Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Tip the scales in your favor on Mom’s Day. Notice that she’s dropped a few pounds, so that the killer Waldorf salad — maybe even a bit caloric — that I’ll help you make (better than hers even?!?) will surely be worn well. Just don’t phrase it that way. Rather choose from the dozens of ingredients I offer and she will love, and let that do the talking.

Fitting that there is the mammoth Mother’s Day buffet, since Fat Tuesday and Cinco De Mayo have been celebrated in slim form in these parts.
And also make mom proud by showing that you can take one of her standards and (don’t tell her this) improve on it, as a part of her celebration when you can fit it in — the Waldorf salad. And although the internet says you can make it in as little as 10 minutes, mom will appreciate it if you choose a recipe that takes a full 20. That way more of the items to throw in, as they abound, from all food groups.

— And how do they do it? (Not asked by Dave of Eddie of Van Halen, in this case). Keep the prices at Sunday’s brunch so low when offering many kinds of meat. Take for example what’s being offered at Wolters Shoreview Supper Club in Amery. They have a full five: turkey, glazed ham, chicken pieces, sausage, and BBQ meatballs. Many venues don’t generally run pricier stuff like roast beef, and God forbid, prime rib or steak.
This is where for a change of season and what it can bring, I’d like to give Mallard’s in New Richmond a plug, over and above what I listed for various venues in prior years, for going a bit beyond the norm, things like smoked salmon and peel and eat shrimp.
And Re: The main post left out the obvious, apple slices, mayo, grapes (of all kinds, but purple is the usual choice. But be careful about using any seeds — so picking jellied can be OK — for those would be too nutty). And their are alt options to just mayo, and just maybe visit ranch. But you knew those first things anyway.–

So: You can add not only walnuts and/or pecans, but get both and do it one better with just a bit of mixed nuts, and add the almonds that we recommend with light or no salt. Just slice them in half.
There is my mom’s old standby, one of a few I didn’t know we had in common until she told me so, just a bit of horseradish, which can be very inexpensive even when custom-made.
Then two of my old standbys that fit into many a dish, chopped green peppers and oregano. It should be noted that all things green-colored lend a spring theme to your creation. May Day lives a week later.

— The Cinco De Mayo scene I checked out in downtown NR could of been better — or worse — as the north end of the county went somewhat south as far as sustained customer traffic. Fitting I heard the jukebox song, “I’ve seen better days …” But the Corona, and not the virus, tasted great for $3 even when ordered at 12:10. However, the bartender said she’d seen enough for the night, and the karaoke-meister packed up early. But for more Mother’s Day music, the Wild Badger has Kevin Lombardo from 4-8 p.m. Next best thing to Guy Lombardo. Cinco stuff still was available and on special on Saturday at Your Local Hometown Grocer, at the same time as their Mom’s Day cupcake walk. And all around New Richmond proper continue to be cool trappings in that vein, with their bright colors and decor, and one even is shown on the (required?) mask of a cabbie. More of that flair is on downtown benches, facing both to and fro, the street his vehicle roams.–

Back to mom: Cole slaw greens and even dressing can be mixed in with a small form. Or if your bowl is oblong, just wallop in a dollop at each end. And lettuce is particularly a part of the package, iceberg is good and romaine is better, and if you’re daring for a bit bolder taste, the sprigs of green like parsley at the end of your celery, but you don’t get that if buying only hearts. And spinach anyone? And one recipe adds that it should be “Boston” lettuce, which is where some of my matriarchs hail from.
Here is a listing of the other ingredients that will show mom you did your homework, in order from the dollop size doses, down to the mere dustings, working with the well-said wonder of Wikipedia and its wonks, with my own adds. To wit: Chicken and/or turkey chunks (watch out for the other white meat), pears, yogurt whether plain or flavored to mesh with what’s listed above, raisins or sliced raisinettes candy, apple juice, orange drizzle and chunks or juice, olive oil, cinnamon, lemon juice and lemongrass, whipping cream, vinegar, black pepper …
May need to make it 1 salad 2. And watch your combos of sauces and juices, don’t overdue with multiples.
As always, other than the above ranking, HudsonWiNightlife leaves it up to you to experiment and come up with your own measurements for the ingredients, (that way we can let you plagarize and make it your own, and it can be our little secret, we promise we won’t tell mom). Just like she never told you about that thing she has … woah, we won’t go there, especially on this, The Eighth. And yes, we do again encourage you to use up what’s already in your fridge (just don’t let mom think you’re being cheap, so hit the store for a thing or two and keep the receipt).

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