Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The prediction that there’d be three pro sports titles coming out of Wisconsin now falls as flat as stale state beer — just don’t tell my brother’s family, as they as good Germans are still crying in it. We were so close, in box seats, to a never-seen trio of triumphs.

What happens in the Waukesha area stays there, until it makes its way up I-94, and then is Knocking At Your Back Door. So all we’ve got is the Wild this winter. Not that Tom Winter would want that. As Red and White as Green and Gold, and carrying forward, on his coffee table there’s an alum magazine from UW-Madison — even though he and his wife graduated from UW-Eau Claire — featuring Barry Alvarez among other things, and stating that he and two other stalwarts were the driving force for getting him to Wisconsin to make first downs in the first place, and as a music website I just have to make this segue, a third party was named Ozz, although the couple are more into pop than metal.
So as my on-top-of-all-sports brother from the Milwaukee suburbs, Tom is well versed in Wisconsin winnings as a nearly lifelong local, said there might be a trifecta (my wording this time as an understudy from out-state) of Badger State teams that would sport their major pro team titles, all in one year. And that was long before October showed the fests and their brats that are games at Am Fam Field, which was Miller Park and had been at a different nearby site County Stadium — I joked about it actually being Amalgamated Fixtures rather than insurance — became more than some of the best pitching ever seen in this blue collar city or any other.
And a couple of those Am Fam fans down there, and then up here, swear this newfound hitting power made a brand new Bobblehead move on its own with a head bobble — but isn’t that what they do anyway? (More on that in a coming post, as well as an admittedly tenuous family connection to Christian Yelich and others, and in the end not even he could save them, times two and the best of those we witnessed firsthand).
So as the Bucks won an NBA crown for the first time in 50 years, and it looked like the next in line would be the Brewers and Packers, (fewer pennants then Super Bowl appearances), he said, it turned out this wasn’t a slam dunk, even with the Brew Crew starting to slam extra-base hits like the old Harvey’s Wallbangers.
That trio of ultimate triumphs would be a high honor even if one of them fell through, especially since this is a small market. (Milwaukee has now taken its place on the world destinations map, not just Green Bay). Are you listening or reading Minnesota? But alas, we would have to see, if it will be, two out of three ain’t bad, as the playoffs have just found another Atlanta team, the Braves, roughing up the Brewers at their own game, coming from behind with a homer of their own to defeat The Brew Crew in four. If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword.
But for the prime directive, as per my brother, Green Bay started out the season by getting blown away — he attributed it to being rusty after the starters were held out all preseason — but as was so written, Rust Never Sleeps. Since then the Pack is indeed Back, to the point of being listed second in many sports TV power rankings. Even lots of late missed field goals, marring the two-minute drill, have not been able to keep them down. Jeepers Creepers.

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