Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

What was her attire as if going out on the town (or better yet city). Much like the stripper garb shown after work at any club still open. Hudson has seen such. (But Biden would be sound asleep by that time). And that lady lawmaker was dressed as anything but conservative, in defining the State Of The Union and/or Party. With an attitude shown through her pure spunk like a true diva. Would Hilary get away with that?

The State of the Union got worn with fashion. (And on the topic of what you wear, or don’t, and how one such place fell from grace, at least in the eyes of the ATF … See the Uncategorized department for the inside scoop on how “the butler,” or should I say manager, allegedly did it at the Cajun Club).
But back to Biden. Moreso than the speech itself, things got dressed up in a way that gave wings to the address.
Only via the big flowery fabric extensions well over a foot past the ears, going sideways, of the outfit of a single lady legislator that for good or bad, stole the show. Got a GOP leg up on those bearing standard office attire, a bit frumpy but maybe dressed even more for some types of success.
And of course there was the followup controversy of The Left saying it just wasn’t right, and then the conservatives countering with their counterattack — one that didn’t even attempt to address the issues, at least on the one Fox talk-show-babble-disguised-as-news I saw the next day. She was shown wearing a necklace of dozens of huge pearls, and saved the day, fashionwise maybe, by not making them or orange or the new black. Make the same mistake twice? Or just stick it back in your face.

— Oh no I did it again. But this time its possible that I am not the only one to blame. Here-to-fore the group that lists themselves as off-the-wall, The Sheet Rockers, is at the Willow River Saloon in Burkhardt tonight (Friday). They would seem to have a day job, and everyone wants things done now these days, so a bit of overtime? And pull an Axl Rose and be late going onstage? Sounds as plausible as the need for rock ballads. So? Can still catch them tonight if you happen to be in the Hudson area? Or blame the (late) messenger? —

Back to that dress, that thankfully or there would be more criticism, was not a mini-skirt, has been compared to everything under the Hollywood lemon yellow sun — even Big Bird — but the Bumblebee movies of Transformer type. Just like that multi-segment window brusher of those colors on sale at Walmart, with winter waning, of just over ten bucks. A friend back in the ’80s bought the same type of dress, with huge puffed-up shoulders just past the collarbone, just that the color of hers was pink meets purple. A different and more adventure sometime in style.
I personally do not care if it was more flashy than functional for such an event, except for the message being sent. This is not a winged extravaganza seen while on the model runway; if there is a time to be stately and buttoned up but showing frugality, this is it. For it’s your tax dollars at work, although maybe indirectly, that there even is such an event, in a time where everyday consumers are struggling to make ends meet, and the GOP blasting Biden for the bad situation. Just go to Walmart, or at least Target, for your cool new outfit and donate a bit of the savings to charity, (or God forbid to either side of the border crisis). And can you get a discount if you forego a few feathers. More dough for the poor, or the wallet compartment of your party purse.
So this dress was an end run, seeming to avoid dealing with, or be oblivious to, the current state of the union. But there also should be a comparison to the huge galas of presidential inauguration — by the Dems too in a way that could be a missed opportunity to prove a political point — but these were times of a great celebration of change, that in truth would never come, rather than what have you done for me in the last year. And I thought Obama really missed out an opportunity for he and his ilk to party like the common man. Should be pink lemonade, maybe sans liquor, rather than pink champagne on ice as they strive to help us buy little pink houses, with what they do at the White House.
But back to the banter after the State of the Union:
On a Fox News opinion show, all they could talk about while holding a metamorphic hanky was what they called unfair blasting of That Dress in the press, and in particular the talk on The Talk show. After all, doesn’t she who wore it know she’s in the public eye at a prominent event, and making catcalls to interrupt the now prez to boot. But they never cited a single quoted phrase, not even to cherry-pick, so one assumes this complaining was much to do about nothing. Just gave them something to say, when there really is nothing to say.
I hate to think about the venom that would be brought forth if a Democrat wore such a thing. Hilary would be reviled for many more days before the likes of Fox would let the story become yesterday’s news.
And are not these same critics in the party that is trying to push through rules banning women from wearing something that’s not enough of something. No bare arms, and many other such varying measures that discard measurements, in the few states floating it through. Would hate to see, in these very red states, just what the riders are. No casual day at the office anymore. Will those skinny jeans get you written up? And who makes that enforcement decision?
Slim-sleeved T-shirts out also? Or what about banning muscle shirts, for women? Traditional roles? And are collars close enough to save the day, if not the country? Varies state by state and their legislative leeway of the moment. But could be good to block such skin-wear friendly garb on the oldsters of the Supreme Court, right now more federal than state, as in Wisconsin, so we won’t enter into it with the recent winner Janet. They on that truest High can compensate with the length of their robes.
What’s next, bring back the Victorian era where you couldn’t even show ankle, much less leg or — horrors –the start of butt crack? And we won’t even talk about face veils. After all, being a guy in the age of Tiktok, I can safely say that the right to show bare arms isn’t anywhere of concern on my list of T&A faves. Although I have a couple of bartender friends who have two of the most stately and shapely arms and shoulders you’ll find. I hope making that compliment is PC. Maybe just keep it to myself, or put it on my PC.
It has been noted that the men in the House, legislatively, have long been required to have on suit and tie as per rules of decorum. What if they keep too many shirt buttons open. Would the Speaker ask them to step outside?
Yes there are the ladies in those Bond movies who are not dressed for the office, unless that office is backstage of the fashion runway. But look at James himself. Killing not only the bad guys, while wearing that tux, but with leeway to change it up.

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