Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The Elizabethian era nears a halt, as the Queen has died, and is mourned — by even rockers from the continent? — like the Days of Lady Di. Buckingham Palace was mum on the word about her health, but then the truth came crashing down yesterday … So changes in monarchy status are occurring?

She was considered a rock whose not to roll, putting her own (compared to counterculture?) Queen-ship to the standard.
Despite more sophisticated media systems, news can come out late, in what is a publisher’s worst nightmare.
The Royal Family announced that their Queen was ill only a couple of days before announcing her death. Did she have her handlers as well?
She was soon revered as a Mom, GM and GGM. So then, as all men, give them a brief, and I’m sure it will not actually be, break from the public eye.
So God Save The Queen (guess not) … And God Save us all! That in fact, despite the old news borne by the Sex Pistols, and superlative singer in Bruce Dickinson, also a Brit, about the monarchy not being what it used to be, somewhat oddly, in their youth.
Finally now, 2022, Charles is the new King. But maybe since I’m not a Brit in anyway in any way, and not to show disrespect at this moment, I have thought it may be time to take them off what has to be a massive payroll and expense account — can you defrock actual royalty?
Is it perchance a Brave New World time to make a clean break?
Yes, we have seen many examples of the royal family’s public service, but can’t it be done more cheaply?
Cheap? That wouldn’t be Mum’s status; always serene, filled with grace and elegance.
And even her own style. It never seemed as dated as it should have logically been.
And what of all those British rockers? Who gets condolences out there first, even if needing to take a break from touring and all the various productivity killers that go along with it.
So when do you use Caps? As in Her Majesty, or go the route of The Honourable …
Such a clamoring has not seen since:
Kennedy? Lennon? Cobain? Prince?
Elvis? We still aren’t all sure.
And can’t forget Lady Di.
So to all of you, and Jeannie too, if you wanted to be queen, maybe now is your best shot, albeit in the form of a 73-year-old balding man.
And who rose first to give the final and boldly gone farewell? NASA.
So now, on another front, we’ll discuss the state of actively rising, which of course will inevitably mean falling.

So is “Rising” to the occasion, the operative word, for today?
Oh, and another, and it fits with the theme is simply, “actively.” Or not that way.
The latter can also be linked in a sentence to “hiring.” And for you English majors, the word choice is between adverb and verb. If you are a minor in it, just pick one, or substitute “very” to get an adjective in there.
Just wordplay? Could be. But these thoughts are gleaned from the signs of area businesses.
There is the proviso that when entering a given establishment, you should not be “actively” carrying a firearm. Apparently, if you are doing it inactively — holstered or with the safety on? — its OK. That’s a loaded statement, as it could involve a loaded pistol.
And another place of business, says it’s OK to enter with a — holstered — pistol, just be extremely judicious in its actual use. And especially so in any such marksmanship, so make sure you are shooting straight. Or you won’t be in an shape to return and use your rewards card. Or get out of jail free card. Sorry To Some In The Country Crowd.
Up the tempo, guns or not, if some want to hire you. And concerning use of both of those two buzz words, the bread and more company named Rise, and not just the dough, presents and maybe presides over, and resides in, all variety of titles that take the same name and type, as in songs, bands and albums and/or cassettes and/or CDs. So Rise Again, as many times yeast is a good thing. Or depending on your dietary status and band preference, Rise Against. But what would inactive rising, and hiring, have earlier been — one might think hiking the minimum wage? Would have needed more of this, to be the one who bought this.
And some places, if say an employee or two got dinged, the firm would then need to be “actively” hiring? Start today?
It seems that because of volume, wholesale hiring might be needed by the company that had those killer Labor Day mattress sales, as stated below, called Nectars. More sweet then the tears you’ll cry when being newly away from home as a student, termed bittersweet.
As long as we are on the topic of local businesses and topical death: His classic guitar is long(er) gone — as in sold — from the venue’s front window, and so Elvis has left the building reads the sign. And with it the Father, Son and Holy Ghost … as they have caught the last train for the coast. And with it is the smokeshop that had been housed and sold in back. Could this be seen as weening out the (of sorts) weed??

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