Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

These two last takes — as the pols hope to get you to the polls, at least some of them — are out-takes that mark the territory of … wait there’s that gerrymandering out there. The takeaway: Let’s not go totalitarian! And spoiler alert: Pertinent, I plead, political wordplay from pundit follows.

But let’s end the inflated inflation forever, they all said as one, but divided. Or at least until the next term of office.
That’s if they get in, far to the inside, candidates all, and everything again goes full circle. And back in the news is that 4 percent figure.
And just how do they plan to put the breaks on it, before it hits 5 or even 6? Haven’t heard. The oblong football shown at your fave sports bar should not be the topic of how the inflated one bounces. They’ll make you think it’s round.
For if you don’t like their plan, what is yours?
And just to say, stop wasteful spending, just doesn’t cut it. Unfortunately it will always exist, and I predict the winner of the election will be the one who more honestly says he’ll cut it by only 37 percent. Just don’t transpose the digits.

— The cheers are being shown with the full-sentence words of these two venues, celebrating them by the use of their chalk sidewalk renderings, but other than that they are not much alike. Can you guess both of them, from among the other dozens that have shown over time in downtown Hudson? (And psst, there’s another one coming in a while with a whole different style, to try out the area, that is even looking for server assistants, among many other jobs/titles). Test out your trivia chops and weigh whether you cut the mustard at the category, Where Did You See It? —

Hey, I’d put more trust in rock and roll is gonna save the world, rather than its governors and senators. Because by the time an album side is finished — note I didn’t say CD since the problem in DC has gone on that long — they all will be insiders already.
For the truism is that each and every candidate, except a select few Dems, has run up crazily high debt. Just depends whose barrel you pork.
So we’ll go out a limb — not really so much so — and call the GOP the TOP party, if they can show us how they will lead the way out.
God bless them. And Allah too. Buddha is undecided.
I fear TOP is, actually, sorry to say, simply The Obstructionist Party.
“Going to the party, gonna have a real good time,” sings System of a Down, about the system. Using whose dime.
And if its only a nickel, the street will now not get plowed until the next day after a snow. And who do you think will complain first.
Sweeping down my very street today. Or that of the great complainer and his mansion.
One of the Wisconsin, and probably everywhere from here to Wyoming, candidates is portrayed as a big spender for allegedly — always have to say that — supporting a 30 percent hike in Wisconsin’s “already high” gas tax.
Gotta fix those roads somehow. And also, Gimme Shelter.
From Washington and its ways. And On Wisconsin, I fear.
But, maybe, if they increase that gas tax increase to 32.1 percent, we can have that second tier bypass of the Twin Cities through the far east Roberts! Pork-barreling?
So it always comes down to the same old, same old. You get what you pay for.
Uhm … ever driven through Illinois?
You and your posse will find it pothole heaven.
Although here we get into another predicament, that is having those same old two seasons, winter and construction, and one leads into a need for the other. The evil that freeze-ups do.
Do they have as much turmoil with these things in Arizona?

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