Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The sign is now vertical, but hope it’s not a leap to wish it continuing to showcase the NFL football battle

Is this a sign of the times? Looking for a suspicious person after hours? Go figure:
— One of several local venues that post humorous messages on their signs, Casanova Historic Liquors, recently updated their posturing and has the sign running up and down next to their building, rather than the main body of it running left and right. They noted the new approach, fittingly, on their sign. I hope that this doesn’t mean that the nearby inflatable Packer and Viking plastic figures, where depending on winning or losing would have one on top of the other with the opponent laying flat on the ground, doesn’t change, as the vertical vs. horizontal theme takes hold. The Border Battle should continue on.
— The other night I went for a late night walk in North Hudson and was questioned by a local deputy. Seems that at a nearby residence, a rock had been thrown through a window and they were investigating. Was I a local resident, had I seen anything suspicious and what was my name? With those questions answered, I was told that if I happened to see anyone who looked “shady” while I was out for my walk, I should give them a ring. Hmm, shady, and that inspired a thought about where I might encounter such as person and then report back to the authorities. Well at a bar, of course. So, I reasoned, it was my civic duty to hit as many of the North Hudson night spots as I could to help out law enforcement. A tough job, but somebody’s got to do it.
While I was out on that jaunt, I encountered a couple of people who had just gotten back from spring break, and were debating the merits of visiting the north side of The Seven Seas where they could vacation, or the south end. The north, it was agreed, was a bit cooler, but hey, anything’s better then some of the temps we’ve had around here lately.
— Another spring break related tidbit just surfaced in North Hudson. A bartender was weighing in on going to Vegas, and much to my surprise didn’t really care for it. He cited the fact that there can be a gated community just a block or so away from a rundown trailer park, that there are concrete (or hopefully stone) walls everywhere, and that there are a lot of building lots available and not being purchased for development.
— Also, at the Village Inn, there has been what I can best describe as a donation of, a collection of old and vintage radio recordings (on vinyl of course). They included descriptions of historic world events from about a century ago, and the one that got the biggest buildup by the bartender was the explosion of the Hinderburg.

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