Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

You’ll be able to see the difference as Frost Your Tits Off cycle rally meets balmy temps

Its the new kid on the motorcycle rally block, but she doesn’t look like your kid sister.
Taking its place alongside the male-reference Frost and Unfrost Your Nuts runs is the second annual Frost Your Tits Off rally, even though this is still very early in October and the temps are expected to be quite balmy.
The woman drawn in the flyer seen about the various nightspots around town is quite busty, fitting the part, for the event that’s scheduled to start at noon Sunday, leaving the ample parking lot at Big Guys BBQ Roadhouse. Other stop-in places locally include the Village Inn in North Hudson and Uncle Mike’s Em Pour E Yum in the town of Hudson near the truck stop.
Also now jumping into that game is Season’s Tavern in North Hudson, where they expect 15 to 30 patrons from the run, depending on weather conditions — expect it to be warm and dry — and they can enjoy the number of the usual day-time specials that cater to the Bloody Mary crowd. These patrons also, like most stops on the route, are eligible to win gift cards via a raffle drawing. Last year’s attendance at Season’s was on the upper end of that couple-dozen range. The cyclists usually stay for an hour or two at such places, then venture on to the next stop. This rally is different than many because the participating stops are all within a few miles of each other, with the Season’s south end of North Hudson being an apex, and are scooter and moped friendly for the main drag. The run nears a conclusion, again, over at Big Guys BBQ and those venturing late to Dick’s Bar and Grill get various food and drink specials.
All profits are donated to charity, and entry shirts are $75 on the day of the rally.

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