Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The series of Stars and Stripes, as many as two dozen in front of the petunias that are roughly the same in number, leads into ‘begin again’ as July Fourth plays out, and adds onto what was seen very early in the summer, during a different three-day weekend. Sorry to say, Flag Day didn’t see the same depth of display. So here’s a news roundup. Then it’s a wrap.

The Fourth had come to the fore, but there still are U.S. Flags galore. And what follows is how they today wave, as banners.
Some are up and down propositions, like the fingers of Jimi Hendrix all along his guitar neck while ripping through a new wave of The Star Spangled Banner. Or like the team of two guys living in a small condo that is even more decked out with the Red, White and Blue come this last holiday, and back when there was Memorial Day, as they had their almost two dozen out in the front of the floral-fantasy garden that is right at the edge of the right-of-way. Between celebrations they were taken down en mass and yes, Flag Day got missed even though it’s, indeed as the song says, “An Emblem Of The Land I Love.”
Things were showing up big in places you might not expect, like way big, way atop a flag poles sprouting from the middle of nowhere — or at least only the convergence of strip malls. Moving out toward Eau Claire, bookends became the new normal for flags, when it came to things like small garden carts, both ends of a mailbox, and especially the Hudson Post Office, on either side of a series of three counters. Or like post-its on those postal mailboxes.

— News break: This post can lead you into a virtual Street of Dreams! See how the spinning Greek god for the Bucks was seen taking the lead in the four different scenes of an actual dream, chronicled in the Uncategorized department that’s a title befitting all good dreams, on his predicted ‘half-Chamberlain’ —

Other new, go-to flag places sported tri-colored board strips, were hung in front of an old dingy window and really upstaged it, took up the full frame of a door-frame, and adorned a big ol’ Trump For President billboard-become semi-trailer that could be argued for or against, had outlived its usefulness. But don’t try to box that in, as that could never be said of a group of small flags in a very small yard, with a big Old Glory reaching upward from their midst. And even bigger, if not in the height typical of a flagpole, was the short-and-squat silo the size and roughly the shape of a flying saucer that stored a bit smaller Stars and Stripes.
Some neighborhoods took up the slack for their counterparts, by having like-minded patriots boast a full-fledged flag regimen in an entire block, or just maybe two, and the greatest notice could be taken when of ten houses around a big circle and then moving toward a busier street, eight of them flew Old Glory. To wrap up this big roundup, there were flags that took differing approaches to the display of the 13 colonies, one in a great big circle that was like a clock with its hands, plus one.
More soon on other Star Spangled Striped Banner supplements that remain in the air even as July progresses forward.

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