Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

This web site is maid to order for election coverage with an entertainment twist, as I’m all about Midwestern values??? Ask the help, they’re my Trump card.

The Trump campaign, and its previous history with the hired help, may or not be maid to order for this country. (At least he hired a farm girl and not an illegal immigrant to help “clean up”). These and many other election observations are being offered as entertaining, from as a tie-in with its content, like anyone asked me.
— The dealings with women that have become part of the Trump legacy didn’t start just recently. A friend of mine worked as a housekeeper for the Trumps back when he was in his first marriage, and unlike The Donald to most people, Wife No. 1 was actually very nice, and even had her do personal errands, she said. There apparently was a lot to do. Both of the Trumps were workaholics, and especially Donald could be basically absentee parents except for occasionally engaging the kids at the office, between jet setting. Believe it or not, the Trumps apparently liked the idea of Midwestern values when hiring such a person. Appropriate to that job might be her advice in US Weekly to her daughter: Don’t let anyone photograph your closet. It’s inelegant. (Like letting them on your tour bus with a hidden microphone).
— A Minnesotan putting in gas after hours had the bumper stick “Law Enforcement for Trump.” Hopefully his daytime ride was in better shape than this car, which could have been the topic for an Adam Sandler song (you know the one). The man himself looked and dressed more like another singer, Ted Nugent, (do we see a trend here?) Then days later, a young man who literally was dressed as a dead ringer for Uncle Sam, (minus the top-hat), was ordering drinks downtown.
— As far as the Hillary semi-scandalous email debacle, I just have to add this: Shouldn’t it be a positive, not a negative, that a politician was ambitious enough to take her work home with her? The whole, well it’s midnight but I just have to answer this email from an important politico? I’ll freely suggest that had she driven back to the office late at night to take care of it, her opponents would complain that she was running up gas mileage on the taxpayer tab. She can’t win that battle, no matter what she does. However, there is breaking news that Big Oil has crossed party lines and come to the rescue, by taking dollar-off gas cards from their respectively companies, totalling $5K, and forwarding them to Hillary in the name of patriotism. Hey, bet you won’t see that type of consideration from Wall Street!
— Turns out that I do something like those powers that be. I sometimes take my late-night work to a place where I’ll hang out with a beer while writing notes. However, I will use a notepad, rather than a laptop, and one of my server friends said she is old school in a similar way. One of her co-workers chimed in that all this was a lot like Hemingway’s writing habits. That’s high praise, but I don’t think he wrote a lot about Hudson music. Maybe the Old Man and the Sea, not the St. Croix River.
— All these things considered, if you take the short drive to the new Next Stop nightspot in Houlton, you will see this campaign sign in the neighborhood of the new Stillwater bridge. It aptly predicted a Trump “landslide.” Until recently, concerning the Trump campaign, it would have seemed more likely that The Donald be involved in a voter slide of a different sort.
— A wide-ranging rant at The Smilin’ Moose by a young guy, was used to compare the alleged sexual prowess of certain politicians. He wasn’t too up on Hillary, except for suggesting she does it often looking like a lion fish. But he rather was cocksure about the guy whom I guessing was his presidential fave. (Was this guy saying that Hillary was quite into getting back at Bill? Or trumping the sheer number of conquests of Trump, which apparently would take a lot?) Anyway, the local guy remarked that instead, Hillary’s female features had a certain likeness to a combo of that crazy leader of North Korea, and also to… (fill in the blank about any number of other creepy foreign figureheads). Ouch. And, to be fair to all candidates, a reference to Bernie Sanders’ ability also was thrown in. I must note that I was reluctant to report these comments because of their graphic and potentially derogatory nature, but hey, it can’t be any more harmful than the hate hawked by he of (formerly habitual) hideous hair.
— A bartender friend is going to kill me for posting this, but each time I see him as the election nears, I get to thinking about both alleged rigged elections and sexual prowess and want to make a joke about “dangling Chads.” Considering the latest differential between the popular vote and the Electoral College …
— Speaking of chads, Jeff Loven, the man of the one man band, fell back on old humor at a gig right before Halloween. When voting was held for “choose that decade” in a regular guess-the-song-title contest determined by applause, he accused some of the spectators of voting twice. “You guys must be from Florida,” he said with a laugh.
— The other day I ran into Forrest, who now is in the “real” work force. After decades working as a bartender at the legendary Dibbo’s and then to repair motorcycles in his shop, he now has needed to become a telephone-based repair technician. The difference? He held up has hand and showed there was absolutely no dirt under the five fingernails. Add one more to that number and you have the number of quasi-desparate bikers he might help solve their problems in an hour. The connection to the presidential race? Forrest claims it was the financial restrictions of Obama-Care that made it necessary for him to make the work-force leap.

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