this is quite unbecoming for a pop star. This in the land where — and just who can you trust? — there are sign stealers across all starboards and game boards. Inside sometimes otherwise empty helmets.

And whose IQ and PQ are you going to trust more anyway? Yes, quarterbacks have to read defenses like politicians read voters, and come up with playbooks and platforms, and they have to be able to read the crowded defenses like you would a crowd that is suddenly on your back moreso than that of a bad comic, and memorize lots of plays and positions, but …

I myself would take a lyricist first, who pens poetic and has to make it more believable than those backing the tack of a particular political hack. Listen to Springsteen and to my bro, he’s actually quite astute, thus Born In The USA stupid — and hey even mom is conversant about him and I don’t have to drag her in too much — and then also Eminem for intellect? And Swift, although I have teased her, is said to have an IQ of 160 — very much pretty damn good and not just pretty lipstick — and that by the way beats even the best proclaimed by Trump by four points or at least pretty close to fourfold, so be careful who you tout. Maybe Favre should stick to allegedly siphoning stamps, where I believe there is a 200 limit. Maybe less in Mississippi.

And the beau of Taylor, not Trump like you might expect, is expected to have made her expecting, so if you double that in the offspring, by a factor of two since there are a pair of parents, you can concoct an IQ of 320 when adding an apparently smart football tighter end (and brain?) than even Swift. That’s like Einstein dissecting a Cover Two.

And Brittany Kelce, of the coming-in-law clan of Taylor, has also entered into the public political fray with her own, fractured like a knee, viewpoint. Would you like to be a fly on the wall, or at least the dated cranberry sauce, at Thanksgiving dinner? Looks like we yet will not, for sure, know a winner who takes all, at that point. And wanna party with not Perry but Musk while chomping on hoidy toidy turkey and sipping fine champagne? Get in line as his dance card is full. But you are not going to mistake this man, that being Musk, for Bill Gates as he seems to have the intellect of only an Average Joe. So how did this guy make so much money? I first associated his name with high end perfume, you know Musk, but if it smells like a fish, or a rat … It has been suggested we shoot him to the moon, along with Trump, via his company.

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