Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

This is the weekend when you get rural and bring home the Gold, or at least the Amber, with award-winning pizza with a plus, that being cool ongoing car shows (see last long entry below)

Did you here the one about the neighbor who for the first time this right-now-warm spring rolled away in his top-down red sports car, just might have gone to the top-down Cajun Club, then had some great-topping Golden pizza? It has spanned the better course of a month, top to bottom:
— Green Mill is known for its award-winning pizza, but how about this on top of that. Buy a drink during late night happy hour over what amounts to extended-days weekends and you get a free pizza. Just like that. As I said to my bartender friend Jenn, that’s just golden, and she agreed. Which made me look again at their flyer. What was the main beer they were hawking. Get this: Mich GOLDEN Light. As an aside, this exact brand is hawked on two of the five posters on a bulletin at the new and improved Cajun Club in Houlton.
— Been a while, got to give Big Guys BBQ a shoutout. After all, they are a roadhouse, located smack-dab between the woodsy area that is Hudson and Houlton, and because of the geography, the band they have Saturday evening, June 8, is perfectly named. That would be Rural Route 5, which as you might guess specializes in country music. Maybe they could have an opening act aptly named Rural Route 35.
— The Lucky Dog Amber that is on special as a mascot-themed house brand at Dick’s Bar and Grill comes with an interesting twist. One of the flyers at the venue that’s letting people know about this opp, pegged “proudly serving on tap,” had some tape obscuring some of the letters, so it said “udly.” As in cow udder? And is that different then the aforementioned mascot, which is a llama, udder? One thought: This is Wisconsin, not the place you’d find even more of those animals than at local farms, Argentina. Stop in and have one from this continent. Then you decide.
— Well after the Willow River club show in the town of Hudson a couple of weeks ago, the classic cars live (and drive) on. There is another such auto show at the Kozy Korner parking lot in North Hudson for hours early Saturday afternoon, and going until 9 p.m., although the drivers will likely be cruisin’ well after that. This piggy-backs on the classic truck that I saw entering Season’s Tavern in the village in the weekend between (as reported on this web site earlier). Here is a synopsis of what you might see, based on what’s being paraded around town recently: There was that old big honking Chevy, “You just don’t see that anymore,” and its antithesis, “The Little Coupie,” noted my passenger, who also was on the beam, although a bit late when I was curious to see if he would notice the classic truck parked outside Hudson Tap. Yes indeed, he came through. Then there was seen a little red Express Truck, followed by a series of small sports cars that got more and more diminutive, to the point that the big mag-type wheels were the height of the hood, not much higher than a tall person’s waist. OK, then one with fully-solid, half-white, half-black painted sections, (again, there’s also a neighbor’s car for that). There was a truck that was balls-to-the-wall (the Old School metal band called Accept just might be suing me over repeated use of their song title) NASCAR that was defined by the black-and-white checkered flag all over the doors and hood. And the replicated Dukes of Hazzard orange standard — missing only Daisy Duke in these new hot days — that was seen in consecutive days on both ends of Hudson, followed by viewing a replica of that old ZZ Top song car swinging through downtown Hudson. Then there was the super-tiny eco-car and the much bigger landscaping eco-truck, which were both fittingly green in color, riding on the tails of a blaze orange car used not now for hunting, but cruisin’ late at night and glowing because of its bright color and thus standing out, even in the dark. The last instance involved the crotch rockets that have again been around recently — as well as a host of other Harleys seen north of town and were flying by me even though I was going 60. Of those crotch rockets, two of them were side-by-side at a dual-stop-sign intersection in North Hudson, and then one pulled out straight forward and interfered with my turning while (huh?) the other one sat in place.

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