Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The battle has begun. Not in war to take a hill, for whom it tolls, as Trump has said he will end all of these, but on Capitol Hill, since those being appointed to high places are more controversial than any in recent memory. So give your mind a recess — read into it these many musings instead? — and just usher them into cozy cabinet posts, pronto? Things are a changin’ more quickly than ever on The Hill. You said you wanted change …

All the Musk millions or more, and I wonder if the Average Joe will now be able to afford more melons, could not be undone by the many musicians backing Harris. But that kind of affluence and its affect, especially on those who aspire, politically and that makes it appallingly but not yet aiding the general populace, after the general election, is a sign of the times.

Especially in the last couple of weeks legislatively, it’s proven irresistible, to those who want even more power, gained via the president. Yes there are too many positions to be filled, and I agree that not all are prominent enough to call for a need for confirmation, but the race is on for power grabbing. And being a loud loyalist and kissing up.

A spacy side note: Hopefully all this control and influence, as it’s now more than ever being spread, will spruce up space travel and even say NASA with some of that dough, coming from the tax cuts to the rich and famous. But what I want to call a warning about such excess came in the song Space Truckin’ by Deep Purple, a taken name that means a search for greater enlightenment, and the danger of too many such stars coming out. It can also be seen in Trump’s appointment picks, as they want to gain that status, as the mad race into office has already begun, even though just days old.

— We will now discontinue Joe’s Jump Around, with words and phrasings and topics, in his own, in-writing version of The Weave, for just a while. To point out that, as we near that in the near “term,” in-between season of Thanksgiving, the decore in retailers like WalMart shown its light(s), and decreed (on X?) that there be Xmas stuff up, in a full-on decked-out department, granted on that other side of the store near the also-seasonal plants to pot section, done even before that of most Halloween-ish and the eve of that hardcore decorating holiday. (Lapping Labor Day?) Retailer heaven, not hellish. —

As the Donald duped the dumb and now that it’s all done is ditching them: We’ll just pass them there. Why should I even care? He is the new Iron Man.

He did care enough, at least for show, to show up and meet with Biden. Unlike Melania, who sorta blew off Jill Biden. For whom? Word has it, to hustle off instead to a steamy video shoot with Stormy Daniels that Trump was going to “review” later. Just kidding. 

I must say that I myself have a lot of (more serious) ideas to convey, like I’m sure so many of the people Trump has now nominated for cabinet appointment, but also like them I have scant little experience. And I as a journalist, have as much to go on as that FOX news anchor who was tabbed. Can you image me running the country, not just this column?? (Although I will say that John Thune, elected by secret ballot of course, speaker of the house through a much different political process, just seems like a down-to-earth, common sense, ordinary guy, and he reminds me of my old editor/boss Doug Stohlberg, also a conservative and a Republican, but again moderate.)

Interesting that one of them, barbarian at the Gaetz, who resigned from Congress to be considered for the Trump tribe position, only to then remove himself from contention for that too, after there was fallout, then became described in news reports (prophetically) as a “former” member of that body.

NASA is not the only thing that’s out in space. Twenty-four hours on a plane can change a lot of things, and maybe people’s frame of mind can be swayed by the hunger that comes from foregoing airplane food. And say, not your chef, but your chief advisor is in the bathroom, (lady’s room?), so you can’t consult her about an appointment, and since she is a lady she might have taken a while in there … maybe doing a shakeup and putting on some more makeup .. checking her look in the mirror, her clothes, her hair, her face, no wait that would be Springsteen, and before that a reference to System of a Down, who are of the Democratic design.

And if you have disagreement with their agenda(s), and I’m also sure some of them diverge slightly and are maybe even more radical than those of Trump, where do you fit it? And do you really want a job where being a felon, like making a hit, is something you put on your resume? Hopefully more rockets being launched — beat Russia to it, like in the Cold War? — will not be the only businesses helped by the Musk machine, and their employees too. (See below).

I take a hint from a flyer supporting the president-elect right before he came so, which said that if you are not registered to vote, it is a matter of public record and knowledge, making it sound like if you choose not to cast your ballot — probably for him — this is threatening you. Fair Warning, and an Eruption of danger, and not just from Van Halen, as I’d been to the edge and I stood and looked down. I had lost a lot of friends there. No time to mess around.

So we are now talking damage control of Biden-debate-type proportions. Things totally imploding, except that like Reagan he is teflon.

And when the news spread across the world that he had beaten Harris, the veiled accolades came from leaders of other countries, basically sucking up to the new president because they knew they could control him. In my apartment building, next morning, this was not the main response. It was more like dread. One woman reported that the leader of France, contrary to his public stance, had said that this was the darkest day in history, as it was ushering in A New World Order, of disorder.

So how did he win? First, to clarify, the typical Republican stance of social security, and slashing it. They are only going after that, in most cases, for those 40 and under. So despite the fear that’s ushered in by their opponents, flipping it, if like me you’re already on the program, fear not. But people eventually may have to work longer before they join our ranks, with the reason cited being that people are living longer.

But back to the fearmongering, from both sides, and figures that were cited … It is said that the percentage that would be cut from the monthly allotment of the average recipient is 28 percent. And consider that not everyone would see a cut. It also is said that the average benefit amount lost, across all recipients, is $600. But wait a minute, if accurate, that figure would mean that there is a whole lotta money being given out to those getting distributions. So I think the figure is inflated. When looking at monthly totals, I guess me and mine would be/are really missing out financially.

I will give Trump kudos for things like touting that tips for workers not be taxed, and tariffs being applied might help economic growth in the short term, but his plans and ideas (a concept of a plan?) will likely prove to be unworkable in practice, which makes Trump much like Bernie Sanders. Did you ever think I’d mention the same two in one phrase? But it’s certain that certain sections of businesses will be decimated by the restrictions inherent in using tariffs to defend your turf, if they do lots of business with the wrong country. They are already reportedly scrambling to do the switch ups that will be needed.

And consumers will bear the brunt when buying some types of goods, as that 10 percent or more will have to be covered by someone. An example given by a friend: Say you want to buy a toothbrush that costs $1 if made in, say, China and $2 if it is American made. But now suddenly, the China version costs two dollars plus change. Any way you cast that brushstroke, the consumer loses.

But back to sucking up. At first legislators urged caution with things like making public the details of the investigation into Gaetz and girls — now a one-namer like a model or rock star — then quickly backed off, through the back door, as I’m sure they heard from Trump or his lieutenants.

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