Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Traveling reporter Kuralt came for the frog legs, stayed for the tubing, then came back again … and again … and again, to see his new buddy Raleigh

When John Raleigh of Rivers Edge resort fame died the other day, it was a partial death of an era in Somerset, and that time frame also involved the noted traveling TV reporter for CBS, Charles Kuralt. He stopped in one day, on one of his treks through the Midwest, and became enamored with the combination of famous frog legs, tubing before the number of users over-swelled the Apple River, and just plain old charm. What few people know is that Kuralt kept coming back, again and again, to see his new-found friends as he was moved by their work ethic and commitment to customer service, before those terms became overused. I also experienced these in a few visits to write stories, as Raleigh and his family and co-workers (often one and the same) made me feel more than welcome, even though the connection to the family was only third-party. They also made sure that everyone, including myself, got the best possible seat in the house to view the Apple River and its combination of revelry and scenic beauty, which was much more apparent back in those days. All this played out in large form some time ago on New Year’s Eve, (note the timely reference), when I and my crew got a firsthand look, from less then 20 yards away, of tubers doing the annual ritual of braving the cold, and it was bad that night, and dodging an occasional piece of ice, as they rolled on down a frigid but still-rapidly moving, narrow river at midnight, in the dead of the night. With that said, let us remember John Raleigh, without whom none of this would have occurred.

— And what is it with all the prominent deaths that are even more local that keep rearing up their heads, especially as related to North Hudson and places where we all go to keep our minds off such things? One such passing-on even could be seen to have a connection to the Rolling Stones, which gather no moss, and in that way are unlike the blessed headstones of those we truly love. Anyway, enter a friend of the family, Mary Ann Fath, which other than the bigtime religious scrupulousness just sounds too much like Mary Ann Faithfull, (in life and in verse). But Ms. Fath, to the best of my knowlege, never broke up a band.
— And who is that on the cover, and featured with numerous photos on the inside, of a prominent mens magazine? Its none other than the area woman turned perhaps the best skier of al time, Lindsey Vonn. And who does she look like? An old friend of mine who I’ve not seen in years, who used to be a fixture downtown before doing the family thing, and like Vonn was also a fixture in various places around the metro. And what completes the similarity, with a bigger booty included? Throw in a little Nicki Minaj.
— But back to the “ugly” sweater contests … and please take the following gag as a (post) Christmas joke … and be lighthearted about this naughtyness so freely displayed to Santa … and take it in the holiday spirit. This all kicked off in local bars, as far as sweaters in ongoing contests that could be thought of as ugly/cool, (invoke Weezer), way back in November. (Granted on the 29th, not before). On that one there was a clear winner, but the other placings were a point of contention, with ties and what-not. Guess it goes down to the creative use of reindeer and their well-positioned antlers, and at more of a private party, it must be noted that while getting ready to welcome guests at an area bed and breakfast, the lady of the house was well boned in that manner, (just teasing). And then of course there was the contest at the Hudson Bowling Center, where you could actually be dressed head-to-toe with all kinds of tiny-ornament-type-decorations against a single-colored background. All the better to post online, and get more hits than Rudolph reindeer down in Donner’s den. (Sorry about that reference, as I was moved by the likes of Blitzen and Cupid, who I hear are party-hardy in a way over the top way).
— Back to holiday revelry, continuing to play out, that’s less provacative. Hop and Barrel is more than just beer. They are partnering with the local Rotary club to provide Merry Meals, serving as a pickup place where families in need can get a much-needed shot in the arm with food provided for the holidays and onward. Alas, the program has been so successful that the food being provided was full-up and the brewery in mid-December was no longer accepting requests from the public. The price of being over-the-top successful with the need you are covering.
— It apparently was a good, but possibly itchy, day at new years sales. A server all decked out in Santa hat, and half as elf and half as Candy Striper, was having trouble with the bottom of her costume hiking up. So a coworker had to wrap her arms around and make a waistline adjustment. (Not the upcoming Super Bowl halftime-show kind). In that vein, good thing for that apron.
— On a night out, to continue the holiday revelry, there was about a Baker’s Dozen of ladies with exactly the same look dancing at Dick’s. A bit of bountiful booty, higher-rise jeans and even higher waist, all of which makes it better to see you, that peek-a-boo bare midriff.
— With the day just passed, it might be a good time to add this tidbit, on the Christian music side, about a past summer festival. The rythym guitarist wore a shirt that said a one-word name, Bush. Would that be the band, the president who just passed, (makes this timing prudent), or his son who was in office at the time. Then, the speakers went out temporarily, which caused the Church Lady at the mic to speculate, “we must not have prayed hard enough!” Uhm, I don’t think that’s what causes rocking speakers to blow. More surprisingly, this type of reporting caused me to get a tentative bid to sit on a church group Board of Directors, apparently to weigh in on music improvement. Allelulia!
— On the flip side, where money talks even when besting the holiday season of gift-getting and regifting, there was just a big NBA trade involving Sam Dekker, who a few years back was playing college ball at UW-Madison. But some people I know, and got to know him through nursery care, said he’s kind of a jerk. Guess he wasn’t be referenced this past holiday concerning Christmas gifts of Black and Decker power tools, not power forwards. Invoke naughty and nice!

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