Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

So state your case in black and white: New curfew rules opened up Hudson even further for new patrons, but then shut it down once bar owners got wind of the protest severity from the Cities, but the scene still looked much different than it had

The Chauvin verdict of guilty is in, and the fallout into Hudson and its bar sector continues and grows, putting another snag on what a server at Hudson Tap termed, a hearty welcome to bringing back the regulars from town. And the recent edict of an official 25-percent-capacity rule in St. Croix County venues sealed the deal further.
Now we are back to not 12:30 limitations in the village of North Hudson, as they were not letting people in after that, but now front and center midnight. Dick’s Bar in the downtown has upted the ante, also shutting down bar service — food appears to be another game — come the witching hour. As a server said over the phone, “it just got too crazy.”
Prior to that, people driving through said it was hopping until indeed D-Day. But a different twist: A nephew working in the south end of the Twin Cities said that he was basically out hours because his clothing store shut down, not just closing early, at the height of all this mess.

<<News break: More of the same as an update that keeps on growing and growing, as well as the antitheses, for being good neighbors, the years-running and killer, if I can say that, garage sale on Cherry Circle North. If you can’t find it here you don’t need it, down to the White Elephant. See the Uncategorized department of this web page, which is also the official social media sponsor — OK were getting way too big a head now.>>

People these days seem to go one of two ways, being very understanding of unusual situations or the other end and judgmental and even scamming, as my mom has told me over and over, so watch out. To wit: A beautiful young Black woman was driving through the albeit-crowded County Market parking lot, and I was a Rolling Stones — not Brown Sugar mind you — throw away from the raft of cars by me that were parked on the side, I was not in the way at all. Still, she rolled down the window to halfmast and thanked me for moving out of the way, when I was not in the way to start with. And I have said on these pages, the virus situation will not be cured by government programs, although they definitely have their place, rather in the trenches, neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend. People these days seem to go one of two ways, being very understanding of unusual situations or the other end and judgmental and even scamming, as my mom has told me over and over, so watch out. This can bring out the best in people, but not always. To wit: A beautiful young Black woman was driving through the albeit-crowded County Market parking lot, and I was a Rolling Stones — not Brown Sugar mind you — throw away from the raft of cars by me that were parked on the side, I was not in the way at all. Still, she rolled down the window to halfmast and thanked me for moving out of the way, when I was not in the way to start with. And I have said on these pages, the virus situation will not be cured by government programs, although they definitely have their place, rather in the trenches, neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend.

A Black man and his White lady friend came into Green Mill at the height of the uprisings across the river and into the Cities. I and the staff had never seen them there before, and this is perhaps the first Black person ever that has been prominent in the place. This is only poignant because I and only one other person, an older guy doing just appetizers rather then Bloodies, were the only ones in the bar, underscoring the idea that this was unusual. They also were middle aged, not the young punks who have taken over he downtown scene. And there might be more to that analogy. as they were Classic Rock Fan Age, rather than rap: Both were wearing Harley attire, with their hats and sweatshirts, in a realm that is more typical of white male bikers, even though this timing was earlier than happy hour.
But but back to my beloved Kwik Trip, all the way further into lily white Hudson by being set up in the northern village. They had two people in line with dark skin that was even more noticeable because of their attire that virtually cried I’m Not From Hudson, from their long black trench coat and really cool rounded hat, and not the baseball variety. Again all deep black, and making a nice style statement not seen here often…

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