Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Sherman the wonder dog and his time machine would like this: A recently deceased actress who was featured in old B movies and alongside a very young Tom Hanks, and put Whitesnake on the musical map as one of those car-show-mag-like-models promoting both their ride and one of the first metal videos, although Still Of The Light and tame side by today’s standards. But wait, she has a lookalike from the Hudson music and etc. scene, just a bit younger than she who was cooing after Coverdale.

A mainstay on the downtown scene for several years, in the Way Back Machine that goes way back to invoke this reference, was Darcy, who had a celebrity lookalike who sports the same rich auburn hair of the same wavy length, and is just a bit older and also made her mark, long before her passing on just prior to 60.
That celeb is none other than Tawny Kitaen, of the fame brought by primping on the hood of a classic car in a Whitesnake video — talked about at length by various weekend friends who like I are quasi-music critics. They were strangely unaware of the metal side to singer David Coverdale, who as most people do not know was there from the Old School start of that heavy scene, and his then girlfriend Kitaen, as she was better known at that point to frame what they had, as being a good song vs. best song for the band. The crux that defines how the three of us think differently of Whitesnake was the song “Still Of The Night.” Kitaen, again as a purring kitten, also was the only saving grace in a strangely popular movie, with that notorious nude come-on to Tom Hanks in Bachelor Party, being perhaps the only man on the planet who could turn her down, in ways that also played out a bit in Forrest Gump.
A very quick internet search of her resume, as such, showed that Tawny could be even a bit more tawdry, but at the same time artsy? Think B-side movies along the lines of Perils of Gwendoline.
But that is nothing like my favorite Tawny/Darcy moment, even though they are of the same height and indeed stature among us three critics, who had only started frequenting Hudson music at the time.
We were at Pudge’s, when it was indeed Pudge’s, me and mine in the front bar, and Darcy and a few friends way in back playing that nasty game of Truth Or Dare. One of them selected dare, and Darcy seized the moment, knowing that the recipient was bi-sexual. “Joe Winter is over there, and he’s married, but I want you to French kiss him.” The request was made to me and followed through on, maybe with even a bit of eagerness I have to say, with her intro of advice before proceeding summed up as, just flow with it. Only then did I hear the back story.
But back to Tawny. She and family members lived for many years on the other end of Cherry Circle North, so she was a shirt-tail neighbor. “There lives a girl just up the block and … she would turn all the boys heads.”
More such noteworthy passings on have occurred recently, some with a connection to HudsonWiNightlife, and some not so much so, although as you all know, I will try to make it so. More on those in future post(s), as I will let the dead rest only after they are no longer warm in the grave, and the ashes of their bodies weather, to quote another one of the just-pre-Coverdale metal bands. But until then … keep posted for such posts. One also will be the pre-Death Masks as they were, soon made into fashion, and now are no longer, at least in most cases, as I will detail the history of what we have been wearing on our faces to arrive at our eventual now removal.

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