Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

When Biden speaks, the jaw reflection in the mirror is jumbled and thereby “lies,” to paraphrase the (more apt these days than that contrived comparison) metal lyrics of Living Colour. Or, a bit more precisely, his history is simply … sta-sta-stuttering now and then, with a few occasional supplementary side effects, and that’s all that’s really at work here, oh disability doubters. —– And at Hideaway, 7-10 becomes 4-20, so see the Picks of the Week department.

Now in all the (final?) days, all the twists and turns about if he is the one. (But “nearly clearly” not Ironman.) Although the prime time stuttering status was much stronger the Day After, speakingly speaking.
I will make it more clear. We are talking about The Not-So-Great Debate. And not Dio vs. Ozzy as who is The Priest in Sabbath.
OK, all this comes down to one thing, the way I see it. President Biden has or had a problem with stuttering. Many kudos for him to overcome it, mostly, early in life. But you could see small remnants of it during virtually all points of his political career.
I speak from, again, a standpoint of someone with a serious neurological disorder. As stuttering is all about the neurons, and such people are not morons, as Biden has been painted of late. All this has very little to do with mental acuity.
Neurological problems may have one, or more, in their most major implications, but these tend to spill out in other smaller but related ways. People may have noticed his slightly stilted and forward-leaning posture when walking to the stage, where he didn’t shake Trump’s apparently strong and golden golf hand. As he putters.

— Now I follow, with themes also patriotic? What was seen going into and during the weekend of The Fourth, beyond the usual RWB banners, new in shape, suddenly up everywhere?
Onboard booking it through Boardman, I spied a U.S. flag about 50 feet in the air. How? It was dangling just below the top of a crane! My driver said about the owner of that farmstead, he must own a construction company too. Uncle Sam cried uncle, he could never be that tall.
Spaced on the high end of a lawn where there used to sit a scuba shop, now scuttled, are the words of the holiday spelled out like the Hollywood sign — and an even longer string of more such glitzy decals. Interesting as I wrote this, I was listening to the band System of a Down, who often mocks such glitz. In their video, their own band name was spelled out on a (small) stage, sitting empty until the first verse (then back to that for the final) of the video, when the band suddenly appeared. Are they mocking themselves? Our country as a whole could learn something from them, a lesson in humility.
On the night of The Fourth itself, a big bucket was turned over downtown after being barreled over, spilling dirt on the sidewalk. By the next day it was righted, and dirt swept away. Hey, maybe the first action was taken by the two babes I saw, scantily clad, but all in RW and B colors?
Were they also at the Wild Badger? It was originally going to be closed on The Fourth, with karaoke moved to Wednesday night, but then plans were changed when it was announced that there would be rain, even though crooners could see a sign or two on the wall announcing the former status. Could things be changed again, I wondered while in song, if the rains did not come?
I hope your Fourth was held open. JW. —

And the fact that Biden is getting older may make this neurology and tic play out more. And that he had a cold could even play into it, although granted, if the way it would do so is fickle enough to be anything beyond moderate, now that might be a real concern. We all have to just muddle through at times, but if you are a politician, it is expected that there are no days off, or off days.
I personally don’t put much stock in if someone walks stiff, or stammers on a few words, and even if they need to gather their thoughts for a moment, or possibly if they must occasionally regroup. I would rather have someone take a moment and then say something thoughtful, even if not enunciated well, rather than be like Trump and go off halfcocked (in the moment, as that’s where he tends to live) and say something ignorant and flat-out wrong.
Likewise, I have never had a problem with a politician changing his position on an issue, when new information comes to light, or if he or she becomes further enlightened. When this is described as flipflopping, it is an illustration of all that is wrong with our discourse.
And I see this as running a non-parallel course. Nobody gave a shit when Reagan’s brain was basically on life support (check out the great Genesis music video that my lower-case-R republican friend Tom hates) and Nancy was running the country based largely on astrology. I guess that wasn’t that bad, as Russia, as I believe it was then still called, never was able to blow us away. I fear more from Trump as he is almost an octogenarian too. Great big debt deficits, to use a term, all around. And gaffes on all sides. Why did Biden not counter them, mental snappiness aside? There were so many lies being thrown out by Trump, at the speed of a Slayer song with less accuracy, where does a politico even start?
And back to Biden, not his accuracy but acuity, one wonders if the national stuttering association would chime in with a supporting brief.
In my own case, I can have a silver tongue, especially when first meeting people such as on a first date, but there are more rare times that I can barely compose a sentence. You can’t always pull yourself up by your bootstraps, at least not all the time or on command, but when you master such neurology you can do wonderful things.
So my solution to this who-is-president mess? Give Biden another four years, not more of course, but have him evaluated monthly by an unbiased doctor of the people’s choice (does this mean another election?) and specific specialty. And don’t do a Trump and cherry-pick a doctor beholden to you, and hey, why not test him too? And if his intelligence is ranked so high, as claimed, why does he not provide us with an IQ number?
People of both their ages can slip rather quickly, so not just do a quarterly exam. Meanwhile, such an advisor could help them get all their ducks in a row.

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