Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The fireworks of fashion, and how they reflect in our finery, play on long after the Fourth and the Bucks, and all lead the way in glitter and glitz, as brave and robust styles continue to evolve in this the summer season of skimp. But they got started with the costume parties of late 2020. And with those retro ’80s orbed glasses.

What is higher, the temperature these days on the thermometer in your mouth, or outside, on your body’s killer clothes, and possibly paradoxically, on your shades? So I mix topics, again, like the ingredients in those gonzo Brandy Old Fashions that are again becoming the purchasing rage in many parts of Wisconsin and paying their due as part of the economic stimulus — like they ever left?
So, this is the summer of my loving. The second season I’m to know. Since Robert Plant was known in more than one way for his “microphone,” it’s in the 90s for temps, as opposed to the ‘70s in music, so I’ll wrap up the latest sweaty styles and anything in summer skimp that can’t be left go, then catch up with the rest come the fall fashions. So I Put My Bid In to Ramble On ….
Come the Fourth of July, and continuing on, the fireworks are not the only things blazing, except for those babes who are little more than knee high, as yet other turns were given to all things fashionable and boldly going where no man, or woman, had gone before – or at least since the 60s, 70s and 80s. Yet again over-the-top as the revealing wear hiked it up a notch, both in sexy and in positioning upwards on the body.
But back to another kind of sheen far into the summer — starting with but not limited to sparklers, the shooting off was extended and overblown by the strongly vertical up-shoots after wins by the Milwaukee Bucks to take a title — for more than their flash and noise, although they had that on the court also. This went on until games well after The Fourth, and fans in the Milwaukee suburbs continued playing it out until almost After Midnight on those last four straight victories. And the pop-goes-the-weasel-and-worse form of cager worship continues to light up the sky in the southern metro – Milwaukee now, not the Twin Cities. And the fireworks shops, like the one still seen on a big billboard heading back to western Wisconsin, continue to cash in.
So money talks. But it can’t sing and dance and it won’t waltz. So we need to go elsewhere for those forms of entertainment. An online commentator asks it this way, as I start with that woman’s – I’m assuming here — whole line of questioning: Can someone recommend (inexpensive) Fishnet Tights and Suspender Tights? Cheers xx.
Then backing up again, another top online post from local late last month, about fireworks, following up on others that tied in the effects on animals of many kinds, sleep of many kinds of quality and even the nicked windshields of cars of many kinds, was simply, “please stop.” At this late hour, we’re all in our nighties, which in these days of finally getting groovy in teddies, means you can’t go outside to grab the matches of alleged offenders until your tank top is on just right.

And Then It Came Around To Fashion, She Said …

The style changes go to the top, as indicated, and thus the eyes have it, as the big rounded glasses of the ‘80s have made a big comeback, going back months and adding different types of tints as we progress, and make progress, through time. Moreso, this conversation: “What about those glasses?” Pink! “What color?” Lastly, the woman in Walmart, who had the biggest and best looking if not over-the-top, tear-drop shades. I wanted to tell her so, but then assessed her way-pulled-to-the-side-hair and the way of the rest of her dress and thought maybe she was a diva. Then went boldly where … But I accidentally said, “heart-shaped glasses,” like the Nirvana “heart-shaped box?” Still, she liked the compliment.
And leading the rest of the way is this recap of the caps, (but there were none, or few except for that on the one obligatory female cop in the shop, that being T-Buckets with their killer contest), of the many in-costume parties that can be an indicator of where fashion trends are going. These were seen when the pandemic in its first blush allowed some normalcy to come to prevalence, and that of course was Halloween. And we love The Guv’nor, so we all did what we can do, in my case a synopsis of what shook out at Guv’s: And again, the leading lady was in a costume that was recapped for New Year’s there.
It showed great-big-holed fishnet stockings, freckled tank-top-type thing just above belly level; and all-around just lots of Gaps in clothing. And oh, the (stocky) footwear … Fishnets are no surprise to Guv’s, as a good friend stole the show with hers at a previous Halloween at their original Northern Exposure location – although telling me she felt quite self-conscious — but then two years later to the day, at Woody’s in Bayport, sauntered up and offered at redux.
But there were more celebrations of style that governed that night, last year on the 31st which I think was also a full moon. Back at Guv’s, way on the late end, there was the lovely Lana, sporting again her flapper costume. But seen when first walking in were others more unusually creative then something fueled by prohibition at last call, an interesting juxtaposition.
One of the ownership mainstays had a shirt showing how to shoot a combo — mesh featuring holes bigger than that fishnet stocking babe, and scads of suction-cup-type-things tacked on here and there. With logo to boot.
Across the way, there was a woman singing a song, but not for long. She was pushing herself against another lady that evening, seated, then pulling up and then down over the top of her. Another way to get your rocks off as a culture that for months had gone stir crazy. Waltzing by was a man who would be standard at open-mic nights, as they could be found, in the coming months, sawing on a fiddle and playing it hard. Other extended play versions of songs, this time not just string instrumental solos, was featured by the band, almost to the point of some Led Zeppelin live albums where it is a song a side.
Then on New Year’s, drumming home the point of robust style: Seen outside to start the eve off was a woman, one of a trio that was given their distance, walking down Walnut Street (south side) sporting extra-clunky heels that were still strappy with many strings, way up her ankles. This set that particular ensemble apart from all those soon-to-be-trite, ripped-cut-sideways jeans seen that night, and later was pre-empted by views of shoes composed only of several leather straps on each that were not even the width of a man’s belt.

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