Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

This Walker now-politico did not walk away a winner, as it finally has been decided, I think, and so now in 2023, it seems we are finally through with the politics as usual, as it played out all through 2022. So all we have of Hershel at the moment are ex-Viking running back reruns at the sports bar. For governor, we have Evers, but will another Walker (not Scott) walk this way?

Now that The Number of The Six is past, as in not another Jan. 6 White House revolt, and the Georgia runoff of that same numerical date has been run-off by a former running back and not again challenged …
So it is finished. I hope. Maybe. But this is politics.
Makes bar math seem basic. Or make you want to hit the sports bar, for its distractions of sports and other things.
So now, take Georgia, and the now politician Hershel Walker — remember him and his debacle of a Vikings job as battering ram back and savior? — losing by only a handful of votes or two in bid to become governor. The first time around. The exact numbers? For with the alleged vagueness that its done these days, I wrote last fall, you’ll just have to stay tuned … Maybe by the time the next election rolls around, we’ll know. Sort of.
But wait, the vote was indeed held and Walker did not walk away a winner. He would not be governor although hey, c’mon really, if it comes down to 51-49 percent did you really do that bad a job in running, of this type.

— The sky is falling and its Biden’s fault. Going big to the border, soon billions, and it started with the ozone layer diminishing and allowing through a meteor that wiped out several immigrant processing stations. So Biden now has to control the weather too, and is also getting flack for not doing more about climate change. Hey, wait a minute … —

And as far as the state of things, didn’t something like this happen the former time there was such an election, as The Devil Went Down To Georgia.
(I do need to interject something here. Walker apparently suffers from mental health issues such as depression. So let’s not be too rough on him, as its been squarely charged, by even his own son, that he was goaded into running for office, so the Republicans could offer a black-man-voting-choice against another black candidate. Down South, where Walker was a superstar, moreso than now, while playing for the University of Georgia Bulldogs, it might not be known that he once attempted suicide by letting the car run while seated inside. So let’s not bring on another tragedy. I slept before finishing this article, and oddly had a dream about Southern hospitality being shown to me to make a trip along the Georgia oceanic coast inexpensive and fun).
With those things said, there still are questions, although maybe to be thrown another direction. But all accounts, this Walker was not a family values guy, but the Republicans still found him useful, politically.
And then, closer to today, there is the speakership ala McCarthy. It could change and he could have fully hopped on board between the time I am writing this and when you reddit. Oops, meant to say read it. I think vote No. 40 will be the charm, Biblicial symbolism besides.
So it goes, I fear there will there be still more questions on “winner-ship,” as the process limps along, just different races. I originally wrote this in November, as things continued with some slack, with a few races not yet finalized, and I am now calling winner-ship a word, of some import, via Webster’s.
Of interest is that on my computer, the breaking news of who would be Wisconsin governor was listed under the heading of two out-of-state newspapers, the Minneapolis-based Star-Tribune and Des Moines Register. So I guess in this state, we’re somebody now. Or again.
Simply STOP over the TOP, as in The Obstruction Party.
There is likely one obscure H named word and its not Huckebee that will haunt us courtesy of many of those elected, that being that we’ve been hoodwinked, or probably partially so. For we are still down for the added-word Simply Obstructionist Party (STOP) to mainly one and he is Ron Johnson, and because Gov. Evers got in again, the former will be limited in exacting more of his feed-the-ultra-rich actions. (Take a lesson there all you conservative farmers). The news was broken by Fox that one in five families would not be able to purchase a turkey last Thanksgiving, and obviously they are blaming Biden. The other four out of five, or maybe just three, would have no problem purchasing five or ten turkeys, thank you.
The biggest groundbreaking trend — the newer Walker politician aside — were females in the GOP in as Gov, window-dressing only as a matter of how they will dress, and skirting the issue of how many will be the ways this new conservatism will run roughshod over women.
Signs of the times …
These days, the political signs are smaller, like the country roads that they could be on — or not — even for the likes of Ron Johnson, now in again. Did see quite a bit for Evers, and what he has apparently done for small businesses.
It is or was time, a bit over a week into November, where by local ordinance to get those vote for my guy, or girl, favorites off your lawn, like along Sixth Street East, where there were three groups of four signs and each set a crucial six feet apart, within less than two blocks. The lone sign that had remained was thanking poll workers, a really thankless job these days with all the challenges to elections.
And you get bet there will be a whole another round of them to endure for months to come, and years also, as in this country you have never really lost until there is no court left to run your lawsuit through.

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