Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Whether it be the best stylings of country, the British Invasion, or Motown, you can find it under one roof this weekend

A new club continues its invasion of the downtown Hudson scene with a series of bands, including a Beatles-led swarming:
— Ziggy’s is boasting three acts that are very different from each other, on three straight nights. First off, on Thursday night, is country band Tim Sigler, who will perform at Ziggy’s each time that weekday comes around, as a coup over the rest of the Hudson scene and the Smilin’ Moose in particular. On Friday, its the Lee Jiggs Invasion, covering all sorts of music from — you guessed it — the British Invasion that helped introduce the US to rock ‘n roll.Then Saturday its A-Nutha Level, a variety band that performs various genres from soul music (they look the part) to jazz, and blues to country.
— Make your bucks count, for a very happy hour, three-fold. At the Village Inn in North Hudson its $1.75 for a Miller Lite and only a buck for other drinks during the early evening weekdays. At Dick’s service industry night each Monday, its a buck off drinks and two bucks off specialty in-the-bar pizzas for not just a limited off-time, but all the way from 10 p.m. to close. And at Azul Tequila, they do up the timing end even more and have happy hour all day, which just might make people forget about their already great new menu.

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