Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Why can’t we find Joe? As to see him is a site (sic). And why the double spacing (this computer won’t accept it) that we thought went out of style since the end-of-sentence (hyphens save the day) bygone days of the old typewriter?

Hey Hudson, your own HudsonWiNightlife is doing a community service for … HudsonWiNightlife.
A few of you long-suffering try to find my website patrons, have written to say they can’t locate it at times, on their social media device. The answer is out in space, that is as far as the spacing is concerned.
As usual, Joe has to explain his joke. If you enter that website name and use a space or two, it may or may not call up. Try entering it in all one string, sans spaces. (And case sensitive does not appear to be an issue, this case).
To take it a step further, there are 61 and growing followers on my Nextdoor online “group” for the Village Of North Hudson, but somehow, there was a space inserted into the heading they have listed, just one, into the string. This does not appear to be problem in this specific case. But if you are one of those few, just in case …
And also, there are a select few social media devices that will not pick me up! Bad joke. But to continue that joke, if you are having trouble, ask the cutie next to you if you could look me up on their device. Conversation starter. And try to be as well versed as you can — although this is getting ahead of ourselves — on the punch line. If it flies with them, you have my permission, minus all those unnecessary disclaimers as I’ll cull them out since reading my website can be that important … and if the humor tanks, likewise, just blame it on me. One more community service, to hook you up and stay connected!

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