Hudson Wisconsin Nightlife

Is it the season for Packer airmail? Rodgers, say sports bar viewers

With Packers viewed to be back on track, such success just might be enforced by the sexy “Crue” cop who sauntered in days later, flashing (her badge):

— When Packer quarterback Aaron Rodgers cast his game-winning touchdown heave with time expired in a recent Thursday contest, the responses around town were, so to speak, uniform. A Green Mill patron uttered in simple disbelief, “shaddup,” which was followed by the bartender, in a Rodgers jersey no less, saying “I almost peed my pants!” Too much (now postgame) commentary.
Meanwhile, the Village Inn in North Hudson was said to have “exploded” in cheers at the time of the win, led by some people who say they usually don’t get that boisterous. Bartender Anna, who was still beaming a couple of hours after the final whistle, disclosed at that time that she’d, gasp, been a Viking fan before starting work at The Village.
— A trio of people walked into Green Mill, one dressed as a sexy cop, to the point that her badge got noticed. She said the garb was, fittingly, from going to a Motley Crue concert, one of the band’s last before calling it a career, and that she and a friend were brought up on stage. Oh yeah, the concert? “Everything was awesome,” she said.
— Thus far, there have been only two winners among the dozens playing the “35” board game at Green Mill, which has patrons winning if their designated NFL team gets exactly that many points. According to Randy, one of the regular players, this isn’t as easy as it sounds, as it almost always involves scoring exactly five touchdowns — if there is even one field goal, not to mention a safety or missed extra point — you have about as much chance to win as the Vikings when Christian Ponder was quarterback. (And oh, as a late addition, the season’s recent week 13 appeared to be lucky as there was a third “35” winner at The Mill).
— When the insurance commercial featuring the band Europe and their song Final Countdown was discussed at Dick’s Bar and Grill, the song just like that was played on the jukebox. The group shooting darts at the time referenced the fact that in the ad, the time to cook a burrito was being counted down, and that this might translate to the pizzas that were in the cue at the time. Just like that, the pizza making cooker dinged to signify that a pepperoni laden favorite was indeed done. Was this psychic pizza or mystic pizza? You decide.
— Along those lines, this series of observations about TV by Steve at Woody’s in Bayport, who apparently has too much time on his hands to spend there (while he could also be hunting): An on-tube family could be seen living off the land and in rags, but they have the money to use a barge and the needed vehicles to get all their equipment there. Their kids are seen wearing designer T-shirts, but where are all the malls? Stuff worth thousands of dollars is left behind in storage, so why not sell it instead of letting the unit go? And, this being the kicker for someone from Minnesconsin, can reality show stars in some remote areas of states, and needing to eat, hunt deer for all 12 months, even if they don’t have a license?
— There is Curry in the house at Green Mill Grill and Bar, in more ways than just flavoring food. As the Golden State Warriors are making their record run in terms of consecutive victories, a patron wore a jersey about the pro basketball team’s star guard by that name, as both kinds are hot. Just so happens that Stephan had scored 44 points on that particular night. Maybe its a good thing the deadeye shooter isn’t named after any of the parsley, sage, rosemary and tyme series of spices made famous by a Paul Simon song. (Particularly the rosemary. But possibly better, The Time). And as another late addition, the Warriors streak was snapped by none other than your Milwaukee Bucks, using their long arms like antlers to get in the faces of Golden State three-point shooters.
— What to do now if you’re Dennis4Tennis, the area’s most persistent netminder, since there was a Thanksgiving snow and the courts had been covered? You bypass the Twin Cities and accept a gig in Fargo, where there is a big indoor tennis center. This fits in well, also, because of an event there featuring one of his environmental causes, not to mention opportunities for a night on the town. He met up with one such colleague from the Hudson area, by chance, in Fargo and they took in a favorite tribute band, patterned after the 100th anniversary of Frank Sinatra’s birth. Except that the singer was Korean. That considered, he’d better stick to radio and not do videos.

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