Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Tick tock. It has been more than 24 hours since the polls closed, and still no president of choice. Kinda like having Shannon Zimmerman lead us although not being at the Capitol for 180 days or more (time is relative). So the themes ring true, whether voting about D.C. or my district, so satire follows …

This is just more of the same kettle of fish. Even though what’s being decided among the big fish is still oceans apart, as the presidential election winner has not yet been called by AP, the issues spawned at even the local level are among the same. And as the fish wrappers throw out the latest numbers, there is still something that at a deeper level is, at least in some cases with the threats of legal action and challenges, fishy and it smelt.
With that said here is more analysis (yeah right) and satire about the western Wisconsin end of all these themes. And It’s All The Same, Only The Names Have Changed:
And see if you recognize these names, that went head to head: He claims she doesn’t promote area agriculture, but does that more typically mean what have come to be known as corporate farms all around and in western Wisconsin too, who have in cases fouled the environment with runoff. Not all of these are small scale, Happy Farms. That’s important because as you know in this state, It’s The Cows, even when it comes to advertising, politically when at times showing a politician shaking hands in an unusually tidy barn in the background, and otherwise. She actually is a family farmer herself and my wife knows her from doings at Catholic church and the obligatory bunch of kids — and from the time one of the members helped her out when she ran out of gas nearby on a county road.
Possibly related is the fallout from positions on flooding that often occurs in this region and actions to limit it, as developers are said to endanger wetlands, that have been addressed on party lines. As the St. Croix River rises and nears the doors of the Republican party office that’s headquartered within reach.
And as a rural issue, access to health care that can even be arranged to include hospital usage by keeping them open and functioning if you are not in a city, as was championed by candidate Sarah Yacoub. So be even more careful when operating that hay baler. And there’s more of a point to be made along those lines. She’s championed first and yes, secondary training for law enforcement and EMS personnel, to benefit the most, the kids. Like a flyer of an opponent that showed a preteen waving a flag and panning for votes, as his father was way in the background.. OK, maybe wait ten years for that.
I had mixed opinions of Shannon Zimmerman, who actually looks like Joey from Friends in one of his flyers. He early-on had some things that rather being vague assertions actually amounted to A PLAN, and hey, I didn’t even know that was legal in politics. See it when I get in there. One that attracted my attention was doing what can be done (euphemism) to keep high-tax-paying people — for now — living in the state and kicking into the coffers of Wisconsin rather than places like Arizona. And others said also about opps, create more of them for technical college, trade school, even starting with high school offerings, and apprenticeship programs, so such workers can get good jobs and not just a degree. They also need to deal with an aging work force, to in both cases go beyond greeters at Wal-Mart, not that there’s anything wrong with that. Along that line, it also was said be at least one candidate, that the virus situation — oh yeah, there’s that too — will be won by the efforts of the likes of teachers and, get this of all the tings to be specified, grocery store cashiers. What a career to single out. What a country.
But back to Zimmerman, who lauds himself as being a business owner, and father at 17, among other things. But what has escaped attention is what he did between that and 23, nowhere to be referenced in his flyers. What has been more prominent is the fact that he reportedly has held a different residence for residency purposes, you would think that would be redundant, than other strategic tax purposes, and hadn’t “showed up for work” at the Capital in a half a year. Maybe that’s why I’ve never seen that neighbor who “lives” in a mansion down the way. Like I live in a gated community. But hey, we’re told that everything he supports is “constitute driven.” I would hope that would be everything from everybody.

So for now I gotta go, even though I will add to this later; must check back in with AP, who I string for. My people gotta call there people, even though the polls closer over 24 hours ago. Hey, this level of importance means I now truly “need” people.

Now back to patty Schachtner, spoken about from above as not only a farmer but a bear hunting, ice-fishing mother (be careful Joe where you pout the hyphen) of six. She managed to fight (to use this word for the thousandth time this election season) to keep gun ranges open for target shooting so fans could take aim at imaginary bears when it was out of season. And she touted her role as a EMT and then a St. Croix County medical examiner who pledged to do battle on the front lines to aid those addicted to opiods — but pardon me, by the time they reach your desk, is it not too late save these people?

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