Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Yes, Wal-Mart and the like list the number of pieces of candy in their online ads. But Family Fresh gives you the sheer number of ounces — up to a whopping 97! — so you can max out your buying strategy, My Pretty!

There are good witches and bad witches, or both, and they can be naughty or nice, or both at the same time. The same is true of the places you can get your Halloween candy.
My wife — guess which one she is — and I love Halloween and spooking trick-or-treaters with a decked out front yard that attracts hundreds. She insists on not just giving out the bite size, meaning that we are considered the coolest house of them all for Halloween treats. Bigger can be better. Which is where Family Fresh in River Falls and New Richmond, too, come in. Their competitors that have prices in the ballpark, from what can be visually checked in their online ads, even the big boys like Wal-Mart, only give the number of pieces in a big bag. You can’t see listed a total number of ounces that are contained in the bag, or visually check the sizes of those pieces that are in the bag because the colored decore on the plastic obscures you from seeing anything. Maybe to be that primo haunted house you want to give two, or three pieces, so how much do you need to buy? You can’t make your strategy by looking at their online ads. And the number of ounces in those bags Family Fresh offers is up to a whopping 97!
And to boot, you have options for a size that’s a bit over medium at a better price, and they don’t. They are either overly huge or all, as in small, or nothing — and nothing in between. So you can see why Family Fresh is a true friend of HudsonWiNightlife. Mike’s Ride Share also is, so remember that when being out and about, and need a quick and reliable way home, or to a motel. Call (763) 242-5685. And as they both say, be safe out there!

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