Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

What’s in a name? When it’s on a ballot. Before further election recaps, and me taking pause for a bit, here’s a lighter-hearted look at lots of those listed. Or rather a short list, as a straw poll.

On Wednesday, it was almost 5 a.m. in Central Standard Time that I got an email from my editor and friend at Associated Press, out in New York, closing the books in my election day stringer work for them. So it was a long night for all of us.

Including Donald Trump, who was said to look very tired while camping out in Mar-a-Lago, while I’m sure servants were attending to his every need. Get used to it. But One thing is sure: The dictatorship of America has begun.

So now that I’m rested, I’m going to write this one last post on all things political, then give it a rest for a bit and turn my scribeship to another topic or two. But I will return, with the analysis you have come to expect, explaining why some of the key races went the way they did and why the messages touted took root. I will now take a bit of a more favorable turn to the Republicans.

But before we get heavy, let’s have humor. Several silly asides about the names of people who had been running, and thus a play on words …

In Texas, where there is a little ol’ band, there was also a little ol’ candidate by the name of Allred. Who’s as Blue as a Democrat gets. The joke is obvious.

But I must now go down to the Milwaukee area, where you could see almost in the same yard, signs for candidates not alone, but by both the names of LuAnn and Lucia. Not common ones like Bill and John. LuAnn was said by her opponents to be a little Lunar, but I don’t really think so. More on that later. But the main difference between the two aforementioned names is the presence of an “i.” I’d kept my “eye” on those races. 

Then there was a man by the name of Maxey. Or in the same town it coulda been Maley, who (also) used to be my editor, at the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, until I maxed out their stringer money.

And by the surname of Steil. And there was also a Stein running for High Office. That should play well in Milwaukee, I thought. But if you were down south a bit in Sweet ol’ Chicago, it could be Steer. Or looking to the east, in Detroit, Steel.

And one man named Van Orden. Methinks he had to be running on a law and order platform.

The reincarnation, again in Minnesota, of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Warren Burger? No, actually, the man from the same state by that name’s running for a different office.

No joke, unless made one, there was a man in Washington County, named Scottie Junker by having a recognizable nickname, running under the tagline of “Cutter for Commish.” Running of course for commissioner? Probably not a liberal spender.

Lastly, someone I dealt with Tuesday night, running again for St. Croix County clerk. Christine Hines. Not a Pretender, like the singer Chrissie Hynde.

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