Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

We don’t really know how a younger best friend died, just one year ago today, but when one looks at our history of being linked at the hip, as some have said about our psychic-ness, one could speculate … If you don’t believe in such, read the ending P.S.

Almost to the day when Danyiel was bartending and I ordered a first drink from her, when I could squeeze in time during her quite busy early-evening shift, she considered me a best friend. We really didn’t spend that much time together — again busy period in both of our lives — but when we did we were inseparable, one might say linked at the hip, although hers were much smaller than mine, and her blonde hair a bit bigger. Those were the days my friend …
Notice the past tense. Danyiel died exactly one year ago. She did not believe in an afterlife, but she has been proven wrong, as I know she is in a good place.
For family reasons she needed to move away from the Hudson area several years ago. Complex situation. Both Danyiel and I discussed the last time we had met up after her 10 p.m. shift ended, that this “separation anxiety,” to use the medical term, would be gut-wrenching. She died on her birthday — it was her 46th and last — a day we normally got together and exchanged greetings and maybe a sentimental but not too mushy card. But importantly, even after an autopsy, the coroner could not explain her cause of death in any medical terms. All I know is that she left this earth way too soon.
She had an uncommon beauty and although a very pleasant demeanor, possessed a slightly rough-edged charm, and was loyal to a fault, to me and others. You didn’t mess with Joe when Danyiel was around. One of the last times I saw her she was in a long flowing gown, on a dress-up holiday.
I had not seen Danyiel for the unusually long time of two weeks when she suddenly went into labor, and the birth was touch and go. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the child’s neck. I was alone at home, then suddenly overcome by a sense of urgent need. During the delivery, I was frozen in place for hours while lying in my bed, with moving muscles hardly possible. But I did not have fear, as I knew my trooper friend would pull through. And at that point, when all was saved and mom mother and child were OK, my spell lifted and I got back on my feet.
A time afterward, a co-worker and I discussed the timing of her situation, and my understanding of the time of birth proved more accurate.
Earlier, a dental procedure had been scheduled. It would be very painful, and considering the fact she was with child, could not have standard anesthesia. I told her the night before that since I was on deadline, and would have to sleep in, and the extraction was set for a ungodly early hour, this would be a great time to prove out my dream and premonition theory. Her response: “You do not need to sell me on this. We both know it occurs.”
Danyiel would on multiple occasions arrive back at home and before the day of cell phones, when land lines where the thing, make the pronouncement: I hurried to get back here, since I know and feel that Joe is going to call very soon. Then two minutes later, I would phone her and she would take my call.
One of those times was on MY birthday, surprise, and the result was Danyiel taking me out for dinner. It was a nice place with great food, but since it was Stillwater Tex-Mex, quite affordable.
Maybe not so much, the vehicle with which she pulled into the driveway, a small and cute and bright red sports car. With plenty of white trim inside, I recall. Danyiel being Danyiel, she had on a bit of a peekaboo top at its bottom end (this was the 1990s). Later, when she stretched to pick up the check, you couldn’t help but notice a bit of bellybutton glancing through. When I saw her and her ride pull up, I chuckled to myself, what would the neighbors think?
Like that matters to me now that she’s gone.
(P.S). The night before I posted this already-set copy, I had a dream about things that include the mortality of another person, which is fitting considering the anniversary that is today. Do readers see a pattern? So here we go again …
A relative, who is a bit older, and I had not seen in years shown forth at length in a dream, in part questioning a series of life choices that could be seen as questionable but in the along haul turned out OK, and where I was along that path. Let’s get together was the message, as all the scenarios involved much earlier times spent with me that even at the golf course, were great fun — like with Danyiel — but also could have transferred into more bittersweet, if fate would have taken the wrong turn. I awoke wondering if sis had reached out about it, concerning someone who upon further review, is like me and deals with things by being introspective and ruminating.
She had late the previous night, and the person was in a serious medical situation. It could cause a demise, although more medically explainable. There you go again and here I go.
Again, on such topics and many other facets of the journey, more in coming posts.

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