Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Tex-Mex all over the place, prior to deportation, in the form of Frito Bandito on your mind. Get ’em while you can. That song that plays in your head might be trying to tell you something. And to strike a different chord, minor vs. major, who do you think is Satan on Earth? Oh that’s special. Hey, pick a number, and not 666. It just might be a politician, not a rock band member.

The Great Bambino hits a homer in passing muster. But how about his near-namesake with darker skin? Or the now ruler of this great land, and his scorecard, omnipresent on the course although not omniscient, even though it’s early.

Ask your elders.

One, to start, after tuning out Fox News, referenced hearing a song, over and over in her head, playing on and on. The one with “Frito Bandito.” I think that’s from a commercial. No Flying Burrito Brothers band. And definitely not Amigo Diablo, a group referenced earlier and often on these pages.

Is Frito Bandito, ethnicity-wise, even legal? Or deported. And dare you reference him positively without being shot?

— The Frito Bandito song, it was told in a further conversation, came into her brain when she was walking in the snack section going out the door at a local retail store, you know with the Super Bowl coming. With that, I reference other songs, coming via Valpak of Minneapolis-St. Paul, which does not have a team in the Bowl but does have the support of the Hudson Hot Air Affair, also in early February. These are found in the continuation of Mick Sterling presents On Stage At The Freight House live music and dinner series: Heart and Soul, the songs of Huey Lewis and the News, on Feb. 6; no band on Feb. 7; a tribute to Heart, from Cate Fierro and Katie Gearty, on Feb. 12; Vintage Vegas, tunes of Sinatra, Bennet, Garland and Sammy, on Feb. 13; From Barry, the pop songs of Barry Bigg and The Bee Gees, on Feb. 14; Anthony Shore as Elvis, on Feb. 20; and a special show, the legendary GB Leighton, on Feb. 23.

Then there was THAT question/conversation with THAT bartender about THAT game late on last Sunday Funday, just when is/was THAT game again. This past Sunday or the Sunday coming? A promo/review on THAT sports channel at close to midnight referenced the game, then said to be played Sunday around 11 p.m. EST. Again one which? Like my old sports copy editor used to say on a weekly newspaper, always put in an actual date, not just day of week. It later goes online, you know. —

A relative older than I, took a shot at the fact that according to Trump International Law, going backwards, the country that is Mexico could take back Arizona, New Mexico, much of California (if they want it) and parts of Texas (not without a gunfight.) A response came from a younger man who works in the trades, a Trumpster, but maybe the only one or two at the table who knew this was a result from the War of 1812. Right year? Also technically, and I am not a historian, but I do believe that the states were not just given up by Mexico, that they were ceded or taken in some other not willful action. In any case, they were obtained in a forceful way, like someone would in colonization. (Great Britian taking-territories-by-the-dozen style, and so many England rock bands bite the hand that feeds them and rail against it, taking a pass on being prim and proper on princes and princesses.) As did the old local band that actually was more than a cover act and wrote their own lyrics, The Amish Armada.

Which brings a further point: Does President Trump not want to stop at The Americas, and eventually conquer and rule the world? (And space?) It seems that his wish list (that may be all it is) land grabs of greater Greenland and the much smaller Panama Canal, or Canada, are not the end of his lust, and he has said that he is after, I will call it, territorialization. All power politicians are seeking such conquest.

It does appear that Trump knew what he was doing in threatening to apply tariffs if one or more countries would not allow a landing of a flight with deportees. They backed down and allowed the plane to hit the runway with runaways. Send singer Warren Zevon with lawyers, guns and money. Trump bullied them into acceptance. If that’s how it’s done, even allegedly on my behalf, maybe I don’t want it done.

A moment of clarity came from her, a bishop, (yes that’s right, a she), when she confronted Trump about why with all his many forceful actions, there is no mercy. Also asking is ZZ Top with their buzz phrase, “have mercy.”

There was the response of The Dons, those younger ones, just a (blank) stare. Trump himself looked irked.

As might The Evil One himself, who also wants to reign over all of the world, and all of creation also. Some have suggested that Trump not Kamala Harris or Mick Jagger, metaphorically, could be Satan. How so? Let’s break it down, theologically.

And for you Christians out there who might take issue with my analysis, I think that though not a Bible scholar I am on pretty solid ground, as most of you don’t really know what’s in your Bible. And hey, maybe I don’t either. But like a good metal band, I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I do know the questions.

First of all, it’s hard to find a place in the Bible where Satan is described as pure evil, or even overtly evil. That was introduced later by thinkers such as Martin Luther and his lyric “the old evil foe,” who brings “deep guile.” The Bible does say that Satan is an (ultimate) liar and deceiver, (and bully), in his power struggle with God to possess the universe. Sound like a politician, or maybe more than one, you know? And why does a leader or Lucifer need to use deceit. Simple. Their agenda can’t stand on its own, without being presented in a devious way, since after all, they do not have game, or a real game plan. So for criticizing their lack of an agenda, Game On.

And what does the Bible say about the ignorant? Not bliss. It is not always kind. The Bible is full of caustic references about the wise man and as a counterpoint, the fool, and it doesn’t cut them a lot of slack. Back to our more astute elders and their Bible: When I was a child I had the ways of a child … But now as an adult …

So act like one.

So with all that said, where are all the immediate solutions that have long been promised? Problems disposed of on Day One? The wars rage on. The cost of goods and housing has not gone down. Maybe this is why He has not ever really said just how He would do things. (No agenda to speak of that would fix things, other than deceit.) Just all things Trump, good or evil.

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