Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

These kings and queens at Paddy Ryan’s on NYE are in their prime, and the seafood stuffed ravioli is fit for a prince

— Paddy Ryan’s in the town of Hudson is celebrating their one-year anniversary of being under new ownership on New Year’s Eve with often unique food choices. They are prime rib dinner (queen or king cut) served with hash browns and grilled asparagus (you can add sauteed shrimp for one dollar each) and the refreshingly different seafood stuffed ravioli (five jumbo ravioli stuffed with shrimp and lobster) served with a white alfredo sauce, and a side salad. “We are a scratch kitchen where everything is made fresh. Comfort food at its finest; large portions,” they note.

— Also comforting is the plan on Fox to have as part of its rockin’ eve a Sweet Caroline singalong with numerous artists, which reminds me of a few year’s back at the one-man-band show at Dick’s Bar and Grill, when a regular feature was to bring up a local trumpeteer and have such a rendition of the Neil Diamond song made famous for being given this kind of treatment. Both the old Jeff Loven version and the Fox broadcast have this in common — being done on Sunday nights right around midnight.

— Also giving various choices is the West Wind Supper Club in River Falls. There is a prime rib and seafood buffet — you get both — so you can determine your portions, as well as a special dinner menu with all sorts of meaty options. And for those who intend to make a long night of it, the West Wind offers choices as far as time also. The food is available from 4:30, all the way up to 9:30 p.m.

(For a late take on the last of the holiday happenings, see a roundup in this web site’s Notes From The Beat department).

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