Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

When is a name just a name, especially when it comes to states, and who plays the proper music during “reviews,” of say the latest controversial play call (and we’ve had many)

What is this about Vikings and a Moose and all things Minnesota, except for Awiszus:
— Ziggy’s in Hudson is not just about music, especially these kind of tunes. During the Viking season kick-off party this Sunday, they will be playing stadium music during all commercials. And we’re assuming during the referee play-getting-right calls, and there have been many in these parts, all around last-second touchdown passes, from the infamous Drew Pearson push-off, to across the river, the Seattle debacle.
— At Smilin’ Moose, they will be extending their summer outdoor music slate with some acoustic band names you just gotta give a whole lotta love: We start with Steve A-wis-zus, with the hyphens inserted for effect because of the state we are in, on early Friday evening; followed by Brady Lille, who I’m assuming can show that even lilly white boys can sing the blues and beyond, on Saturday early evening; and lastly Brian Dickenson, quite unlike the metal sung by his namesake, but still cool, on Sunday afternoon.

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