Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

You will have it all at — fitting name of host bar — The Gaslite: Chili feed over more than one day and the band Hit Faced, as they double up days and fit their billing, with crossover country, dance/funk and even disco! And Lennon and Led Zeppelin?

With the likes of Zepp, whose namesake band was known for playing all sorts of this and that, you know there will be musical diversity.
Join Brian Zepp of KQRS from 6-8 p.m. at the St. Croix Valley Riders 31st annual chili feed on Saturday, Sept. 11th.
This Ellsworth motorcycle outing is held at The GasLite Bar and Grill.
This is a 21-plus event. The motorcycle activities will include a bike show on Friday night, free chili and more. Camping will be available, just see their website photo for spaciousness, and it is encouraged for those who want to spend the full weekend.
Hit Faced will be the band, in a two-faced way – and that’s a good thing. The favorite rockers and more will be at The Feed for two straight nights, Thursday and Friday.
Let them tell it: “Spanning over four decades of music and covering material from the most recent pop to classic rock, Hit Faced also covers over a dozen ‘crossover country’ artists as well as ‘dance/funk’ and even some ‘disco’. Finally you can hire a band that is as musically diverse as your audience is. Old, young, dancers, pop music fans, cowboys and rockers and even headbangers will all find something to enjoy spread throughout the show.”

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