Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Walter Kronkite, or is it Charles Kuralt — forming the Double K, wow — might make another trip to Somerset’s streams, if not rolling in his grave, as the Oval Office they used to report on gets even stranger

“And that’s the way it is,” as seen through less then rose colored glasses, and politics aside, I hope I don’t lose any redneck readers (am I being stereotypical, for a joke, we love all you guys?)
The latest in a string of events in Russia, as pertains to our country, was that a high-ranking official shot himself after being found guilty of a serious crime, and too much vodka at the bar. The latest alleged communication — and they all seem alleged — between the two heads of state, on the QT, was that maybe Donald Trump should in some way emulate the deceased … uhm, never mind.
Also lately, there was news that the Daytona 500, with Trump using his executive powers and making a presence in front of his ilk, was being rained out. Does this indeed rain upon his parade … of fired workers and quote your favorite hard rock song about the betrodden? (I’ll take Judas Priest and Breakin’ The Law). After, all is that not what Trump does?
A pub friend of mine says, counter to some of the prevailing thought, that he thinks Jimmy Carter was the worst president of all time. He describes himself as an upper case Libertarian and lower case republican. One would think that would make Carter, being from Georgia, more im-peach-able. Is that kinda like Uncle Mike’s Em Pour E Yum? Sounds like it.
Thus Trump is now acquitted of crimes versus sanity, although his bizarre presidency lives on and becomes stranger, and even the soused can see that. Again thusly, if this doesn’t suggest that Trump and his supporters have difficulty with the language, although of his origin, I don’t know what does. An ad for a group billing themselves as Latinos for Trump, and even that is strange — or am I imagining a late night visit and delivery of this flyer, as if it was a latent post-bar encounter — by in that very flyer another member holding up a sign with that message, although the letter P could not be seen because of another volunteer in the picture. Wait, do I recognize her, from that late night/early morning visit. I’m sure that Hilary was monitoring the resulting action, or am I being paranoid/dated. And this is someone who is not an ordinary volunteer. Ivanka Trump said she would not necessarily sign on as an advisor if the current president is re-elected. Heard she got a better offer from the Ukraine! And was it topped by a member of The First For Now Family having to fess up to some old revealing photos now released. Like that’s a new thing.

And with that in mind, there was something else that needs to be reckoned with, this time a classic rock song. “Carry on my wayward son. There will be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don’t you cry no more.” (Was he is under duress because this is November, and the polls had closed?)
Another miscue, this time in an online ad, said this, that could be seen as a precursor to Trump’s impeachment at a time in office that is unprecedented: “First U.S. presid (first line), could make great again (second line). Actually it wasn’t calling for Trump’s head, rather announcing the first American team in their category to win a presidential fitness award in the country. (And if Trump is indeed involved, it would be as a “sitting”president, and the golf course doesn’t count).
I have a political question for the ages, if not only now. If a redact is redacted, does it mean the original version is what’s left?
As the economy still wavers, tis the season for another restaurant and bar to close. North Hudson had only seen the closure of the small boutique across from the Mallalieu Inn, which saw the demise of a few ventures, and a bank at the other end of town, and an auto shop or two in-between. But now after a great run Season’s bar and grill stands empty, as noted early by an atypical blank sign and comments on social media. As one man said at a local pub, he will really miss that walleye, made several different ways. And the Village Inn appears to have taken advantage of the opportunity, by putting a message on their sign saying simply, “Walleye. Walleye. Walleye.” More on these themes locally will come on this site in short order, like a short order of short ribs.
One more question as alas another rocker has died, someone who crossed boundaries and opened doors to non-metal-heads, even locally. Drummer and song-writer Neil Peart of Rush (not Limbaugh, or we think) has passed on. What struck with me early was that Rush was the favorite band of an editor I worked with for of all things, an area Catholic newspaper. Rush did seem to me to not automatically embrace Christianity, in songs like Free Will. “You can a find a ready guide in some celestial voice. You can choose not to decide, but you still have made a choice. You can choose a steady course and kindness that can kill. I will choose free will.” Lastly, I doubt if they’re embracing the drummer, but a local bluegrass group has long had the name “Pert Near Sandstone.”

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