Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Spoiler alert, the shot special we’re highlighting is Tainted Love. The day is Saturday night for the Valentine’s Party at Wanderoos, with a three-fer of fish and ribs. This has a “Soft Cell” that’s a two-fer for a really cheap price, so she’ll love your frugal use of funds. And anyone “North of 64” — or not for that matter — will know the band on hand, and is welcome to join the party. And also that of, tacked on the end of this post, our shot at the best Super Bowl shots!

It’s D-Day for V-Day, but there is still time, even if the result is slightly Tainted Love.
Hey, they say the measure of a good song, such as that ‘70s standard that you can push into the ‘80s and beyond, is if it stands the test of time … So much love from “Soft Cell” is just a shot away, as in a couple of ounces of a favorite dessert shooter, one for her and one for you for just a total of $5. So there’s money left to buy roses? (But one for your ex is an extra fee!)
All you have to do is wander to UW Wanderoos in Amery to get this, along with shrimp Scampi, walleye, shrimp again in jumbo form, and ribs too as specials. The popular venue has borrowed the above song title in what they name as their fave featured embibement in their Valentine’s celebration, which also includes the band North of 64, (they hail from Osceola). They’re a country trio that sport five different colored hats in two different styles in their promo photos, and a singer with a rich but strong voice with just a bit of blended-in rasp on their video Losing Control, set in a slow emergency call center with tone that ratchets up, and featuring an again, strong opening and ending sequence, with guitar in-between. They go on at 7 p.m.
Call (715) 268-9217 for dinner reservations.
And to the southwest in parts around New Richmond, especially in that Badger that is Wild, you can see signs that you should have — if I’m spelling this right as it seems its been a bit since I’ve had one — a shot of a S’morgasm on Valentine’s Day and far beyond. Like Sweetest Day? Who says that nightlife that doesn’t necessarily include a life besides fine fish is fishy! And the sponsor as Revelstoke (or you could say stroke) ads it as a shot or even two.

And now to Super deals for the Big Game (said this way to avoid proprietary issues). The keeper here is the need to get those goods right during the Game itself, and the exact starting time is as fickle as the number of minutes past the hour for the beginning of the Hudson Hot Air Affair parade.
Of course your favorite haunt may or may not be in full participation. This is often as all or nothing as if a star wide-out draws single coverage, or a bull rusher gets double-teamed. The options can include drawings for greater than the usual stuff, typically at halftime, the extension of happy hour specials, and independent of those other lower-price drink options too. Weighty wings and such can be wonderfully priced. (Just weight in and get them before the two-minute warning). No firm word on whether most of the places carry forward their season-long special on Packer (and often Viking too) buckets of beer for anywhere between $15 and $20, varying greatly by the venue. And if carry-out for your home party is a need, there are convenience store things like a $20 special on pizzas as a two-fer and plenty of Pepsi.

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