Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Very recently, the vaunted Vikings were vanquished not victorious. The response from many of us was a big blah

Despite being at home last weekend against the Bills, some sports fans describe as humdrum the 27-6 final as a more-embarrassing-than-most, Minnesota Vikings loss. And hey, for both teams which is unusual, weather was not a factor:
— Around halftime I wandered from the sports bars in the village to the Freedom Value Center nextdoor to get a couple of things. Said to the clerk, the score was 27-0. She didn’t appear too surprised, and didn’t even ask who at that time actually had the 27!
— Then someone outside of Dick’s Bar and Grill commented on my Packer sweatshirt. Hers was all green and she said I really needed to bring that color more strongly into my wardrobe. It seemed what was being suggested was that I remove any hint of what could be a Viking color (namely gold). Now that indeed is an idea worth its weight in gold, while keeping the greenback money on me for a beer. Interestingly, that same color sceme came up around the time of the season opener with ties worn by myself and others, when my friend Dorothy said purple with gold stripes was the way to go. She’s 95, so I guess I could blame it on her age
— Once inside Dick’s, I asked another friend, who I also have known for years and has been around long enough to see all the pro football comings and goings, what she thought of the latest loss: Didn’t watch and didn’t really care, its boring, she said.
— Lastly, when leaving Dick’s, there was yet another comment about my Green and Gold sweatshirt. A guy from The Cities actually liked it and although a little tipsy, wished me and my team well in the coming week when playing Atlanta. Sorry bud, (as in weiser?), the Pack doesn’t play them until December.

— But Bobblehead-type creates are more current at stores, even though they seem to be holding (swaddling?) a brown baby in their arms rather than a brown football. And at The Village Inn, very nearby, a jokester drew beards and the like on a couple of bathroom advertisement pitchmen. Just like was seen a couple of years ago at The Smilin’ Moose, defacing with spots the fresh faces of the two Irish Ginger sisters hawking a whiskey. All in good fun I say, but one question: What’s with the great big bushy, caterpillar-like eye brows on one of those guys. Go back to art school?

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