Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Thirty days hath October, plus one, so you can still dig into getting treats ready for the whole shebang before there is the deadline of being past trick-or-treating, BOC style

The host of a radio music program said the song Don’t Fear The Reaper will be played to death, sorry, throughout this month, which also features the fall solstice in that old cable concert series. He was in the band Black Crowes, and their big hit was referenced in my lead to some political satire in The Headliner, about Trump’s demise, rest his soul — oh wait a minute, that’s getting ahead of ourselves.
But until then, this about the full month of October, and it’s already underway, so bear witness: St. Croix Valley magazine (not the one that doesn’t pay, To The Reaper or others) has outlined in their current edition this: 30 ways to create Halloween treats. So I will pump them by saying, hey, October has 31 days so that gives you that full month to get your kitchen together, and try out your creations on your family and friends, before the primo gathering on the 31st that rounds out the bill, numerically. Or, as says the metal song The Wicker Man, “The ferryman wants his money, you ain’t gonna give it back …” Which practically yells out another metal song and such video game, “Doom.” And the cereals spoken of, and for which you can get a dollar off coupon, that enables you to buy more, feature the Green creatures that are from more than one Hollywood movie. And we can forego the old, staid candied caramel corn.

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