Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

The Stube is the whole story with the strains of Eric Ray and then to draw closer to the end of the year, Mike Ortiz

The Winzer Stube German restaurant has had music all year, but especially now that 2018 is coming to a close. Making a presence on the stage of this, described as the fifth best such restaurant in the country, on Friday night, Dec. 8, is Eric Ray. And following suit — and not a red suit — the coming Friday is Mike Ortiz, as they showcase the markedly different solo styles that illustrate the diversity of the holidays.
— At Broz and Emma’s, their is another brew, Psuedo Sue, a pale ale. Could that be matching her skin tone. And since its made by a company taking their title from a turtle, could this turn Sue’s face green with the envy of another popular River Falls potion?
— That would be a poster showing a pair, but only those two, not a six-pack, of bottles angling together as one and calling their result Hot Sex. Maybe its makers dislike orgies, threesomes or a “69”?
— As a good guitarist goes jammin’ so does a great buffalo wing sauce. And who brings the heat better than the seasonal jammin’ jalapenos from Buffalo Wind Wings, back for just the right number of snaps as a lineman needs to rack up a few sacks. And add enough of a hint of tequila and lime to enable you to feel that rush longer.

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