Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Santa has Them Bones too, or so in grunge, says Alice, and thus lifts her Chains like the old ghost seen by Scrooge. Lit up, to again lift up, using their very pale whiteness aside, like a Christmas tree. Merging holidays — sorry to Scrooge — occurring in past, present and future times. But for now, and to forego any more word-like Reindeer-Like Games, its Father Christmas! (And at the end is new info, seasonally sanctioned song stuff.)

There still are and were several Santas seen, some on the more secularly sinister and not sacred side. Seriously. But one lingers and looms large most of all.

That Tall Man — necessarily unlike a short elf — set on the, get this, small yard of a small farmstead between Hudson and New Richmond, virtually clinging to a maple tree, was a high skeleton almost the size of Eddie, you know the massive Iron Maiden mascot, and now has been converted, so to speak, in holiday observance. The scene has Christmas-like, Santa vibes, with plenty of Xmas plinky lights. Among the rib and leg bones.
In NR itself, still atop of street sign, sits another skeleton, this one more human-height. It looks — sorry again Maiden — like the cover art creature, another version of Eddie, on the poignantly-positive-posturing Fear of The Dark album. Plopped on top of  — not (reaching toward Heaven?) — a star-crossed-to-invoke-its-sidestreet sign.
And a third theme on this, this time a somewhat sacred and actual scene of Santa, set the size of a football field away from the highway, on a long fence ahead of a residence, not a farm field.

A now harried hair place said that because of its cancellations, they can sooner see you in (an appointment?) and accentuate your accents, and get you ready for that (killer) holiday party. They opine that they have now openings, even if off the street and only one-off, and not just of gifts.
Another sign, as if you need another on which to act, and I have now seen that metaphor for a fourth, if not fifth time. It says to love your hometown — with heart as in another holiday, this time in mid-February and Hallmark beyond — and that being Hudson. But somewhat ironically, it is laid flat alongside browned-grass, next to a sidewalk, also in front of a high and stark brick wall.
But no more grinch get-go. Screw Scrooge. Happy holidays!

Thusly … This is the Three Days, or Nights, of Eves, of Christmas/New Years weekends at the Wild Badger in New Richmond. Could summa the bands be TBA? They can cancel! Then get a lump of coal.
We start with the 16th, in which we do among other things customer appreciation with two bands, one old and one newer with a long name, back to back starting early, and the seasonal intro (maybe and it could be late) of ugly sweaters.
Then the 23rd and more music, could be one of their many deejays, maybe the newer deejay BDay, to get you in the groove for The Next Night And Day. The Saturday is also a dweebs day, with that band helping you negotiate their naughty and nice night. Anything but bland.
More of the same, possibly by name, on the 30th, and you know what That Next Night is! They have that, too, and again the deejay and maybe more dejour. Much more.
I guess it has been a while since I had been back at Ziggy’s Hudson, for their relatively new karaoke. On that Wednesday night, back at the turn of the month, a staffer was kinda ignoring the karaoke deejay and putting up Christmas trees, plural, as a kickoff to the season.

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