Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Warm-up to Valentine’s Day brought only a few people in from the cold — the ones who don’t really need it. (Also, wondering about Fat Tuesday? Here’s the skinny)

(Yes Virginia, there is life after Fat Tuesday. Only it may not be New Orleans themed. Now to the movies, as the dark subject inside in Notes From The Beat strays from music, as it is about Black Panther, (and not the past revolutionary group), and not Steel Panther).

Fat Tuesday may have tanked as far as attendance, as is typical in recent years, but don’t use that F word when it comes to treating someone on the day that follows, that being Valentine’s Day.
Or maybe you don’t have a worry about it at all.
A bartender I know, although quite popular with the ladies, said on Tuesday night that even though he’s not that terribly young, he has never been in the midst of a serious relationship when V-Day rolls around. So, again, no worries. Even though there was a tin of chocolates setting on the bar counter (small in size), that ended up being shared with the only two patrons sitting on the other side (both men). Limited attendance was the norm all around town.

Which brings me to the sign outside Season’s Tavern that said optimistically, Love Is In The Air. That replaces the message that was posted for a few days prior, Six More Weeks Of Fun, referring to the groundhog that was challenged to see his shadow a couple of days beforehand. He may have been as challenged with that as all those guys trying to figure out the perfect gift.
Fail at that and you could be left out in the cold. With the way the temps had been — fittingly warming up for Valentine’s Day, and not being so “frigid” — there was a sign posted on the second door to Stone Tap that said because of often sub-zero temperatures, patrons should only use the main door, exactly 25 feet to the south. The place was indeed trying to warm things up by offering a smokin’ hot V-Day menu. For other last-minute of the last-minute gift ideas, see this web site’s Picks of the Week department.
For someone in need of no such help, my friend Mackenzie, there was this to offer near bar time at Pudge’s once V-Day was only a few minutes old. We both wear hugging on our sleeves, and we talked for several minutes about the different kids of hugs and what they mean. The manner in which hands are used in conjunction with someone’s back is everything.

And then there was that Root For The Vikings poster that was still up at Buffalo Wild Wings, referring to their special offer on shared appetizers when Minnesota gets three or more quarterback sacks. Uhm the football season is over, and would be even if the Vikes had made it to the Super Bowl.

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