Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

You can call them beads, or you can call them music beats, as old beatniks and other stalwarts may have gone as stale as beads before Lent, but there still is (with the added song sequel posted Down Below) to be found Good For Gary News, and The Voice comes to the area after alt as an alteration (but be vigilant in timing when hitting the villages and beyond)

This is a sequel, or should I say prequel, to the post that follows and references that holiday of holidays before Lent arrives — down to the minute these curfew days with the music. Fat Boy Slim? Seems that is the wording, as Fat Tuesday continues to slowly fade from the scene like disco, as an example, but there still are moments where the unclothed flesh — to use a religion term — shines through (more on that in a later post). So the skinny on this is that the technically sound guitarist of the band that blazed in the Hudson area a few years back, for the aptly named this month, The New Skinny, has put his show on the road to Shooters in River Falls. But not for lack of trying, can they crack a gig at (below) Ziggy’s in Hudson? Managers there seem coy to somewhat portly men, as this is not a Boy Band.

There again was little of the beads and such that formerly, but not formally, were characterized by bar life earlier in the week just prior to Lent, but moving forward, as far as even timing of performances, there is an oldie but goodie at Ziggy’s IN HUDSON. Make a note of that, Good For Gary at 8 p.m. until closing hours later on Saturday, Feb. 20. This hour of eight thus beats Minnesota and its area by being old stalwarts (not stalemates?) Their Stillwater branch featured earlier in the evening and weekend alt man Tony Williams, who looks the part with all his tattoos if not the name, likewise but again, earlier when playing Stillwater. There to follow is then Adam Pearce (again maybe alt but this time because of the name?) hailing from The Voice, on Saturday, again at 6:30 p.m., to start across the river. But the Hudson area has long been a haven with such network vocal stars, usually gorgeous blond lead singers, and thus has beaten the heck out of it throughout almost all of the Cities. And at T-Buckets to the north, there is also live music and then karaoke, two-fer for music muscle made in addition to their 3-for-1 happy hour. And catch Rubber Monkey at Big Guys BBQ, halfway there, beforehand?
<The tale of the Twin Cities tape>
Among the meanderings At The Edge Of (Bar) Time, as Hudson servers have called their mates in North Hudson when the often unruly overflow from Minnesota starts moving northward, Starr’s Bar has settled in at a 12:30 shut down time on all seven days, (although if they are extremely busy they seem to flow with it). They at peak times have seen an almost overflow crowd, as if they needed that anyway based on their status as a relatively new go-to venue. So there is regularly, and especially on weekends, a need seen to staff another server or two beyond that same usual number of bartenders, and even a bouncer, who told me he can also double as wait staff or table cleaner — all the while with eyes in back of his head, the better to see things by … And the other village clockings have taken the lead with earlier than usual closings as a show of cooperation — and spite the extra sales.

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