Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

This might be your weekend of tried and true music, if you are a gentleman with empty arms or a rough houser

This weekend is one for oldies (as far as tenure) but goodies as far as music. The Gentlemen’s Anti-Temperance League is at Juniors in River Falls on Friday, Jan. 19, with an early start at 7 p.m. And for a far different style, at The Willow Inn in Burkhardt, is Empty Arms on Friday night and Rough House on Saturday night. And for even more variety, check out Good for Gary at the Smilin’ Moose on Friday night. All this leads into a pair of killer weekends — the next two — of music and other activities at the Hudson Hot Air Affair and the Super Bowl overflow into Wisconsin.

— In the end of this football season that is raining purple, a true blue way to celebrate is the Purple Punch at Woody’s in Bayport, that is made up of Purple Pucker, Pinnacle vodka and citrus soda. Go Vikes!?! While they still can, because the best way to beat a curse is to drown it!

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